Individualized teaching methodologies discussed in the document include independent study where students work independently according to their individual differences, writing journals which allow students to record daily events and reflections on learning activities, using narratives from famous figures as sources of information, employing individualized instruction tailored to specific students, and having students prepare projects and collections or use the discovery approach to find solutions through self-discovery.
2. Independent Study
is a technique resorted to doby a teacherin
recognition of individual differences among his
The activity undertaken
3. Writing Journals
A journalis a dailyrecord, chronology or a
register of event. It is sometimes calleda diary.It is
also a record of what transpiresduring a
4. Narratives
Famousnarrationsmade by the scientist,
inventors, authors, novelists, and historiansare source
of significantinformationthatcan be used as
part of a teaching methodology.
5. Individualized Instruction
as the nameimplies,is a teaching
methodologythat is to beused for a specific
purposeand an
6. Preparing Projects and Collections
A project could be in theform of a finishedproduct that
is constructed for thepurpose of demonstratinghow
principles are work.
A collection is an organizedway of presentinga
variety object or materials which is classified according to
some common characteristics.
7. Discovery Approach
is a teaching strategy which aims to
assist the student in finding solutions or
answers to a problem or attaining a learning
objectivethrough self-discovery.