This document provides information about the EE 220 course on Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms. It lists the instructor, teaching assistant, programming assistant, and their contact details. It outlines the course structure including timing of classes and office hours, textbooks, prerequisites, grading breakdown, homework and programming assignments, exams, instructor's travel schedule, and topics to be covered in the course.
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1. EE 220 (Data Structures and
Analysis of Algorithms)
Instructor: Saswati Sarkar (
T.A. Dhanant Subhdrabandhu
Programming Assistant (P. A): Marcus De Young
Course Web Page:
2. Timings
Class Tuesday Thursday: 9-10:30, 212 Moore
Instructor Office Hours: 10:30-11:30, Tuesday, 360 Moore
12-1 Thursday 360 Moore
(can schedule meetings other times by appointment)
T.A. Office Hours: Wednesday 11:30-12:30(??), Friday 2-3,
P.A. Office Hours: Monday 12-1, Wednesday 10:30-11:30,
Recitation: Day?? Room??
5. Grading
Homeworks once in two weeks (15% of grade)
Posted every alternate Thursday
Due 14 days after posting (solution posted after class)
Exceptions will be notified
Consultation allowed but no copying
Late submission not accepted
First Homework posted today, 8th
Jan, Due 15th
Jan before 9 AM
6. Programming
Every homework will have one program
Program can be done in C or Java
C programs will be tested in eniac machine
Programs can be done in groups of two students
Contact P.A. for any assistance in programming
Submit all homework programs to P.A.
9. Course Content
Course Motivation
Mathematical Foundation:
Complexity Analysis:
Data Structures: List, Stacks, Queues
Algorithm: Searching and Trees
Sorting and Heaps
Graph Algorithms (Depth first Search,
Breadth First Search, Topological sort,
Shortest path algorithm, Spanning Tree
Computability and Complexity
10. Course Motivation
Need to run computer programs efficiently!
Computer program:
Accepts Input (Data)
Performs a Sequence of action with the input
Generates Output (Data)
Efficient Management of Data
(Data Structures)
Efficient Sequence of Actions
11. Algorithms
Sequence of actions a ``dumb¡¯¡¯ machine can follow
For j=1 to N
print j
Efficient versus Inefficient algorithm
12. Design of Algorithms
You have a problem to solve
Design an efficient algorithm
Use good data structures
Show that your algorithm works!
Prove its correctness
Study the efficiency of your algorithm
13. Formal Study of Algorithms
Design of Algorithms
Proving Correctness of Algorithms
Formal study of efficiency of algorithms
Run time
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