This document contains a quiz hosted by Jay Rana on April 3rd, 2020 about topics related to history, culture, and current events. It includes 15 multiple choice questions on subjects like art, famous figures, idioms, and inventions. The questions are part of a COVID-19 lockdown quiz series conducted live on Facebook. Answers are provided at the end along with the names and scores of the top quiz participants.
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General Quiz #9 Jay Rana #QOVID-21 Quiz Series
1. #QOVID-21
Everyday 7:30 pm*
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Guest QM – Jay Rana
2. #QOVID-21
Thank you Jay Rana!
For hosting on 3rd April 2020
.com/HomeRun.Quizzes+91 86002 80168
3. From the set of quizzes we
conducted on Facebook LIVE
during the COVID-19 lockdown..
have a look and let us know how
you find them!
Answers at the end of the quiz!
4. #QOVID-21Q1.
.com/HomeRun.Quizzes+91 86002 80168
• A particular museum in Stockholm
features an old red-coloured active
telephone that has not been
registered in the state directory, and
infact can be called on only by four
• Who are these people?
5. #QOVID-21Q2.
.com/HomeRun.Quizzes+91 86002 80168
Which art-form involves depiction of the
Tarpa Dance where Tarpa, a trumpet-like
instrument forms part of a common theme,
with different village men entwine their
hands as they move around in a circle.
7. #QOVID-21Q4.
.com/HomeRun.Quizzes+91 86002 80168
• Back in time, a certain Kanji Manchhu Desai agreed to join
two Indian farmworkers to takeover the business of a
Japanese-American property owner when he was forced to
report to a World War II internment camp.
• What did this incident eventually revolutionize, that is now
known to be associated with a different community?
10. #QOVID-21Q6.
.com/HomeRun.Quizzes+91 86002 80168
In which journalist, columnist and
author’s honour were the JK
Awards started in 2019, that
provides grants by Inti Raymi Fund
for supporting five investigative
journalistic projects?
13. #QOVID-21Q9.
.com/HomeRun.Quizzes+91 86002 80168
In the 1400s, prospecting 'chewing' as one of the
reasons for this unwanted occurrence, what were
the women in the court of Louis the XI trying to
avoid by consuming only soup?
17. #QOVID-21Q12.
.com/HomeRun.Quizzes+91 86002 80168
What four-letter word is common to a curse for
attracting bad luck, a children's game where
two people unintentionally speak the same
word or phrase simultaneously, and the original
name of Jerry Mouse from Tom and Jerry?
18. #QOVID-21Q13.
.com/HomeRun.Quizzes+91 86002 80168
After which real life personality, is
the Airport in the game GTA Vice City
quite aptly named, as the game is
based on drug mafia and gangsters in
a fictional version of Miami?
19. #QOVID-21Q14.
.com/HomeRun.Quizzes+91 86002 80168
• Created by Pressman Toys, this card game has several two
sided printed cards. One side has a question such as Bread
or Butter?, Spaghetti or Meatballs?, Lochness Monster or
The Yeti?, etc. The other side has the answer which the
players have to guess.
• What is the Card Game aptly named, after the most known
ancient dilemma?