Theres a perception that book publishing is dying a very slow, sedated, almost benign, almost comfortable kind of euthanization. My job is to be the pragmatic optimist.
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8. urna massa, accumsan ut rhoncus a,
tempor vitae quam. Quisque ultrices,
mauris non fermentum lobortis, nisi urna
auctor nunc, a volutpat nulla diam ut felis.
Mauris convallis nibh eu mi ultricies
consectetur. Proin justo augue, auctor vel
congue sit amet, sodales vel neque.
Pellentesque sed eros erat, sit amet lacinia
tellus. Aliquam commodo ante in turpis
gravida porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum vitae metus eu odio porttitor
posuere. Nullam egestas, erat non
vestibulum cursus, leo eros mollis nisl,
10. A book is more than a verbal
structure or series of verbal
structures; it is the dialogue it
establishes with its reader and the
intonation it imposes upon his
voice and the changing and
durable images it leaves in his
memory. A book is not an isolated
being: it is a relationship, an axis
of innumerable relationships.
Borges, A Note on (toward) Bernard Shaw
19. Un/Bundled Reading
Un/Bundled Publishing
? New ways to monetize existing
author relationships
? Publishing stories for non-book
publishers, a.k.a. Custom Publishing
? Selling value-add publishing services
to individuals and businesses
? Generating context & narrative from
non-book cultural phenomena
? Reading as a Service