The REACH Center provides various intervention, prevention, and education services related to interpersonal violence. Advocates are available 24/7 by phone to provide counseling, support, information, referrals, advocacy, and accompaniment. Services are free and confidential. The organization also offers in-service trainings and presentations on topics like interpersonal violence prevention, services for survivors, and more that are tailored to individual groups. Anyone in need can contact the REACH Center offices for assistance.
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Education Brochure
1. The REACH Center, Inc. also provides
intervention services to persons affected by
Prevention interpersonal violence. Advocates are available
24 hours a day to provide counseling, support,
Education information and referrals, advocacy, and
accompaniments. Serving Survivors of Crime and Abuse
Anyone in need of services can call any of our
Interpersonal violence offices, 24 hours a day to speak with a trained
prevention education is
All services provided by The REACH
offered FREE of charge to
Center are free and confidential. Prevention
groups within the Columbia- Education for Professionals
The REACH Center can provide community
Greene community. professionals a variety of in-service trainings
Presentations are tailored to -Overview of The REACH Center services
-Helping survivors of interpersonal violence
-Preventing interpersonal violence
the individual group and can -Services available to survivors
be customized to fit specific To schedule a presentation please call any one
of our offices.
needs. Presentations typically
are 45 minutes in length. If
The REACH Center, Inc.
you have additional questions
PO Box 698, Hudson, NY 12534
or would like to schedule a 4269 Rt. 9, Hudson, NY 12534
371 Main St., Catskill, NY 12414
presentation please contact C-GCC Campus Room 302E
Phone 518-828-5556 or Tel: 518-828-5556
either of our offices. 518-943-4482
Fax 518-822-9264 Tel: 518-943-4482
A United Way Participating Agency
2. Interpersonal Violence Prevention
Safe/Un-Safe Touches Date Rape Prevention influence our self esteem.
Safe/Unsafe Touches works to Date Rape explores with participants
Grades 3-8 appropriate
prevent child sexual abuse by common misconceptions about date
exploring the different types of rape, prevention of date rape Sexual Harassment
touches, techniques for staying techniques, as well as resources available Sexual Harassment explores with
safe, and what to do if the to survivors of rape. This presentation participants the meaning of sexual
participant is victimized. also discusses the legal and medical harassment, the impact on the
resources available to survivors. person, school, and community,
Grades K-6 appropriate
Grades 9-12 appropriate as well as what to do if the
Conflict Resolution participant is sexually harassed.
Healthy Relationships
Conflict Resolution helps Grades 4-12 appropriate
participants to understand how Healthy Relationships works with
to resolve conflicts and when to participants to explore the stereotypes
seek the help of an adult. It also of each gender, social norms of dating,
explores the dynamics of and gender expectations. This
conflicts and anger management presentations looks at the
techniques. dynamics of abu- The REACH Center, Inc.
sive relationships and resources
Grades 3-8 available participants in abusive
appropriate relationships. PO Box 698, Hudson, NY 12534
Cyber Safety
4269 Rt. 9, Hudson, NY 12534
Grades 8-12 appropriate
Cyber Safety informs participants
371 Main St., Catskill, NY 12414
about personal information, the
Self Esteem C-GCC Campus Room 302E
danger of revealing personal Self Esteem helps participants
information, and techniques for understand the correlation between self Phone 518-828-5556 or
esteem and different aspects of daily
staying safe on-line.
life. Participants learn about building a 518-943-4482
Grades 4-12 appropriate healthy self esteem and what factors Fax 518-822-9264