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Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Disruptive Technologies in
Padmaja Krishnan
December 2015
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
One must learn by doing, for though you
think you know it, you have no certainty
until you do it.
- Aristotle
Born in 384 BC, Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher and Scientist
in the Macedonian city of Stagira, Chalkidice, on the northern periphery of
Classical Greece
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Healthcare is an Ancient Science
In 1000 BC, the only early test for
diabetes was whether urine
attracted ants
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Developments in
Science & Technology
have revolutionized Healthcare
and a highly specialized Vertical
known as
Healthcare Industry
is growing
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Consumer Perspectives
 The healthcare industry has complex medical
 Slow to adopt innovations
 The pace of New Technologies is impacting our
everyday lives at lightning speeds
 People get used to technology easily: For 30% of
average urban population their phone is the first thing
and last thing they look at everyday :
 Technologies can enable Healthcare to offer cheaper,
faster and more efficient patient care than ever before
 Fast innovations in technology is causing fast changes
and disruptions in Healthcare
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Consumer Perspectives
 When care is complex, expensive and
inconvenient, many afflictions simply go
 If consumers and providers are given equal
choices, the use of disruptive technologies will
help those applications that can create value
for both
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Consumer Perspectives
 Healthcare Industry leaders should work with
insurers, regulators, managed care
organizations, hospitals and health
professionals to facilitate disruption, instead
of uniting to prevent it
 Instead of working to preserve the existing
methods, healthcare industry should enable
the disruptive innovations to evolve and help
in the process of healthcare
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Consumer Perspectives
 Lack of Interdisciplinary Skills
 Medical-technology companies had tried to
develop non-invasive POC testing systems but
could not succeed in the past
 Failure in such endeavors is common, due to
lack of interdisciplinary skills
ATM was created by A Banker and A Technologist in collaboration
They could not have done it on their own
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Lead to Advances that will transform
Global Economy
(McKinsey Global Institute)
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Independent Research
Twelve potential disruptive technologies
By McKinsey Global Institute analysis
 Mobile Internet
Inexpensive and capable mobile computing devices with
Internet connectivity
 Automation of knowledge work
Intelligent software systems that can perform
knowledge work, tasks involving unstructured
commands and subtle judgments
 The Internet of Things
Networks of low-cost sensors and actuators for data
collection, monitoring, decision making, response &
process optimization
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Independent Research contd.
 Cloud technology
Use of computer hardware and software resources
delivered over a network or the Internet, often as
a service (on demand)
 Advanced robotics
Increasingly capable robots with enhanced senses,
dexterity, and intelligence used to automate tasks
or augment humans
 Autonomous and near-autonomous vehicles
Vehicles that can navigate and operate intelligently
with reduced or no human intervention
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Independent Research contd.
 Next-generation genomics
Fast, low-cost gene sequencing, advanced big data
analytics, and synthetic biology (writing DNA)
 Energy storage
Devices or systems that store energy for later use,
including batteries
 3D printing
Additive manufacturing techniques to create
objects by printing layers of material based on
digital models
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Independent Research contd.
 Advanced materials
Materials designed to have superior characteristics
(e.g., strength, weight, conductivity) or
 Advanced oil and gas exploration & recovery
Exploration and recovery techniques that make
extraction of unconventional oil and gas
 Renewable energy
Generation of electricity from renewable sources
with reduced harmful impact on climate
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Transformations till date
 In 1000 BC, the only early test for diabetes was
whether your urine attracted ants
 In 2012, 25.8 million people with diabetes have
spent USD 245 billion on diabetes in US alone,
a figure presently rising by 7% per annum.
- Forbes Article Sept 2014
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Transformations till date contd.
 Cost of testing blood-sugar levels is rapidly falling -
- A handheld device at home can replace the
laboratory visit and analysis.
 Home blood-sugar monitors, are early examples
of point-of-care (POC) technology, that obviate
expensive testing in health-care facilities.
 This trend will only continue and grow
- Forbes Article Sept 2014
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Point of Care Technology
Exponential growth & business opportunities in health
care may be possible due to two factors:
 (a) the emergence of newer POC technologies that
lower the costs of diagnostics and replace health-care
workers and professionals
 (b) increase in chronic disease and the opportunities
this offers for lifelong use of products for diagnosis and
Healthcare may become the worlds most lucrative
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Google & Novartis Partners
for Smart lens
 Google along with pharmaceutical giant Novartis
is working on a smart contact lens project , to
help patients manage diabetes - announced by
Google in January 2014
 The project aims to assist people with diabetes
by constantly measuring the glucose levels in
their tears. The project is currently being tested
using prototypes.
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Smart Lens
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Organ on a Chip
 Researchers have started working on a technology they call
 An Organ-on-a-Chip is a multi-channel 3-D microfluid cell-
culture chip that simulates the activities, mechanics, and
physiological response of entire organs and organ systems
 It mimics the structure and functions of a living human
organ, on a clear, flexible microchip. The chips are
subjected to the physiological conditions that take place
inside the human body, and respond to infection,
inflammation, environmental toxins, and drugs.
 Perhaps this can abolish the need for animals in drug
development and toxin testing by replacing it altogether
with procedures using human tissue
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Organ on a Chip
Wyss Institute at Harvard University predicts
that the results will be
 More accurate than those obtained through
testing on animals
 With the twin benefits of better success rate
in clinical trials & enabling us to stop harming
the animals in the name of science.
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Organs on Chips
(Biomedical Engineering)
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
 The responses of Organs-on-Chips are far more predictably pertinent to
human physiology than are non-human animals responses
 They have the potential to
 Eliminate poor drug formulations at the pre-clinical stage
 Shorten the drug-development process & effort: Lower Time & Cost
 Provide A Disruptive Technology that can help eliminate the demand for
animal lives by testing drugs directly on artificial human organs.
 Potential revolution exists: of creating an Organ-on-a-Chip that is uniquely
suited to an individual
 This may help customize a drug to individuals physiology
 Organ-on-a-Chip eventually represents a potential world of new possibilities
in the field of customized medicine.
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
3D Printed Bio-Materials
Seven applications of 3D printers in healthcare that could have an important impact in the future:
1. Embryonic Stem Cells: These cells have already been successfully printed in a lab and could be
one-day use to create tissue that could help test drugs and assist in the growth of new organs.
2. Printing Skin: There have been many advances in the areas of developing skin to help burn
victims and skin disease patients, 3D printers can help further jumpstart these advances with
the addition of laser-printed skin cells.
3. Blood Vessels & Heart Tissue: Organovo is a company that has already successfully printed
blood vessels and sheets of cardiac tissue that actually beat along just like a real heart.
4. Replacing Cartilage & Bone: 3D printers have also helped scientists and doctors create stem
cells that could eventually develop into both bone and cartilage in the long-term.
5. Studying Cancer: Printing cancer cells is a way of growing these cells on tissue in a lab to study,
test drugs on and to eventually find a cure for.
6. Patching a Broken Heart: Printing cells with a 3D printer proves useful in a recent study of rats
that had previously suffered heart attacks and were given these patches of cells to help slowly
help improve their heart function overtime.
7. Replacement Organs: Printing new part for organs or entire organs all together will help solve
an ongoing medical need and help save hundred of thousands of people every year waiting for
an organ donation to come thru.
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
What is 3-D Printing
An idea can go directly from
3D-design file to finished part
or product (& possibly skip
traditional manufacturing
3D printing enables on-
demand production, which
has interesting implications
for supply chains and spare
parts : A major cost for
3D printing can reduce the
amount of material wasted in
manufacturing and create
objects that are difficult or
impossible to produce with
traditional techniques
Scientists have bio-printed
organs, using an inkjet
printing technique to layer
human stem cells along with
supporting scaffolding
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Digestible Sensors
A digestible sensor transmits
information about a patient to medical
professionals to help them customize
patient care as well as the care
provided to other individuals
experiencing similar health conditions
or ailments.
Provide healthcare professionals
with information about the human
body and how various treatment
solutions affect each system of
Monitors body systems and wirelessly
transmits information to devices like
smart-phone or computer for review by
doctor. Latest innovations with
digestible sensors dont require a
battery source - they solely rely on the
human body for energy.
An innovation of this nature can
help detect diseases and
conditions at earlier stages in
people digesting these sensors
that are in turn, constantly
monitored wirelessly
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Cloud-based Solutions
Communication within Healthcare is an easy problem
 Yet not solved fully for many decades 
 Referrals - Treatment - Progress updates - Insurance
authorizations are all communications : But cost money &
delays to patients & liabilities to healthcare provider
 Over 50 percent of referrals do not reach specialty care
providers : Patients miss treatment and healthcare providers
lose money
 A simple Cloud based solution can connect doctors & patients
with a Robust Referral Management platform & communicate
across all entities
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Impact on Society,
Business & Economies
 Implications for individuals and societies
 Changes quality of life, health, and environment
 Changes patterns of consumption
 Changes nature of work
 Creates opportunities for entrepreneurs
Implications for established businesses & organizations
 Creates new products and services
 Innovative Material & Supply Chain Management in the industries
 Changes organizational structures
 Implications for economies and governments
 Drives growth or productivity
 Game Changing comparative advantages for nations
 Affects current ways of employment
 Poses new regulatory and legal challenges
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Global Market Trends
 According to May 2014 figures of BCC Research,
the global POC market has steadily grown from
2007 to 2013
 Average compounded annual POC growth rate is
4.5%, and annual revenue is expected to reach at
least USD 19 billion by 2018
 Healthcare Industry will shift Focus towards:
 better treatment, lower costs-time-expense, and
reducing animal suffering due to drug development
 and to development of patient-specific drugs
Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Disruptive Technologies
will impact
Society, Businesses & Economies
and therefore
will impact
Every Industry Sector
The Key lies in embracing the
Change and Evolving with it
Thank You !

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EE Disruptive Technologies in Healthcare Dec2015

  • 1. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Disruptive Technologies in Healthcare Padmaja Krishnan December 2015 padmaja.krishnan@emergingedges.com
  • 2. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. One must learn by doing, for though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you do it. - Aristotle Born in 384 BC, Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher and Scientist in the Macedonian city of Stagira, Chalkidice, on the northern periphery of Classical Greece
  • 3. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Healthcare is an Ancient Science In 1000 BC, the only early test for diabetes was whether urine attracted ants
  • 4. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Developments in Science & Technology have revolutionized Healthcare and a highly specialized Vertical known as Healthcare Industry is growing Rapidly
  • 5. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Consumer Perspectives The healthcare industry has complex medical ecosystem Slow to adopt innovations The pace of New Technologies is impacting our everyday lives at lightning speeds People get used to technology easily: For 30% of average urban population their phone is the first thing and last thing they look at everyday : Technologies can enable Healthcare to offer cheaper, faster and more efficient patient care than ever before Fast innovations in technology is causing fast changes and disruptions in Healthcare
  • 6. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Consumer Perspectives When care is complex, expensive and inconvenient, many afflictions simply go untreated If consumers and providers are given equal choices, the use of disruptive technologies will help those applications that can create value for both
  • 7. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Consumer Perspectives Healthcare Industry leaders should work with insurers, regulators, managed care organizations, hospitals and health professionals to facilitate disruption, instead of uniting to prevent it Instead of working to preserve the existing methods, healthcare industry should enable the disruptive innovations to evolve and help in the process of healthcare
  • 8. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Consumer Perspectives Lack of Interdisciplinary Skills Medical-technology companies had tried to develop non-invasive POC testing systems but could not succeed in the past Failure in such endeavors is common, due to lack of interdisciplinary skills ATM was created by A Banker and A Technologist in collaboration They could not have done it on their own
  • 9. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Lead to Advances that will transform Life Business and Global Economy (McKinsey Global Institute) Disruptive Technologies
  • 10. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Independent Research Twelve potential disruptive technologies By McKinsey Global Institute analysis Mobile Internet Inexpensive and capable mobile computing devices with Internet connectivity Automation of knowledge work Intelligent software systems that can perform knowledge work, tasks involving unstructured commands and subtle judgments The Internet of Things Networks of low-cost sensors and actuators for data collection, monitoring, decision making, response & process optimization
  • 11. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Independent Research contd. Cloud technology Use of computer hardware and software resources delivered over a network or the Internet, often as a service (on demand) Advanced robotics Increasingly capable robots with enhanced senses, dexterity, and intelligence used to automate tasks or augment humans Autonomous and near-autonomous vehicles Vehicles that can navigate and operate intelligently with reduced or no human intervention
  • 12. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Independent Research contd. Next-generation genomics Fast, low-cost gene sequencing, advanced big data analytics, and synthetic biology (writing DNA) Energy storage Devices or systems that store energy for later use, including batteries 3D printing Additive manufacturing techniques to create objects by printing layers of material based on digital models
  • 13. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Independent Research contd. Advanced materials Materials designed to have superior characteristics (e.g., strength, weight, conductivity) or functionality Advanced oil and gas exploration & recovery Exploration and recovery techniques that make extraction of unconventional oil and gas economical Renewable energy Generation of electricity from renewable sources with reduced harmful impact on climate
  • 14. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Transformations till date In 1000 BC, the only early test for diabetes was whether your urine attracted ants In 2012, 25.8 million people with diabetes have spent USD 245 billion on diabetes in US alone, a figure presently rising by 7% per annum. - Forbes Article Sept 2014
  • 15. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Transformations till date contd. Cost of testing blood-sugar levels is rapidly falling - - A handheld device at home can replace the laboratory visit and analysis. Home blood-sugar monitors, are early examples of point-of-care (POC) technology, that obviate expensive testing in health-care facilities. This trend will only continue and grow - Forbes Article Sept 2014
  • 16. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Point of Care Technology Exponential growth & business opportunities in health care may be possible due to two factors: (a) the emergence of newer POC technologies that lower the costs of diagnostics and replace health-care workers and professionals (b) increase in chronic disease and the opportunities this offers for lifelong use of products for diagnosis and treatment Healthcare may become the worlds most lucrative industry
  • 17. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Google & Novartis Partners for Smart lens Google along with pharmaceutical giant Novartis is working on a smart contact lens project , to help patients manage diabetes - announced by Google in January 2014 The project aims to assist people with diabetes by constantly measuring the glucose levels in their tears. The project is currently being tested using prototypes.
  • 18. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Smart Lens
  • 19. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Organ on a Chip Researchers have started working on a technology they call Organ-on-a-Chip. An Organ-on-a-Chip is a multi-channel 3-D microfluid cell- culture chip that simulates the activities, mechanics, and physiological response of entire organs and organ systems It mimics the structure and functions of a living human organ, on a clear, flexible microchip. The chips are subjected to the physiological conditions that take place inside the human body, and respond to infection, inflammation, environmental toxins, and drugs. Perhaps this can abolish the need for animals in drug development and toxin testing by replacing it altogether with procedures using human tissue
  • 20. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Organ on a Chip Wyss Institute at Harvard University predicts that the results will be More accurate than those obtained through testing on animals With the twin benefits of better success rate in clinical trials & enabling us to stop harming the animals in the name of science.
  • 21. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Organs on Chips (Biomedical Engineering)
  • 22. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Organs-on-Chips The responses of Organs-on-Chips are far more predictably pertinent to human physiology than are non-human animals responses They have the potential to Eliminate poor drug formulations at the pre-clinical stage Shorten the drug-development process & effort: Lower Time & Cost Provide A Disruptive Technology that can help eliminate the demand for animal lives by testing drugs directly on artificial human organs. Potential revolution exists: of creating an Organ-on-a-Chip that is uniquely suited to an individual This may help customize a drug to individuals physiology Organ-on-a-Chip eventually represents a potential world of new possibilities in the field of customized medicine.
  • 23. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. 3D Printed Bio-Materials Seven applications of 3D printers in healthcare that could have an important impact in the future: 1. Embryonic Stem Cells: These cells have already been successfully printed in a lab and could be one-day use to create tissue that could help test drugs and assist in the growth of new organs. 2. Printing Skin: There have been many advances in the areas of developing skin to help burn victims and skin disease patients, 3D printers can help further jumpstart these advances with the addition of laser-printed skin cells. 3. Blood Vessels & Heart Tissue: Organovo is a company that has already successfully printed blood vessels and sheets of cardiac tissue that actually beat along just like a real heart. 4. Replacing Cartilage & Bone: 3D printers have also helped scientists and doctors create stem cells that could eventually develop into both bone and cartilage in the long-term. 5. Studying Cancer: Printing cancer cells is a way of growing these cells on tissue in a lab to study, test drugs on and to eventually find a cure for. 6. Patching a Broken Heart: Printing cells with a 3D printer proves useful in a recent study of rats that had previously suffered heart attacks and were given these patches of cells to help slowly help improve their heart function overtime. 7. Replacement Organs: Printing new part for organs or entire organs all together will help solve an ongoing medical need and help save hundred of thousands of people every year waiting for an organ donation to come thru.
  • 24. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. What is 3-D Printing An idea can go directly from 3D-design file to finished part or product (& possibly skip traditional manufacturing steps) 3D printing enables on- demand production, which has interesting implications for supply chains and spare parts : A major cost for manufacturers 3D printing can reduce the amount of material wasted in manufacturing and create objects that are difficult or impossible to produce with traditional techniques Scientists have bio-printed organs, using an inkjet printing technique to layer human stem cells along with supporting scaffolding
  • 25. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Digestible Sensors A digestible sensor transmits information about a patient to medical professionals to help them customize patient care as well as the care provided to other individuals experiencing similar health conditions or ailments. Provide healthcare professionals with information about the human body and how various treatment solutions affect each system of organs. Monitors body systems and wirelessly transmits information to devices like smart-phone or computer for review by doctor. Latest innovations with digestible sensors dont require a battery source - they solely rely on the human body for energy. An innovation of this nature can help detect diseases and conditions at earlier stages in people digesting these sensors that are in turn, constantly monitored wirelessly
  • 26. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Cloud-based Solutions Communication within Healthcare is an easy problem Yet not solved fully for many decades Referrals - Treatment - Progress updates - Insurance authorizations are all communications : But cost money & delays to patients & liabilities to healthcare provider Over 50 percent of referrals do not reach specialty care providers : Patients miss treatment and healthcare providers lose money A simple Cloud based solution can connect doctors & patients with a Robust Referral Management platform & communicate across all entities
  • 27. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Impact on Society, Business & Economies Implications for individuals and societies Changes quality of life, health, and environment Changes patterns of consumption Changes nature of work Creates opportunities for entrepreneurs Implications for established businesses & organizations Creates new products and services Innovative Material & Supply Chain Management in the industries Changes organizational structures Implications for economies and governments Drives growth or productivity Game Changing comparative advantages for nations Affects current ways of employment Poses new regulatory and legal challenges
  • 28. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Global Market Trends According to May 2014 figures of BCC Research, the global POC market has steadily grown from 2007 to 2013 Average compounded annual POC growth rate is 4.5%, and annual revenue is expected to reach at least USD 19 billion by 2018 Healthcare Industry will shift Focus towards: better treatment, lower costs-time-expense, and reducing animal suffering due to drug development and to development of patient-specific drugs
  • 29. Emerging Edges Consultants Pvt Ltd. Disruptive Technologies will impact Society, Businesses & Economies and therefore will impact Every Industry Sector The Key lies in embracing the Change and Evolving with it Thank You !