The document summarizes the goals and activities of several LegalTech and EDRM working groups. The groups aim to:
1) Ensure the EDRM model remains current and enhance its content through additional diagrams, examples and expanded sections.
2) Develop presentation materials, case studies and other educational resources to help legal professionals effectively use the EDRM model.
3) Define and release version 1.1 of the EDRM XML schema and metadata dictionary based on user feedback.
4) Create guidelines and resources to help standardize e-discovery practices and drive greater adoption of EDRM standards.
2. Mission Goals Deliverables Ensure that Model remains current, practical & relevant Updated content keeping the Model current Enhance content at each section of Model Enhanced content: Level 2 diagrams New/expanded content More links, examples, samples Educate about how to make effective use of the Model Guides to use of the Model: Legal professionals IT professionals Project management professionals
3. Production Pack n Go presentation PowerPoint Covers each section Details in notes
5. In progress Reviewing & updating content Developing second level graphics Developing: Case studies Commentary Curricula Frameworks Forms Maps Practice tips Surveys Work flows Recruiting new contributors Information Management Identification Processing & Collection Processing Review Analysis Production Presentation Project Management
6. EDRM XML Schema continues to gain momentum Increased vendor adoption First integrations deployed Many more in validation Clear customer uptake
7. EDRM XML Schema continues to gain momentum Increased vendor adoption First integrations deployed; many more in validation Starting to see inclusion of EDRM XML in vendor certification programs More importantly, clear end-customer uptake is driving vendors to leverage the standard
8. Three major activities in the 2008-2009 project year Defined Public Comment version of the 1.1 EDRM XML Schema to incorporate user input received during the first 12 months of active schema use Defined Public Comment version of the 1.1 EDRM Metadata Dictionary to include a more wide-ranging set of metadata Goal is to leverage Public Comment period to also define a core & extended EDRM metadata list for end-user use just give me core EDRM metadata Started development of programs & documentation to bolster compliance & drive increased adoption of the schema
9. 1.1 Schema details Version 1.1 Schema Available for download & comment Added additional document type Paper Minor modifications to several field types to improve flexibility Version 1.1 Compliance data set Update in process Validates ability to properly read/process an EDRM load file Includes TIF/Text example
10. Whats next? Subgroup starting to explore the idea of EDRM transactions at different points in the EDRM lifecycle (i.e. collection -> processing) Push to develop additional resources to help with compliance and validation Work to commence on the 2.0 version of the specification Moving beyond the load file core of the current schema to include additional content Examples: Collection & production tracking, redaction metadata
11. Metrics What it is An effective means of measuring time, money & volumes associated with e-discovery Completed Metrics Schema a flexible code structure covering EDRM lifecycle In progress Metrics Guide Adoption tools Glossary
13. Mission To evaluate & define acceptable boundaries of ethical business practices within the e-discovery service industry To issue aspirational guidelines intended to serve as a basis for ethical decision-making by all participants in the e-discovery process
14. Structure the Code Seven topics are broken into associated Principle & Corollary statements, Best Practices, Examples and Discussion Sections Principles focus on the duties of a Service Provider Corollaries focus on the related duties of a Client Best Practices define recommended guidelines for ethical decision-making Examples provide hypothetical scenarios for real-world implementation of Best Practices Discussion provide commentary on Best Practices
15. The Seven Topics Professionalism Engagement Conflicts of Interest Sound Process Cooperation & Communication Confidentiality Dispute Resolution
16. Current Activities Team members have volunteered to work on specific Principles & the associated Corollaries, Best Practices, Example & Discussion sections Team members draft, post, comment on others, and then revise the applicable sections Model Code of Conduct is due to be presented to an EDRM general session in May 2009 for review & possible ratification by participant organizations
17. The Future: 2009-2010 Initial public release of Model Code of Conduct planned for June 2009 Full promotional release of MCoC planned for August 2009 at ILTA Develop & release educational programs on ethics in electronic discovery for Service Providers, Law Firms & Corporations Establish Evergreen program for updating MCoC, particularly Examples sections, as new situations are brought to the attention of the group
18. Project Description Goal To provide a framework for defining & managing various aspects of Search as applied to e-discovery workflow Detailed Document EDRM Search Project Description.pdf Comments Bulletin board: Email: [email_address]
20. What Problem Are We Solving? Searching is a hard, complex task Make it simpler with tools, documents, etc. Raise awareness of various aspects of search Searches are used everywhere Document the roles in search in each e-discovery stage Minimize errors, costs & legal sanctions connected with e-discovery searches
21. Deliverables Document various aspects & issues related to e-discovery search Provide tools & technologies to facilitate clarity in e-discovery search process Educate e-discovery community about e-discovery search
22. Search Guide 78-page draft document on e-discovery search Wiki version of document Broad participation in development of document: 18 contributors from 15 organizations Vendors Law firms Corporations 13 conference calls 1 face-to-face meeting Available at
24. Why is a Data Set Important Functionality Testing E-Discovery and Migration Prototyping and Smoke Testing Scalability Testing Low High Fewer More Volume File Types Challenge Difficult-to-find files Internal validation Functionality Scalability Public validation Ability to compare performance Publish benchmarks
25. Project Goals Collect data Large in size Diverse in content Free to use Classify data Ensure easy use Provide data Identify delivery methods To support Development Evaluation Benchmarking
26. Data Gathering Problem Not a lot of publically available data Solution Outreach to e-discovery & related organizations Partnerships
27. Data Classification Problem Are you covering enough? What do numbers mean? What about multiple versions of the same file? Solution Reference classification for development, RFIs, etc. Vendor Support Vendor A 1,000+ file types Vendor B 400+ file types Vendor C 330+ file types Website A 13,000+ file types Challenges Embedded Files Nested Files (ZIPs within ZIPs) Windows IRM Password protection
28. Status 2008-2009 activities New EDRM 2008-2009 project Examined may possible data sources Launching data gathering website Created initial classification lists Ongoing goals Collect, classify & provide data Attract more working group members