Parents teach a teen yard duty. How to operate the "Edger" safely, continuously and easily. Ok, ok, this little module was created for the CFO (Chief Family Officer aka Mom) and produced with the good will and laughing participation of the teen. The instruction is behavior modification oriented. The behaviors in need of modification are two fold: 1. the teen dressing ostensibly in beach wear, and; 2. upon malfunction of the tool, dropping the machine where it quit and retiring to his bedroom.
1. If you have a concern about your schedule, health, or the weather;
what should you do first?
a) Abandon the trimmer and retire to your bedroom without telling a soul.
b) Ask Papa, he thinks that working through difficulties strengthens character.
c) Ask Mama, she is soft-hearted and loves you more than anyone in the world.
2. If there is a problem with the edger or obstacles that require two people to move;
what should you do first?
a) Ask Mama for help. Heavy lifting and mechanical issues may frustrate her,
but it builds character.
b) Abandon the trimmer and retire to your bedroom without telling a soul.
c) Ask Papa, he can fix anything and loves quality time with you.
#2: Content Model: Informative (the answer to a question that they will have in the future from a customer or for themselves) or Impactful (behaviour modification)? Keep in mind that some personalities do not need to be motivated by fear or greed. Short, informational instruction is assimilated and deployed simply because it is naturally agreeable. (ADA flossing report, summary: 75% just need to be instructed on proper technique and they will perpetuate that for a lifetime).
If impact intending, ADDIE (1950's) OR AGILE (1970's) or something else SOLO (2016)?
Content: Actual photos? (What will *engage* my audience most?) for the execs? for the balboa? Pics? Cartoons? emojis only? Anime?
Transparent and trackable: short term and long term
#3: For your safety: (footware, earware: earplugs, not earphones, eyeware, silverware - jewelry/watch damage).
Can't find safety equipment? Just ask me, it's easy!
What if you can't see me to ask me? Call me! Text me! Ask Mama. Call mama! Text Mama! It's easy!
#4: Public Safety, Are the bunnies in their cages? Are the siblings out of harm's way? Are toys (including chew toys), hoses and other obstacles out of harms way? If not, just move them, it's easy!
Need help with anything? Like moving the trampoline? Just ask me, it's easy!
#6: Center: Children = Yep. In fact, if you only remove the children, Ill forgive the injuries inflicted upon everything else on this list. Be extra vigilant regarding the young ones, they roam wild and free. Undoubtedly the most precious asset of our household yet the most unpredictable aspect of your work.
Top Right Corner: Toys of children = Yep.
Bottom Right Corner: Personal Media Device = Totally up to you. But dont ask for another for Christmas.
Bottom Center: The Dog = Dont bother; hes scared to death of the edger. Hell run to the opposite side of the yard the minute you start it up.
Bottom Left: The Lawn = It stays because it needs to be trimmed.
Top Left: The Bunnies = Yep.
#7: Retrieve the easiest edger in the world from the hooks anchored into the side of the garage.
#8: Top off the fuel (on the cement, as shown here) and add string if needed.
#10: Operator issues? Your well-being is of upmost importance. If you have a personal concern when starting the project, please let it be know. Examples may include: a calendar conflict, feel suddenly ill, are injured, or are worried about weather conditions. How do you get consideration for these matters? It's easy! Just ask Mama. Can't find, call, text or reach mama? Find Papa! It's easy!
#11: Execution: What if the edger quits and you don't know why? Take it to a safe, dry and level spot to try to restart it: Check the fuel, mechanical head for entanglements, spark plug connection, put your power of deduction to the test and see if you can figure it out.
Can't figure it out? No worries, give the pull-starter handle several good pulls. Try it with full choke, half choke, and no choke. If it doesn't start after your best efforts, find me and ask for help, it's easy!
I love to be the "fixer wixer." It will give us some quality time together, and if I'm lucky, maybe I can share a few tips and tricks that will save you future frustration. In short time, you will become the master of the machine. When you train your little brother to edge, any problems he encounters you will be able to handle as well as I can, and maybe better. Being the solution to a difficult situation commands the admiration of siblings, parents, neighbors, strangers, friends, and is especially attractive to young ladies that are your age. When they ask you how you did it, you'll say, "it's easy!"
#12: KEY:
Q1: c
Q2: c
Even when we dont know the answer, statistics teach us to choose c.
#13: Stow it. You will know exactly where to find it next week. Isnt that EASY?
#14: This is the hand-tool that trims the edges in under-developed communities (this one was found in Hawaii). Compared to this method, what we do is SO EASY!