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Presentation by Anton Anikeev
Edward Regan Murphy was born
on 03/04/1961 in New York in a
wealthy family. His father - a police
officer - died when Eddie was 8 years
old. The stepfather early said
about Eddie Murphys acting
talent. Eddie was 15 years old when
he played in youth clubs as an
actor with the author's miniatures.
Eddie Murphy quickly became
leading position in a famous TV
show. He was twice nominated for
the award Emmy. Although it
hasnt been awarded
to him, Eddies fame grew. He
made the audience laugh to
tears, and parodies in his
performance were very popular.
Eddie Murphy debuted in the film in 1982 in
a police movie "48 Hrs.. He breaks into the
film and stunning the audience by a
comedic skill. His hero
is constantly chattering, gesticulating and
rolling his eyes, so causes laught of the
The peak of Eddie Murphys
popularity was in the second half of
1980-s, when he acted in very
successful films Beverly Hills Cop
and Beverly Hills Cop II. In the
same years Eddy played the role
himself in a comedy film Eddie
Murphy Raw. Murphy used a lot of
strong language in this film and
because of it the audience
differently accepted the film.
Personally I like to watch films with Eddy Murphys acting for his plastic, mimicry, charm
and of course for his perfect sense of humor. The film in which Eddie uses all of
these properties "Meet Dave." This is one of my favorite films and I found him very funny
because of his acting.
His dazzling and wide, like a Studebakers radiator, smile and a luxury-
like donkey shout, laugh like a announcement of how he is full of life C Washington Post
about Eddie Murphy
Eddie murphy

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Eddie murphy

  • 2. Edward Regan Murphy was born on 03/04/1961 in New York in a wealthy family. His father - a police officer - died when Eddie was 8 years old. The stepfather early said about Eddie Murphys acting talent. Eddie was 15 years old when he played in youth clubs as an actor with the author's miniatures.
  • 3. Eddie Murphy quickly became leading position in a famous TV show. He was twice nominated for the award Emmy. Although it hasnt been awarded to him, Eddies fame grew. He made the audience laugh to tears, and parodies in his performance were very popular.
  • 4. Eddie Murphy debuted in the film in 1982 in a police movie "48 Hrs.. He breaks into the film and stunning the audience by a comedic skill. His hero is constantly chattering, gesticulating and rolling his eyes, so causes laught of the viewer
  • 5. The peak of Eddie Murphys popularity was in the second half of 1980-s, when he acted in very successful films Beverly Hills Cop and Beverly Hills Cop II. In the same years Eddy played the role himself in a comedy film Eddie Murphy Raw. Murphy used a lot of strong language in this film and because of it the audience differently accepted the film.
  • 6. Personally I like to watch films with Eddy Murphys acting for his plastic, mimicry, charm and of course for his perfect sense of humor. The film in which Eddie uses all of these properties "Meet Dave." This is one of my favorite films and I found him very funny because of his acting. His dazzling and wide, like a Studebakers radiator, smile and a luxury- like donkey shout, laugh like a announcement of how he is full of life C Washington Post about Eddie Murphy