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     Classified - Restricted
Education Channel YTD 11 June 2012 Performance is
Undergrowth : -9%
          200000                                                                                ACT

Channel                    ACT        LY                         VAR            GR
PROVISION STORE              318562        308182                       10380          3%
TRADITIONAL FOOD SERVICE      87479        105956                      -18477        -17%    Education as strategic
HEALTH & WELL BEING           32447         38327                       -5880        -15%    channel with a lot of
TRANSPORTATION                 6921          7416                        -495         -7%
                                                                                            future drinker inside is
EDUCATION                  46292      51133                          -4841           -9%       still undergrowth
AT WORK                       29972          31452                     -1480          -5%     (-9%), so we must
WHOLESALER                   728841        668743                      60098           9%       develop it more
SPECIALTY RETAIL              43792          40200                      3592           9%
GAMES AND NET                 11406          17839
                                           Classified - Restricted     -6433         -36%
Action Plan
 DEVELOPMENT                               Create Education
                                         Excitement Program
                                          to Increase Volume
                                         focused on strategic
                                         packs(Can 250, PET
                                         425, MMP 350, PET

                               EDUCATION ACTIVATION TRIAL
                                           AT TWO HIPO SCHOOLS
                                               IN BALIKPAPAN
                                             AS PILOT PROJECT

               Classified - Restricted
Financial Budget
Education Activation Trial
4. SUPPORTING MATERIAL                                                      3. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS
  No Program Support     Unit      Amount       Total Amount                                  W/O
                                                                                Description                W/ Program     Add
  1    Banner 1x2 m       2        80,000         160,000                        Duration                          13              -
  2      Voucher          24        1,000         24,000
                                                                                 VPO                               30             14
  3      XXI Ticket      25000       24           600,000                    Total Volume                         390            182
      Clipstrip Lucky
  4        Draw           2        25,000         50,000                       Total NSR                     46,117,500   21,268,000
  5     Mouse Pad        340     Ready Stocks
                                                                              Total NCM                      12,649,338    5,793,424
       TOTAL                                                                                  6,855,914
                                                       834,000                 Total Cost             -        834,000      834,000
                                                                            Net Profit/Loss                  11,815,338    4,959,424
                                                                               Cost/Case                                        2,138
                                                                              % Cost to
                                                                            additional NCM
                                                                             % Cost to NSR                                4%

                                                  Classified - Restricted
Education Activation Trial

  Banner 2x1 m                                         Lottery Clip Strip

                             Classified - Restricted
Program Mechanism
Education Activation Trial
    Running Program in 2                Outlet must order minimum 10 pcs to get
                                                                                    Consumer buy 1 CCAI Product
Education Outlets in Balikpapan                   1 Lottery Clip Strip
                                                                                  (Pack PET 425,Can 250,PET 500, or
                                                                                  MMP 350) and get a chance to pick
 SMP PATRA            KOPERASI SMP                                                direct prize from Lottery Clip Strip
  DHARMA                   06

   DMEM and MDO do “seeding “                  Prize per school
 1 Ticket XXI on 1 pocket that has
been added on Lottery Clip Strip for   12 XXI Ticket and 170 Mouse Pad
  each school and for each week

                                                   Classified - Restricted
Barriers & Action Plan in Execution
Education Activation Trial

                   BARRIERS                                               ACTION PLAN

                                                                    Order Lottery Clip Strip in
          Limited Budget for Lottery                                 the beginning of program
          Clip Strip and pocket refill                             and make handmade pockets
                 for each week                                      refill for the next running



                                         Classified - Restricted
Execution Documentation (SMP Patra Dharma)
Education Activation Trial

                             Classified - Restricted
Execution Documentation (Koperasi SMP 06)
Education Activation Trial

                             Classified - Restricted
Total Evaluation Result
Education Activation Trial

                                                    VPO TOTAL (uc)

                                 Proposal (VPO W3                             Activation Result (Average
        Outlet Name                                       Target                                           VPO Growth   %AR
                                       Jun)                                       VPO W3+W4 Nov)

      KOPERASI SMP 06                      8                 15                          12                   44%       77%
     SMP PATRA DHARMA                      6                 13                          19                  222%       145%
          TOTAL                            14                28                          30                  118%       108%

                                                VPO TOTAL (uc)
                  15                                                                    KOPERASI SMP 06
                  10                                                                    SMP PATRA DHARMA
                   5                                                                    TOTAL
                        Proposal (VPO W3        Target      Activation Result
                              Jun)                           (Average VPO
                                                             W3+W4 Nov)

                                                         Classified - Restricted
VPO Growth Pack
Education Activation Trial

            VPO Growth Pack
                                                                          This Program is very
            Pack              %GR                                       impactful to increase PET
                                                                               425 volume
           PET 425         192%

           PET 500         157%

           CSD 250         133%
                                                                          This Program wasn’t
           MMP 350            -7%
                                                                          impactful to increase
                                                                            MMP 350 volume

                       VPO Growth Pack





             PET 425     PET 500    CSD 250       MMP 350
    -50%                                      Classified - Restricted
Education Activation Trial

                                                                    From total
                                                                evaluation result
                                                              this trial program is
                                                                 effective to be
                         This program is effective              implemented in
                         to increase PET 425, Can                 more school.
                           CSD 250, and PET Tea
                          500 especially for PET
                         425, but MMP 350 didn’t
                         have volume impact from
                               this program.

                                    Classified - Restricted
Learning Points
Education Activation Trial

                    Choose right participants with significant incidence
                    Find what consumer wants
   Planning         Find unique tools to persuade consumer to buy in CCAI products
                    Maximize appearance of POSM and optimist for high incremental

                     Visit outlet routinely (every week) can maintain relationship with outlet and
                      can persuade consumer more intense.
                     Seeding XXI Ticket Mechanism can maintain excitement atmosphere and can
                      claim almost total redemption.
                     Making creative improvement every week when there is constraint budget is a
  Executing          Be Optimist to get incremental volume
                     Cost of lottery Clip Strip is very expensive (385000 IDR). If this program will
                      be accelerated to become National Program, It will be good if CCI can support
                      our Lottery Clip Strip Material.
                      Bottle Neck tag or Under The Crown material instead of Lottery Clip Strip will
                       be good for better controlling

                                         Classified - Restricted
           Current Situation :                                                 CREATE EDUCATION
                                                                                ACTIVATION TRIAL
        Education as a strategic                                              AT TWO HIPO SCHOOLS
       channel with a lot of future                                               IN BALIKPAPAN
         drinker inside, was in                                                 AS PILOT PROJECT
     -9% growth YTD 11 June 2012

                          VPO Growth Pack

                           Pack        %GR                                  Evaluation Result :
                          PET 425     192%                                        VPO TOTAL (uc)

                          PET 500     157%                                Outlet Name      VPO Growth   %AR

                          CSD 250     133%                              KOPERASI SMP 06       44%       77%
                                                                       SMP PATRA DHARMA      222%       145%
                          MMP 350      -7%
   CONCLUSION :                                                             TOTAL            118%       108%
From total evaluation
   result this trial
program is effective to
 be implemented in
    more school.                             Classified - Restricted
9.                          Organizing
     Use words economically (continued)
                           The Report
      - There are many obligations which we must meet.

                  Thank You
      - Mary is of the conviction that service has improved.

      - Sales can be determined to have improved over last year.

     - It is essential that we take the actions that are necessary to
correct the

                                  Classified - Restricted               21

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Education trial project

  • 2. Education Channel YTD 11 June 2012 Performance is Undergrowth : -9% 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 ACT 100000 LY 0 Channel ACT LY VAR GR PROVISION STORE 318562 308182 10380 3% TRADITIONAL FOOD SERVICE 87479 105956 -18477 -17% Education as strategic HEALTH & WELL BEING 32447 38327 -5880 -15% channel with a lot of TRANSPORTATION 6921 7416 -495 -7% future drinker inside is EDUCATION 46292 51133 -4841 -9% still undergrowth AT WORK 29972 31452 -1480 -5% (-9%), so we must WHOLESALER 728841 668743 60098 9% develop it more SPECIALTY RETAIL 43792 40200 3592 9% GAMES AND NET 11406 17839 Classified - Restricted -6433 -36%
  • 3. Action Plan VERTICAL DEVELOPMENT Create Education Excitement Program to Increase Volume focused on strategic packs(Can 250, PET 425, MMP 350, PET 500) EDUCATION ACTIVATION TRIAL AT TWO HIPO SCHOOLS IN BALIKPAPAN AS PILOT PROJECT Classified - Restricted
  • 4. Financial Budget Education Activation Trial 4. SUPPORTING MATERIAL 3. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS No Program Support Unit Amount Total Amount W/O Description W/ Program Add Program Contract 1 Banner 1x2 m 2 80,000 160,000 Duration 13 - 13 (weeks) 2 Voucher 24 1,000 24,000 VPO 30 14 16 3 XXI Ticket 25000 24 600,000 Total Volume 390 182 208 Clipstrip Lucky 4 Draw 2 25,000 50,000 Total NSR 46,117,500 21,268,000 24,849,500 5 Mouse Pad 340 Ready Stocks Total NCM 12,649,338 5,793,424 TOTAL 6,855,914 834,000 Total Cost - 834,000 834,000 Net Profit/Loss 11,815,338 4,959,424 6,855,914 Cost/Case 2,138 % Cost to 14% additional NCM % Cost to NSR 4% Classified - Restricted
  • 5. POSM Education Activation Trial Banner 2x1 m Lottery Clip Strip Classified - Restricted
  • 6. Program Mechanism Education Activation Trial Running Program in 2 Outlet must order minimum 10 pcs to get Consumer buy 1 CCAI Product Education Outlets in Balikpapan 1 Lottery Clip Strip (Pack PET 425,Can 250,PET 500, or MMP 350) and get a chance to pick SMP PATRA KOPERASI SMP direct prize from Lottery Clip Strip DHARMA 06 DMEM and MDO do “seeding “ Prize per school 1 Ticket XXI on 1 pocket that has been added on Lottery Clip Strip for 12 XXI Ticket and 170 Mouse Pad each school and for each week Classified - Restricted
  • 7. Barriers & Action Plan in Execution Education Activation Trial BARRIERS ACTION PLAN Order Lottery Clip Strip in Limited Budget for Lottery the beginning of program Clip Strip and pocket refill and make handmade pockets for each week refill for the next running weeks 385000 IDR FREE Classified - Restricted
  • 8. Execution Documentation (SMP Patra Dharma) Education Activation Trial Classified - Restricted
  • 9. Execution Documentation (Koperasi SMP 06) Education Activation Trial Classified - Restricted
  • 10. Total Evaluation Result Education Activation Trial VPO TOTAL (uc) Proposal (VPO W3 Activation Result (Average Outlet Name Target VPO Growth %AR Jun) VPO W3+W4 Nov) KOPERASI SMP 06 8 15 12 44% 77% SMP PATRA DHARMA 6 13 19 222% 145% TOTAL 14 28 30 118% 108% VPO TOTAL (uc) 35 30 25 20 15 KOPERASI SMP 06 10 SMP PATRA DHARMA 5 TOTAL 0 Proposal (VPO W3 Target Activation Result Jun) (Average VPO W3+W4 Nov) Classified - Restricted
  • 11. VPO Growth Pack Education Activation Trial VPO Growth Pack This Program is very Pack %GR impactful to increase PET 425 volume PET 425 192% PET 500 157% CSD 250 133% This Program wasn’t MMP 350 -7% impactful to increase MMP 350 volume VPO Growth Pack 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% PET 425 PET 500 CSD 250 MMP 350 -50% Classified - Restricted
  • 12. Conclusion Education Activation Trial From total evaluation result this trial program is effective to be This program is effective implemented in to increase PET 425, Can more school. CSD 250, and PET Tea 500 especially for PET 425, but MMP 350 didn’t have volume impact from this program. Classified - Restricted
  • 13. Learning Points Education Activation Trial Choose right participants with significant incidence Find what consumer wants Planning Find unique tools to persuade consumer to buy in CCAI products Maximize appearance of POSM and optimist for high incremental volume Visit outlet routinely (every week) can maintain relationship with outlet and can persuade consumer more intense. Seeding XXI Ticket Mechanism can maintain excitement atmosphere and can claim almost total redemption. Making creative improvement every week when there is constraint budget is a must Executing Be Optimist to get incremental volume Cost of lottery Clip Strip is very expensive (385000 IDR). If this program will be accelerated to become National Program, It will be good if CCI can support our Lottery Clip Strip Material.  Bottle Neck tag or Under The Crown material instead of Lottery Clip Strip will be good for better controlling Classified - Restricted
  • 14. Summary Current Situation : CREATE EDUCATION ACTIVATION TRIAL Education as a strategic AT TWO HIPO SCHOOLS channel with a lot of future IN BALIKPAPAN drinker inside, was in AS PILOT PROJECT -9% growth YTD 11 June 2012 VPO Growth Pack Pack %GR Evaluation Result : PET 425 192% VPO TOTAL (uc) PET 500 157% Outlet Name VPO Growth %AR CSD 250 133% KOPERASI SMP 06 44% 77% SMP PATRA DHARMA 222% 145% MMP 350 -7% CONCLUSION : TOTAL 118% 108% From total evaluation result this trial program is effective to be implemented in more school. Classified - Restricted
  • 15. ASSEMBLING THE REPORT – 9. Organizing Use words economically (continued) The Report - There are many obligations which we must meet. Thank You - Mary is of the conviction that service has improved. - Sales can be determined to have improved over last year. - It is essential that we take the actions that are necessary to correct the problem. Classified - Restricted 21