This document discusses four types of listening: informative listening, relationship listening, appreciative listening, and critical listening.
[1] Informative listening aims to understand the message the sender intended and is important for learning from lectures, instructions, or on the job training. [2] Relationship listening helps individuals or improves relationships through attending behaviors like eye contact and body language. [3] Appreciative listening involves listening to music or media for enjoyment based on personal preference. [4] Critical listening is essential in a democracy and for making careful judgments, as it requires evaluating a speaker's expertise and the logic of their arguments.
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Effective Listening
7. Informative listening is the name we give to the situation where the
listeners primary concern is to understand the message. Listeners are
successful insofar as the meaning they assign to messages is as close as
possible to that which the sender intended.
Informative listening, or listening to understand, is found in all areas of
our lives. Much of our learning comes from informative listening.
For example, we listen to lectures or instructions from teachersand what
we learn depends on how well we listen. In the workplace, we listen to
understand new practices or proceduresand how well we perform
depends on how well we listen. We listen to
instructions, briefings, reports, and speeches; if we listen poorly, we arent
equipped with the information we need.
8. The purpose of relationship listening is either to help an individual or to
improve the relationship between people.
Comprises the importance of paying attention, or attending behavior.
Eye contact is one of the most important attending behaviors. Looking
appropriately and comfortably at the speaker sends a message that is
different from that sent by a frequent shift of gaze, staring, or looking
around the room. Body positioning communicates acceptance or lack of it.
A pleasant tone of voice, gentle touching, and concern for the other
persons comfort are other attending behaviors
9. Appreciative listening includes listening to music for enjoyment, to
speakers because you like their style, to your choices in theater, television,
radio, or film. It is the response of the listener, not the source of the
message, that defines appreciative listening.
That which provides appreciative listening for one person may provide
something else for another. For example, hard rock music is not a source
of appreciative listening for me. I would rather listen to gospel, country,
jazz, or the golden oldies.
10. The ability to listen critically is essential in a democracy.
On the job, in the community, at service clubs, in places of worship, in the
family-there is practically no place you can go where critical listening is
Politicians, the media, salesmen, advocates of policies and
procedures, and our own financial, emotional, intellectual, physical, and
spiritual needs require us to place a premium on critical listening and the
thinking that accompanies it.
Effective critical listening requires careful judgment about the expertness
and trustworthiness of the speaker. In fact, ethos or speaker credibility
may be the most important single factor in critical listening and thinking.
However, ethos without logos is not enough.