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Different forms of Bullying
and its effects on students
         By: Peter Ruggirello
What is Bullying?
Bullying is aggressive behavior which is
 intentional, repetitive, and typically has an
 imbalance of power between the
 aggressor and the victim.
Different types of bullying
Cyber bullying, physical bullying, verbal
  bullying, social exclusion, and spreading
Cyber bullying
Using technology such as cellular
  phones and computers as a way to
  bully a person.
Example: Sending harassing or
  threatening messages, spreading
  rumors on a social networking site,
  forwarding an embarrassing picture
  of someone via text message, and
Gender Differences
 It is not clear which gender is more susceptible to being
  cyber bullied.
 Some studies show that girls are victims of cyber bullying
  more than boys, while boys are bullied more in school.
 Other studies have shown no difference in gender when
  it comes to cyber bullying
Age/Grade level it effects most
There is no consistent pattern, but
 students in middle school and high
 school are usually victims of cyber
Verbal Bullying
A non-violent form of bullying in which
 the bully or bullies use words to harass a
Boys are more likely to be victims of
 verbal bullying than girls.
Social Exclusion
Ignoring or excluding someone from a
 group on purpose.
More common type of bullying among
 girls, but this form of bullying happens to
 boys as well.
Physical Bullying
Inflicting physical harm on a victim by
 punching, kicking, pushing, shoving, and
 any way to cause physical pain to the
More common type of bullying among
Spreading Rumors
Another form of non-violent bullying that
 involves telling lies about someone to
 different people.
How Bullying Effects Students
            Over Time
Bullying causes many social and emotional
 problems for victims such as low self-
 esteem, depression, anxiety, social
 withdrawal, physical health complaints,
 aggression, alcohol problems, and many
Why Do Certain People
      Choose to be Bullies?
Many children start bullying other children
 because they were once victims of bullying
In my personal experience, it may be
 because they are insecure or because they
 are trying to impress their peers.
What Can the Schools do to
       Stop Bullying?
Teachers and faculty can prevent bullying in
  their schools by creating support groups for
  students dealing with bullying and by letting the
  students know there are people that are willing
  to help them through their struggles such as
  school councilors, parents, teachers and other
  school faculty.
Schools need to assure the students that
 they are in a safe area and find ways to
 create a positive atmosphere. Example:
 Setting a strict anti-bullying policy
What to do When You
       Witness Bullying
When witnessing bullying in progress, do
 not just ignore it. Stand up for the victim
 and find a way to help them.
Works Cited
Weissbourd, Richard1,2,
richard_weissbourd@gse.harvard.edu, and Stephanie3,
stephanie_mjones@gse.harvard.edu Jones. "Joining Hands
Against BULLYING."油 Educational Leadership 油70.2 (2012): 26-
31.油OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson) . Web. 16 Oct. 2012.
Robert W. S.1 Coulter, et al. "Cyberbullying, School Bullying, And
Psychological Distress: A Regional Census Of High School
Students."American Journal Of Public Health 油102.1 (2012): 171-
177.油OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson) . Web. 16 Oct. 2012.

Supermac18. "Cyber Bullying."油 YouTube. YouTube, 04 Apr. 2011.
Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?
"Bully Official Trailer #1 - Weinstein Company Movie (2012)
HD."油YouTube. YouTube, 21 Feb. 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2012.

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Edu 290 powerpoint presentation part i

  • 1. Different forms of Bullying and its effects on students By: Peter Ruggirello
  • 2. What is Bullying? Bullying is aggressive behavior which is intentional, repetitive, and typically has an imbalance of power between the aggressor and the victim. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1g9RV9
  • 3. Different types of bullying Cyber bullying, physical bullying, verbal bullying, social exclusion, and spreading rumors.
  • 4. Cyber bullying Using technology such as cellular phones and computers as a way to bully a person. Example: Sending harassing or threatening messages, spreading rumors on a social networking site, forwarding an embarrassing picture of someone via text message, and more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7uyScK3-CU
  • 5. Gender Differences It is not clear which gender is more susceptible to being cyber bullied. Some studies show that girls are victims of cyber bullying more than boys, while boys are bullied more in school. Other studies have shown no difference in gender when it comes to cyber bullying
  • 6. Age/Grade level it effects most There is no consistent pattern, but students in middle school and high school are usually victims of cyber bullying.
  • 7. Verbal Bullying A non-violent form of bullying in which the bully or bullies use words to harass a victim. Boys are more likely to be victims of verbal bullying than girls.
  • 8. Social Exclusion Ignoring or excluding someone from a group on purpose. More common type of bullying among girls, but this form of bullying happens to boys as well.
  • 9. Physical Bullying Inflicting physical harm on a victim by punching, kicking, pushing, shoving, and any way to cause physical pain to the victim. More common type of bullying among boys.
  • 10. Spreading Rumors Another form of non-violent bullying that involves telling lies about someone to different people.
  • 11. How Bullying Effects Students Over Time Bullying causes many social and emotional problems for victims such as low self- esteem, depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, physical health complaints, aggression, alcohol problems, and many more.
  • 12. Why Do Certain People Choose to be Bullies? Many children start bullying other children because they were once victims of bullying themselves. In my personal experience, it may be because they are insecure or because they are trying to impress their peers.
  • 13. What Can the Schools do to Stop Bullying? Teachers and faculty can prevent bullying in their schools by creating support groups for students dealing with bullying and by letting the students know there are people that are willing to help them through their struggles such as school councilors, parents, teachers and other school faculty.
  • 14. Continued Schools need to assure the students that they are in a safe area and find ways to create a positive atmosphere. Example: Setting a strict anti-bullying policy
  • 15. What to do When You Witness Bullying When witnessing bullying in progress, do not just ignore it. Stand up for the victim and find a way to help them.
  • 16. Works Cited Weissbourd, Richard1,2, richard&lowbar;weissbourd@gse.harvard.edu, and Stephanie3, stephanie&lowbar;mjones@gse.harvard.edu Jones. "Joining Hands Against BULLYING."油 Educational Leadership 油70.2 (2012): 26- 31.油OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson) . Web. 16 Oct. 2012. 油 Robert W. S.1 Coulter, et al. "Cyberbullying, School Bullying, And Psychological Distress: A Regional Census Of High School Students."American Journal Of Public Health 油102.1 (2012): 171- 177.油OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson) . Web. 16 Oct. 2012. Supermac18. "Cyber Bullying."油 YouTube. YouTube, 04 Apr. 2011. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=D7uyScK3-CU>. 油 "Bully Official Trailer #1 - Weinstein Company Movie (2012) HD."油YouTube. YouTube, 21 Feb. 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1g9RV9OKhg>. 油