Administrators seemed more aware of 21st century skills than teachers. Teacher technology use correlated with emphasis on these skills, with frequent users emphasizing them more. Most administrators believed their schools strongly emphasized 21st century skills and perceived greater benefits of technology on student behaviors and engagement in learning than teachers. Administrators also perceived stronger positive effects on students' communication, analysis, openness, understanding of global issues.
3. 1. Administrators seemed to be more aware than the teacher of the
term 21st century skills.
2. Teacher who were infrequent technology users did not place the
most emphasis on the 21st century skills as frequent users do.
3. Majority of the administrators believe that their schools very
strongly emphasized 21st century skills.
4. Administrators have somewhat stronger perception of the
positive effects of technology on students behaviors associated
with 21st century skills and engagement in learning than teacher.
5. Administrators have somewhat stronger perceptions of the
positive effects for students of the following skills:
5.1. communicating thoughts effectively in visual form
5.2. analyzing information
5.3. being open to diverse perspectives
5.4. communicating thoughts effectively in written form
5.5. understanding the global issues and implications for
their works