This document discusses Purdue University's approach to academics for student-athletes. It explains that Purdue demands excellence from athletes both on and off the field. The Inter-collegiate Athletic Facility (IAF) aids student-athletes in their studies by providing tutoring sessions and space for extended work. If a student-athlete's GPA falls below 3.0, daily tutoring is mandatory. The IAF offers various study locations and plays a major role in Purdue's success in developing student-athletes.
6. Purdue demands the best out of athletes on and off the field. Therefore, Student-Athletes rely on the Inter-collegiate Athletic Facility (IAF) to aid them in their studies.
7. At the IAF student-athletes engage closely with tutors. At the end of each session, the tutors fill out a form that tracks the student¡¯s progression.
8. Students-athletes have access to the IAF throughout the day. This allows for students to work profusely for extended periods of times.
9. If the student-athlete is below the required 3.0, it is mandatory for the student to meet with a tutor everyday of the week.
10. Whether it is working in small groups or focusing on one-on-one attention, the The IAF offers an array of study locations.
11. All in all, the IAF is a positive place for student-athletes to catch up on work, get help with work, or just hang out and past by time. The IAF has played a major role in continuing Purdue¡¯s identity on raising successful student-athletes.
12. Work Cited:Purdue University Women's Tennis. 2010. Photograph. West Lafayette, IN. Web. 27 June 2010. <>.Vellinger, Dick. Purdue Football Game. Photograph. Purdue University Athletics, West Lafayette, IN.Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan with Map. 1937. Photograph.GeorgePalmer Putnam Collection of Amelia Earhart Papers. Web. 25 June 2010.>.