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E DTE C H 101: Instructional Media Resources
                   Second Sem ester / SY 201 1 -201 2

  Instructional Media Resources:? Production and use of different types
  of media resources for classroom instruction.
  This course discusses the philosophical, sociological and psychological
  foundations of and cultural and societal issues on the use of
  technology for education with focus on the analysis, design,
  development, implementation and evaluation of instructional media
E DTE C H 101: Instructional Media Resources
                   Second Sem ester / SY 201 1 -201 2
  Gain comprehensive knowledge and develop skills in instructional media
  resources integration into the lesson plan.

COURSE INFORMATION                                        COURSE POLICY
   * Course: EDTECH101                                       * Attendance: You are expected to be at every class
   * Schedule: Tue & Thu / THW 1:00 ¨C 2:30PM / THX 2:30      session on time. If it becomes necessary for you to miss
   - 4:30PM                                                  the class session, you are expected to let me know in
   * Classroom: MITC                                         advance. If you miss 6 periods or more (depending on
   * Credit: 3 units                                         the University policy), you will get an incomplete grade
   * Medium of Instruction: English and Filipino             even if you satisfy all other requirements.
   * Course Duration: Nov 15, 2011 - March 23, 2012          * Discussions: You are expected to actively participate
   * UVLE: EdTech101 2S SY2011-12                            in all class activities.
   * YahooGroup:                                             * Academic Integrity: Honesty is very important. Use
   UP_EdTech101_2SSY2011-12@yahoogroups.com                  the APA format for referencing. Plagiarism and/or
   * Facebook: UPGREAT ¨C UP Group of Researchers and         cheating in any form is not permitted.
   Educators of Technology                                   * Late Submissions: You are expected to submit all
                                                             requirements on time. Incomplete or late assignments
                                                             will result in one penalty point per day.
E DTE C H 101: Instructional Media Resources
            Second Sem ester / SY 201 1 -201 2

  The evidences of learning demonstrated / presented to your classmate
  and professor will be the basis of your grade. Varied assessment
  strategies will be utilized to document learning achieved in this course,
  100 points is the highest points plus five (5) as bonus points. The UP
  System grade equivalency will apply in this course.
  * Attendance ¨C 10%
  * Class Participation - 10%
  * Online Participation (reflections, Q&A, etc) ¨C 10%
  * Reporting - 15%
  * Online Examinations ¨C 10%
  * Asynchronous Online Discussion ¨C 10%
  * Lesson Plan ¨C 20%
  * ePortfolio ¨C 15%
  * Bonus Points (Community Immersion and/or Field Trip) ¨C 5%

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Edtech 101 Course syllabus

  • 1. E DTE C H 101: Instructional Media Resources Second Sem ester / SY 201 1 -201 2 COURSE DESCRIPTION Instructional Media Resources:? Production and use of different types of media resources for classroom instruction. COURSE OVERVIEW This course discusses the philosophical, sociological and psychological foundations of and cultural and societal issues on the use of technology for education with focus on the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of instructional media resources.
  • 2. E DTE C H 101: Instructional Media Resources Second Sem ester / SY 201 1 -201 2 GENERAL OBJECTIVE Gain comprehensive knowledge and develop skills in instructional media resources integration into the lesson plan. COURSE INFORMATION COURSE POLICY * Course: EDTECH101 * Attendance: You are expected to be at every class * Schedule: Tue & Thu / THW 1:00 ¨C 2:30PM / THX 2:30 session on time. If it becomes necessary for you to miss - 4:30PM the class session, you are expected to let me know in * Classroom: MITC advance. If you miss 6 periods or more (depending on * Credit: 3 units the University policy), you will get an incomplete grade * Medium of Instruction: English and Filipino even if you satisfy all other requirements. * Course Duration: Nov 15, 2011 - March 23, 2012 * Discussions: You are expected to actively participate * UVLE: EdTech101 2S SY2011-12 in all class activities. * YahooGroup: * Academic Integrity: Honesty is very important. Use UP_EdTech101_2SSY2011-12@yahoogroups.com the APA format for referencing. Plagiarism and/or * Facebook: UPGREAT ¨C UP Group of Researchers and cheating in any form is not permitted. Educators of Technology * Late Submissions: You are expected to submit all requirements on time. Incomplete or late assignments will result in one penalty point per day.
  • 3. E DTE C H 101: Instructional Media Resources Second Sem ester / SY 201 1 -201 2 GRADING The evidences of learning demonstrated / presented to your classmate and professor will be the basis of your grade. Varied assessment strategies will be utilized to document learning achieved in this course, 100 points is the highest points plus five (5) as bonus points. The UP System grade equivalency will apply in this course. * Attendance ¨C 10% * Class Participation - 10% * Online Participation (reflections, Q&A, etc) ¨C 10% * Reporting - 15% * Online Examinations ¨C 10% * Asynchronous Online Discussion ¨C 10% * Lesson Plan ¨C 20% * ePortfolio ¨C 15% * Bonus Points (Community Immersion and/or Field Trip) ¨C 5%