This document provides activity instructions for students over the course of a week, including three tests on bone-related topics. Test 1 contains short answer questions about different types of bone tissues and structures. Test 2 asks students to research and report on how a bird's bone structure aids in flight. Test 3 prompts students to discuss bone marrow transplants.
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Edtech activity (week 3)
1. Activity (Week 1)
Prepared By: Sir Patrick Carabuena
Test 1
Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the blanks provided.
Each answer will be scored 2 pts.
1. Type of bone tissue that is dense and heavy and is located at the
middle part of long bones.
2. Systems of circular structure found in compact bones
3. Bone marrows that restores fat
4. Softer version of the hard bone found in your nose and ears.
5. Process of bone formation whereby calcium compounds are deposited
in bones, making the bones harder.
6. Another type of spongy bone.
7. Mineral good for the bone.
Test 2
Look up the bone structure of the birds and find out how their bone
structure helps them fly. Make a short report about this.
Test 3
Tell us something about bone marrow transplant.