This document provides an overview of e-learning and related concepts. It discusses the definition of e-learning and its history. Several learning theories that relate to e-learning are outlined, including dual coding theory and social constructivism. Factors like spatial and temporal contiguity that can enhance learning are mentioned. The importance of self-regulation in e-learning is covered. Challenges for teachers in adopting technology and the need for proper training and support are also summarized.
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Educ 612 e-learning
1. Educ 612 - ICT for Administrators
presented by: Ian P. Sugatan
presented to: Dr. Joseph Christian Hornido
2. E-Learning
E-learning (or eLearning) is the use of electronic educational
technology in learning and teaching information and communication
technology (ICT) in education, EdTech, learning technology,
multimedia learning, technology-enhanced learning (TEL),
computer-based instruction (CBI), computer managed instruction,
computer-based training (CBT), computer-assisted instruction or
computer-aided instruction (CAI), internet-based training (IBT),
flexible learning, web-based training (WBT), online education, virtual
education, virtual learning environments (VLE) (which are also
called learning platforms), m-learning, and digital education. In
usage, all of these terms appear in articles and reviews; the term "e-
learning" is used frequently, but is variously and imprecisely defined
and applied.
3. History/Origin
The origin or etymology of e-learning is contested, with the e- part
not necessarily meaning electronic as per e-mail or e-commerce.
Coined between 1997 and 1999, e-learning became first attached to
either a distance learning service or it was used for the first time at
the CBT systems seminar. Since then the term has been used
extensively to describe the use of online, personalized, interactive or
virtual education.
Bernard Luskin, an educational technology pioneer, advocated that
the "e" of e-learning should be interpreted to mean "exciting,
energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended, excellent, and
educational" in addition to "electronic." Parks suggested that the "e"
should refer to "everything, everyone, engaging, easy". These broad
interpretations focus on new applications and developments, as well
as learning theory and media psychology.
4. E-Learning Theory
Richard E. Mayer's "modality principle" states that if materials
contain both verbal and graphical information, the verbal information
should be given in auditory format only, and not as written text as
Theoretically, the modality principle is based on a model of working
memory by Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch who proposed that
working memory has two largely independent sub-components that
tend to work in parallel - one visual and one verbal/acoustic.
This gave rise to dual-coding theory, first proposed by Allan
Paivio and later applied to multimedia by Richard Mayer. According
to Mayer, separate channels of working memory process auditory
and visual information.
5. E-Learning Theory
In a series of studies Mayer and his colleagues tested Paivios dual-coding
theory, with multimedia. They repeatedly found that students learning given
multimedia with animation and narration consistently did better on transfer
questions than those who learn from animation and text-based materials.
That is, they were significantly better when it came to applying what they
had learned after receiving multimedia rather than mono-media (visual only)
instruction. These results were then later confirmed by other groups of
Learning is enhanced when related components such as words and pictures
are presented in "spatial contiguity", referring to the components being
physically close to each other on the page or screen, rather than being
separated. Similarly, "temporal contiguity" refers to simultaneous
presentation of corresponding words and pictures, rather than successive
delivery. Learning is more effective when extraneous material is excluded
rather than included, which Meyer termed, "coherence". The effects of
improved design have more benefit for low-knowledge than high knowledge
learners, and for high-spatial than for low-spatial learners.
6. Learning Theories
Social-constructivist this pedagogy is particularly well afforded by
the use of discussion forums, blogs, wiki and on-line collaborative
activities. It is a collaborative approach that opens educational
content creation to a wider group including the students themselves.
The One Laptop Per Child Foundation attempted to use a
constructivist approach in its project.
Laurillard's Conversational Model is also particularly relevant to e-
Learning, and Gilly Salmon's Five-Stage Model is a pedagogical
approach to the use of discussion boards.
Cognitive perspective focuses on the cognitive processes involved
in learning as well as how the brain works.
Emotional perspective focuses on the emotional aspects of learning,
like motivation, engagement, fun, etc.
Behavioural perspective focuses on the skills and behavioural
outcomes of the learning process. Role-playing and application to
on-the-job settings.
7. Learning Theories
Contextual perspective focuses on the environmental and social
aspects which can stimulate learning. Interaction with other people,
collaborative discovery and the importance of peer support as well
as pressure.
Mode Neutral Convergence or promotion of transmodal learning
where online and classroom learners can coexist within one learning
environment thus encouraging interconnectivity and the harnessing
of collective intelligence.
For many theorists its the interaction between student and teacher
and student and student in the online environment that enhances
learning (Mayes and de Freitas 2004). Pasks theory that learning
occurs through conversations about a subject which in turn helps to
make knowledge explicit has an obvious application to learning
within a VLE.
8. Learning Theories
Salmon developed a five stage model of e-learning and e-
moderating that for some time has had a major influence where
online courses and online discussion forums have been used. In her
five stage model individual access and the ability of students to use
the technology are the first step to involvement and achievement.
The second step involves students creating an identity online and
finding others with whom to interact; online socialization is a critical
element of the e-learning process in this model. In step 3 students
are giving and sharing information relevant to the course to each
other. Collaborative interaction amongst students is central to step
4. The fifth step in Salmons model involves students looking for
benefits from the system and using resources from outside of it to
deepen their learning. Throughout all of this the
tutor/teacher/lecturer fulfills the role of moderator or e-moderator,
acting as a facilitator of student learning.
9. Self-Regulation
Self-regulated learning refers to several concepts that play major
roles in learning, and which have significant relevance in e-learning.
Zimmerman (1998) explains that in order to develop self-regulation,
learning courses should offer opportunities for students to practice
strategies and skills by themselves. Self-regulation is also strongly
related to a student's social sources such as parents and teachers.
Moreover, Steinberg (1996) found that high-achieving students
usually have high-expectation parents who monitor their children
10. Self-Regulation
With the academic environment, self-regulated learners usually set
their academic goals and monitor and react themselves in process
in order to achieve their goals. Schunk argues, "students must
regulate not only their actions but also their underlying achievement-
related cognitions, beliefs, intentions and affects"(p. 359). Moreover,
academic self-regulation also helps students develop confidence in
their ability to perform well in e-learning courses.
11. Teacher use of Technology
Computing technology was not created by teachers. There has
been little consultation between those who promote its use in
schools and those who teach with it. Decisions to purchase
technology for education are very often political decisions. Most staff
using these technologies did not grow up with them. Training
teachers to use computer technology did improve their confidence in
its use, but there was considerable dissatisfaction with training
content and style of delivery. The communication element in
particular was highlighted as the least satisfactory part of the
training, by which many teachers meant the use of a VLE and
discussion forums to deliver online training (Leask 2002).
12. Teacher use of Technology
Technical support for online learning, lack of access to hardware,
poor monitoring of teacher progress and a lack of support by online
tutors were just some of the issues raised by the asynchronous
online delivery of training (Davies 2004). They are also likely to be
more constructivist-oriented in their approach to learning.
Newer generation web 2.0 services provide customizable,
inexpensive platforms for authoring and disseminating multimedia-
rich e-learning courses, and do not need specialised information
technology (IT) support.
Pedagogical theory may have application in encouraging and
assessing on-line participation. Assessment methods for on-line
participation have reviewed.