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An Interactive Quick Start Guide for Students
General Introduction
 This slideshow is designed to provide students with a
  basic hands-on introduction to the social learning site:
 It provides a quick tour of the students Edmodo home
  screen and all of the main features of the site.
 If students are viewing this slideshow within an
  Edmodo post, they are advised to popout the post by
  clicking the far right button above the post (displayed
                                Popout button
General Introduction
 This slideshow is an unofficial student-focussed
  companion to the official Edmodo Guide.
 While teacher-focussed, the Edmodo Guide is much
  more comprehensive and details all of the great
  features of Edmodo in more depth.
 This slideshow is more of a basic quick start guide.
 For more detailed help and information on Edmodo
  features students and teachers are referred to the
Note to Students
 This guide will take you through a tour of the key
  features of the Edmodo social learning site, to help you
  get started.
 Each feature will be described and explained with
  accompanying images.
 The tour is interactive and will instruct you to take
  brief action steps after each explanation.
 If you are not logged into Edmodo already, you should
  open a new browser tab (if necessary) and log into
  your Edmodo student account before continuing.
Features of the Edmodo
     Home Screen
1. The Spotlight
 The spotlight appears at the top right-hand side of
  the Edmodo home screen.
 It is the first thing you should check when you log in to
  Edmodo. It will highlight new replies to posts by you,
  upcoming calendar events and important messages
  (alerts) from teachers.

 Action Step: Locate the spotlight on your page and
  check whether you currently have any items listed there
  that you should respond to.
2. Filters
 The filter options appear just below the spotlight.
  Filters allow you to focus on specific types of posts.
  Clicking on a filter label (e.g. Assignments) will hide
  all other posts and leave only that type of post in view.
  If there are no posts matching a particular filter then
  no posts will be displayed.

 Action Step: Experiment with clicking the different
  filter options.
3. Everything & Direct
 These two options appear just under your profile
  picture on the top left of screen. Clicking on
  Everything will undo all filter effects and display
  everything in your feed once again. Clicking on
  Direct will display only direct messages between
  yourself and others (e.g. your teachers).

 Action Steps: Click Everything to undo the filter
  effects from step 2. Click on Direct to view only your
  direct messages, if you have any.
4. Tags
 Tags are labels you can apply to specific messages in your feed
  to group them together based on topics or themes. For
  example, for each class you might use tags for each unit topic so
  that you can easily see all the posts relating to a unit together.
 A list of your previously used tags is listed below the filters on
  the right of the screen. You can click on any tag in this list to
  filter your feed and display only posts that have been tagged
  with that label. To add a tag to a post, just click on the Tag
  option below the post.

 Action Steps: Choose some posts in your feed and tag them
  based on the topic, subject or unit they relate to. Experiment
  with clicking the different tag labels in your list of tags on the
5. Groups
 The groups you belong to are listed to the left of your feed.
  You can filter your feed to display only posts relating a
  specific group by clicking on the group in the list. This
  area is also where you join new groups by clicking Join.
  You can also hover the mouse over a group label for extra
  options in a context menu.

 Action Steps: Click on different group labels in the list to
  filter your feed according to each group. Remember to click
  Everything afterwards to reveal everything else that has
  been hidden. Hover the mouse over a group label and
  explore the options provided (dont withdraw from the
  group, or youll have to join it again).
Avatar picture

6. Profiles
 Everyone on Edmodo has a
  profile, just like other
  social networking sites.
                                             A Student profile
  You can view a persons
  profile by clicking on their
  avatar picture beside a
  message they have posted.
  Their profile will list all
  their public posts.

 Action Step: Click on a
  fellow students avatar
  picture next to one of their
  posts and view their profile.
7. Your Library
 All the files, documents, web links or other attachments
  attached to all the posts you have ever received are kept
  together in your personal Library.
 You can access your Library by clicking on the Library
  link at the top of the page. Library items can be viewed or
  downloaded, and like posts they can be filtered by group
  or type. You can even create folders and organise your
  Library items in a way that makes sense to you.
7. Your Library
7. Your Library
 Action Steps: Go to your Library and experiment with
 the features. Create several folders and move items into
 their appropriate folder if you have items in your
 Library. You could create folders for Assignment
 handouts, Class work handouts, or for specific units
 or topics within a subject.
8. The Calendar
 The Calendar can be accessed by clicking the link at
 the top of the page. Your calendar will include
 assignment dates and other events set by your teacher.
 Calendar items will appear in your spotlight as they
8. The Calendar
 Action Step: Go to your calendar and check if there are
 any events or assignment due dates listed.
9. Settings
 You can click the Settings link at the top of the page
  to edit your profile and change other settings. This is
  where you can go to change your login password, your
  avatar picture and other personal information.
9. Settings
 Action Step: If you havent already done so, choose a
 profile picture from those provided or else upload an
 appropriate novelty image to serve this purpose.
10. Grades
 You can view grades for assignment you have turned
  in via Edmodo by clicking the button at the top of the
 You will be provided with a list of groups you belong to
  and then you can choose a group to view assignments
  teachers have graded.
 The assignment task, your turned in assignment, and
  your teachers comments and marks will all be
  displayed together (shown in the next slide).
10. Grades
10. Grades
 Action Steps: Click on the Grades button at the top of
 your page and gain familiarity with navigating through
 your different group sections, even if there are no
 graded assignments listed just yet.
11. Create A Post Box
 Obviously you make a post to your group using the box just
  above your feed in the centre of the page. As a student, you can
  post a note to your entire class group or else you can direct
  message your teacher. You are unable to direct message other
  individual students.

 You simply type your note, type the name of the person or group
  you want to sent it to, click Send and youre done.
11. Create A Post Box
 Action Steps: Experiment with posting different types
 of posts.
   More detailed help with posting files, links, attachments
    and embedded content follows in the second part of this
 Thats the completion of the student tour of Edmodo.
    If youre satisfied, go have fun with Edmodo and happy
    If you want more details on some of the features, consult
     the Edmodo Guide mentioned earlier.
    If youre specifically looking for detailed help with
     making different types of posts (attaching files, rich
     media content, videos, links) then proceed with the rest
     of the slideshow.

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Edmodo Basics

  • 1. An Interactive Quick Start Guide for Students
  • 2. General Introduction This slideshow is designed to provide students with a basic hands-on introduction to the social learning site: edmodo.com. It provides a quick tour of the students Edmodo home screen and all of the main features of the site. If students are viewing this slideshow within an Edmodo post, they are advised to popout the post by clicking the far right button above the post (displayed below). Popout button
  • 3. General Introduction This slideshow is an unofficial student-focussed companion to the official Edmodo Guide. While teacher-focussed, the Edmodo Guide is much more comprehensive and details all of the great features of Edmodo in more depth. This slideshow is more of a basic quick start guide. For more detailed help and information on Edmodo features students and teachers are referred to the Guide: http://www.edmodo.com/guide/
  • 4. Note to Students This guide will take you through a tour of the key features of the Edmodo social learning site, to help you get started. Each feature will be described and explained with accompanying images. The tour is interactive and will instruct you to take brief action steps after each explanation. If you are not logged into Edmodo already, you should open a new browser tab (if necessary) and log into your Edmodo student account before continuing.
  • 5. Features of the Edmodo Home Screen
  • 6. 1. The Spotlight The spotlight appears at the top right-hand side of the Edmodo home screen. It is the first thing you should check when you log in to Edmodo. It will highlight new replies to posts by you, upcoming calendar events and important messages (alerts) from teachers. Action Step: Locate the spotlight on your page and check whether you currently have any items listed there that you should respond to.
  • 7. 2. Filters The filter options appear just below the spotlight. Filters allow you to focus on specific types of posts. Clicking on a filter label (e.g. Assignments) will hide all other posts and leave only that type of post in view. If there are no posts matching a particular filter then no posts will be displayed. Action Step: Experiment with clicking the different filter options.
  • 8. 3. Everything & Direct These two options appear just under your profile picture on the top left of screen. Clicking on Everything will undo all filter effects and display everything in your feed once again. Clicking on Direct will display only direct messages between yourself and others (e.g. your teachers). Action Steps: Click Everything to undo the filter effects from step 2. Click on Direct to view only your direct messages, if you have any.
  • 9. 4. Tags Tags are labels you can apply to specific messages in your feed to group them together based on topics or themes. For example, for each class you might use tags for each unit topic so that you can easily see all the posts relating to a unit together. A list of your previously used tags is listed below the filters on the right of the screen. You can click on any tag in this list to filter your feed and display only posts that have been tagged with that label. To add a tag to a post, just click on the Tag option below the post. Action Steps: Choose some posts in your feed and tag them based on the topic, subject or unit they relate to. Experiment with clicking the different tag labels in your list of tags on the right.
  • 10. 5. Groups The groups you belong to are listed to the left of your feed. You can filter your feed to display only posts relating a specific group by clicking on the group in the list. This area is also where you join new groups by clicking Join. You can also hover the mouse over a group label for extra options in a context menu. Action Steps: Click on different group labels in the list to filter your feed according to each group. Remember to click Everything afterwards to reveal everything else that has been hidden. Hover the mouse over a group label and explore the options provided (dont withdraw from the group, or youll have to join it again).
  • 11. Avatar picture 6. Profiles Everyone on Edmodo has a profile, just like other social networking sites. A Student profile You can view a persons profile by clicking on their avatar picture beside a message they have posted. Their profile will list all their public posts. Action Step: Click on a fellow students avatar picture next to one of their posts and view their profile.
  • 12. 7. Your Library All the files, documents, web links or other attachments attached to all the posts you have ever received are kept together in your personal Library. You can access your Library by clicking on the Library link at the top of the page. Library items can be viewed or downloaded, and like posts they can be filtered by group or type. You can even create folders and organise your Library items in a way that makes sense to you.
  • 14. 7. Your Library Action Steps: Go to your Library and experiment with the features. Create several folders and move items into their appropriate folder if you have items in your Library. You could create folders for Assignment handouts, Class work handouts, or for specific units or topics within a subject.
  • 15. 8. The Calendar The Calendar can be accessed by clicking the link at the top of the page. Your calendar will include assignment dates and other events set by your teacher. Calendar items will appear in your spotlight as they approach.
  • 16. 8. The Calendar Action Step: Go to your calendar and check if there are any events or assignment due dates listed.
  • 17. 9. Settings You can click the Settings link at the top of the page to edit your profile and change other settings. This is where you can go to change your login password, your avatar picture and other personal information.
  • 18. 9. Settings Action Step: If you havent already done so, choose a profile picture from those provided or else upload an appropriate novelty image to serve this purpose.
  • 19. 10. Grades You can view grades for assignment you have turned in via Edmodo by clicking the button at the top of the page. You will be provided with a list of groups you belong to and then you can choose a group to view assignments teachers have graded. The assignment task, your turned in assignment, and your teachers comments and marks will all be displayed together (shown in the next slide).
  • 21. 10. Grades Action Steps: Click on the Grades button at the top of your page and gain familiarity with navigating through your different group sections, even if there are no graded assignments listed just yet.
  • 22. 11. Create A Post Box Obviously you make a post to your group using the box just above your feed in the centre of the page. As a student, you can post a note to your entire class group or else you can direct message your teacher. You are unable to direct message other individual students. You simply type your note, type the name of the person or group you want to sent it to, click Send and youre done.
  • 23. 11. Create A Post Box Action Steps: Experiment with posting different types of posts. More detailed help with posting files, links, attachments and embedded content follows in the second part of this slideshow.
  • 24. Conclusion Thats the completion of the student tour of Edmodo. If youre satisfied, go have fun with Edmodo and happy learning. If you want more details on some of the features, consult the Edmodo Guide mentioned earlier. If youre specifically looking for detailed help with making different types of posts (attaching files, rich media content, videos, links) then proceed with the rest of the slideshow.