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2020: Education for the
Empowering kids in slums to educate
 Education is empowerment
 The more people get educated, the less they can be
 Social responsibility
 Better quality of life for greater society, reduce crime
 Titillate the young mind at the grass root level, create the
hunger to reach bigger heights
 Hole in the wall experiment
 Studies from around the world show young children can
teach themselves fairly complex ideas without any guidance
using online resources
 Classroom model is obsolete
 Dinosaur from the Colonial times which needs to die now
 Children have the unique gift to teach themselves through
curiosity (adults lack this)
 Stress on English and Mathematics as core subjects, rest
can be derived
 We stand at an unique juncture
 Open source is the new mantra
 Free resources available which are getting better in
quality day by day
 Wikipedia, Khan academy, YouTube, Wolfram Alpha
 Our job is to provide access to young minds
Bringing everything
 Initial exposure to 20-30 kids per location
 Installation of SimpuComp
 Sharing of electric bill and internet connection by the
slum community
 Enough offline resources
 Accessible to CHILDREN ONLY for 24 hours
 Should be guarded by a responsible local guardian,
preferably the 80yr old grandpa who believes in our goals
 Electricity and internet connection
 Crowd-sourcing for the initial stages
 Enough pool collected to provide 20 SimpuComps
 Indiegogo project to be floated after initial success to
raise further financing
 NGO incorporation after the first substantial cheque
Our commitment
 Initial briefing for the children and parents
 Setting up our installation
 Who pays the bills? Electricity, Internet
 Providing direct mobile contact
 Visiting once a month to address issues
 Format and re-install if they manage to break the system
 Open source is the mantra
 Engage one educator in each location for regular
clarification  can be a high school student as well
 Should be responsible and aligned with our goals
Initial goals
 Kolkata and Mumbai
 10 locations in each city  spread as far apart as possible
 Believe me, these machines will be like child magnets,
drawing them from a 100 sq. km area
 20 rudimentary computers
 400 students
 Only English tuitions
5 year plan
 All Tier-I cities  Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata,
Bangalore, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Indore, Lucknow,
Ahmedabad, Jaipur
 100 locations per city
 Minimum 50,000 BPL students influenced per city
 All subjects
Take away
 Empowerment of society
 Investment in human capital
 Some students will succeed in their small ventures
 Some of the students will go further ahead and create
 Each student will titillate others, creating a domino effect
 They will be indebted to us for getting this opportunity
 Personal Motive:
 Being a part of a powerful NGO that shapes the future
 Funded by CSR grants from heavy-weight corporates

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Educate ngo 2020

  • 1. 2020: Education for the under-privileged Empowering kids in slums to educate themselves
  • 2. Motivation Education is empowerment The more people get educated, the less they can be manipulated Social responsibility Better quality of life for greater society, reduce crime Titillate the young mind at the grass root level, create the hunger to reach bigger heights
  • 3. Research Hole in the wall experiment Studies from around the world show young children can teach themselves fairly complex ideas without any guidance using online resources Classroom model is obsolete Dinosaur from the Colonial times which needs to die now Children have the unique gift to teach themselves through curiosity (adults lack this) Stress on English and Mathematics as core subjects, rest can be derived
  • 4. Resources We stand at an unique juncture Open source is the new mantra Free resources available which are getting better in quality day by day Wikipedia, Khan academy, YouTube, Wolfram Alpha Our job is to provide access to young minds
  • 5. Bringing everything together Initial exposure to 20-30 kids per location Installation of SimpuComp Sharing of electric bill and internet connection by the slum community Enough offline resources Accessible to CHILDREN ONLY for 24 hours Should be guarded by a responsible local guardian, preferably the 80yr old grandpa who believes in our goals Electricity and internet connection
  • 6. Finances Crowd-sourcing for the initial stages Enough pool collected to provide 20 SimpuComps Indiegogo project to be floated after initial success to raise further financing NGO incorporation after the first substantial cheque
  • 7. Our commitment Initial briefing for the children and parents Setting up our installation Who pays the bills? Electricity, Internet Providing direct mobile contact Visiting once a month to address issues Format and re-install if they manage to break the system Open source is the mantra Engage one educator in each location for regular clarification can be a high school student as well Should be responsible and aligned with our goals
  • 8. Initial goals Kolkata and Mumbai 10 locations in each city spread as far apart as possible Believe me, these machines will be like child magnets, drawing them from a 100 sq. km area 20 rudimentary computers 400 students Only English tuitions
  • 9. 5 year plan All Tier-I cities Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Indore, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Jaipur 100 locations per city Minimum 50,000 BPL students influenced per city All subjects
  • 10. Take away Empowerment of society Investment in human capital Some students will succeed in their small ventures Some of the students will go further ahead and create employment Each student will titillate others, creating a domino effect They will be indebted to us for getting this opportunity Personal Motive: Being a part of a powerful NGO that shapes the future Funded by CSR grants from heavy-weight corporates