The document discusses educational leadership and identifies dimensions that have been neglected. It focuses on three key dimensions:
1) The difference between leadership which initiates change, and management which maintains the status quo.
2) How the "systemsworld" of management and efficiency can colonize and dominate the "lifeworld" of human development if not balanced.
3) Developing professional capital in educators, including human capital like knowledge/skills, social capital through collaboration, and decisional capital involving discretion and judgment.
Restoring the neglected dimensions involves cultivating leadership focused on human development, balancing systems needs with lifeworld priorities, and growing educators' professional expertise.
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Educational Leadership: Neglected dimension
Neglected dimension
19th National Seminar on
Educational Leadership and
Institut Aminuddin Baki
Ministry of Education Malaysia
3 July 2012
Dr. Amin Senin
Deputy Director-General of Education
(Policy and Development)
Ministry of Education Malaysia
2. What dimension?
Why neglected?
How to restore?
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
3. Leading Managing
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
4. Leading
By leadership, I mean
influencing others actions in
achieving desireable ends.
Leaders are people who shape
the goals, motivations, and
actions of others. Frequently
they initiate change to reach
e x i s t i n g a n d n e w g o a l s . . .
( Cuban, L., 1988 )
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
5. Managing
Managing is maintaining
efficiently and effectively
current organizational
arrangement. While managing
well often exhibits leadership
skills, the overall function is
toward maintenance rather
t h a n c h a n g e .
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
. . . educational leadership is
first and foremost about the
work of educating. . . That is to
s a y, e d u c a t i o n a l l e a d e r s h i p
should be about developing
e v e r y o n e s u n i q u e h u m a n
resources in order to fully
e n a c t t h e e d u c a t i n g p r o c e s s .
( Rober t J. St ar rat , 20 11)
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
. . . the term human resources
to refer to those human
resources each individual brings
to the work of teaching and
learningthose talents,
dispositions, interests, life
experiences, cultural
proficiencies, and prior
education that comprise their
p e r s o n h o o d , t h e i r h u m a n i t y.
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
In short, educating is all
about the human development
of young people , and the
attendant learning of their
t e a c h e r s a s t h ey p ro b e w ay s
for their pedagogy to activate
the human resources of the
y o u n g l e a r n e r s .
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
9. Systemsworld
Why? colonization
Colonization of the
lifeworld. . . occurs when the
systemsworld begins to
dominate the lifeworld. . .
colonization happens
gradually and goes largely
u n n o t i c e d .
( Thomas Se rg iovanni, 2004 )
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
10. Why? Lifeworld
The lifeworld provides the
foundations for the
development of social,
intellectual, and other forms of
human capital that contribute,
in turn, to the development of
cultural capital that
contribute, in turn, to the
development of cultural
c a p i t a l .
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
11. Why? Systemsworld
The systemsworld, by contrast,
is a world of instrumentalities,
of efficient means designed to
achieved end. The systemsworld
provides the foundation for the
develoment of management and
of organizational and financial
capital that, in turn, contribute
to the development of material
c a p i t a l .
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
12. Development
How? Professional
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
13. How? Professional
Capital H u m a n
( Fullan & Hargreave s , 20 12 )
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
14. Professional Capital
How? Human Capital
Human capital in teaching is
a b o u t h av i n g a n d d eve l o p i n g
the requisite knowledge and
skills. . . It is about possessing
the passion and the moral
commitment to ser ve all
children and to want to keep
getting better in how you
provide that ser vice . Human
capital is about individual
t a l e n t .
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
15. Professional Capital
How? Social Capital
Social capital refers to how
the quantity and quality of
interactions and social
relationships among people
affects their access to
knowledge and information;
their senses of expectation,
obligation, and trust; and how
far they are likely to adhere to
the same norms or codes of
b e h a v i o r.
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin
16. Professional Capital
How? Decisional Capital
. . . is the capital that
professionals acquire and
accumulate through structured
and unstructured experience ,
practice , and reflection -
capital that enables them to
make wise judgements in
circumstances where there is
no fixed rule or piece of
incontrover tible evidence to
g u i d e t h e m .
際際滷s presentation by Dr. Amin Senin