This short document introduces Priyanka Pradhan who is presenting and has an M.Tech in software engineering from SRMSCET. It asks if there are any queries and thanks the audience.
Proprietary Standards- Standard used in a single system
National and Industry Standards - standard used in a single Country or Industry
International Standards – Standard used world wide
UCS (Uniform Communication Standard) devised by Grocery Segment and adopted by other retail sectors.
TDI (Trade Data Interchange ) for warehousing
ODETTE (Organization for Data Exchange by Tele Transmission in Europe) for automobile industry
DISH( Data interchange for Shipping)
X400 MHS (message handling System)- Store and forward nature, and generation of delivery reports.
X435s special upgrade standard for handling EDI messages.
EDI Translators perform the imp. Function of translating business data from company specific formats to standard formats and vice versa.
A third party network performing services beyond the transmission of data. For example, VANs provide mailbox, data security, and data archiving services. Many also offer e-mail services.