олимпиада декабрь2014GALINA kOSHKINAРезультаты участия школьников МБОУ СОШ сельского поселения "Поселок Токи" в дистанционной олимпиаде по английскому языку "Декабрь 2014"
BorodinoGALINA kOSHKINAThe document summarizes the Battle of Borodino, a key battle in the French invasion of Russia during the Napoleonic Wars. It discusses how the small village of Borodino became synbolized by Russian victories after the bloody battle that took place there on August 27, 1812 between Napoleon's Grande Armée and the Russian army, where over 70,000 soldiers were killed or wounded. The document also quotes Napoleon saying the Battle of Borodino was his worst battle, though the Russians were unvanquished. It then lists information about the general Kutuzov, the Borodino battlefield, and museums and links related to the battle.
Curriculum engagementKelly EstradaThe document discusses curriculum from two perspectives: as a product and as a process. When viewed as a product, curriculum involves steps like determining needs, setting objectives, selecting content and experiences, and evaluation. As a process, curriculum is continuous, dynamic development guided by values and open to scrutiny. It emphasizes teaching as an ongoing process rather than fixed outcomes. The document provides guidance for a curriculum project, advising the selection of a focus area, development of goals and objectives, description of content and learning experiences, and assessment process without reinventing existing models in the given domain.
олимпиада декабрь2014GALINA kOSHKINAРезультаты участия школьников МБОУ СОШ сельского поселения "Поселок Токи" в дистанционной олимпиаде по английскому языку "Декабрь 2014"
BorodinoGALINA kOSHKINAThe document summarizes the Battle of Borodino, a key battle in the French invasion of Russia during the Napoleonic Wars. It discusses how the small village of Borodino became synbolized by Russian victories after the bloody battle that took place there on August 27, 1812 between Napoleon's Grande Armée and the Russian army, where over 70,000 soldiers were killed or wounded. The document also quotes Napoleon saying the Battle of Borodino was his worst battle, though the Russians were unvanquished. It then lists information about the general Kutuzov, the Borodino battlefield, and museums and links related to the battle.
Curriculum engagementKelly EstradaThe document discusses curriculum from two perspectives: as a product and as a process. When viewed as a product, curriculum involves steps like determining needs, setting objectives, selecting content and experiences, and evaluation. As a process, curriculum is continuous, dynamic development guided by values and open to scrutiny. It emphasizes teaching as an ongoing process rather than fixed outcomes. The document provides guidance for a curriculum project, advising the selection of a focus area, development of goals and objectives, description of content and learning experiences, and assessment process without reinventing existing models in the given domain.
1. Тренажер
для уроков 1-10
2 класс (УМК Биболетова М.З.)
Кошкина Г.Ф.
учитель английского языка
МБОУ СОШ сельского поселения
«Поселок Токи»
Токи 2014
автор макроса Ханс
Вернер Хоффман
6. Источники
автора макроса Ханса Вернера Хоффмана
7. Источники
автора макроса Ханса Вернера Хоффмана