KOM Digital Artistry provides a 3-step customer centered digital marketing process: 1) Consultation and workshop to identify power plays, pain points, goals and timelines; 2) Development of a strategy and implementation plan using tools, apps and content; 3) Ongoing assessment of analytics to ensure goals are met and the strategy evolves over time. The process is meant to accentuate strengths, alleviate weaknesses, and accelerate customer awareness and engagement.
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Effective Marketing
1. Customer Centered
Digital Marketing
Taking a Global View of your
Digital Marketing to date we
accentuate the power plays
alleviate the pain points
accelerate awareness &
KOM Digital Artistry
06115 9 6818 b@komdigitalartistry.co.za
2. 1. Consultation & Workshop
We Create a Digital Journey Canvas
through Consultation & Workshop
Power Plays
Pain Points
KOM Digital Artistry
06115 9 6818 b@komdigitalartistry.co.za
Discovery of
3. 2. Strategy & Activation
Activate your Digital Journey by creating a
Strategy & Implementation Plan
Tools, Software, Apps
Service Providers
Social Actions
Streamline Services
Actionable SEO, Content,
UX/UI Design
KOM Digital Artistry
06115 9 6818 b@komdigitalartistry.co.za
Use Discovery to recommend
4. 3. Learn and Grow
Digital Journey assessment through
analytics. Change & Grow
KOM Digital Artistry
06115 9 6818 b@komdigitalartistry.co.za
Analyse achievements: did
accentuate the power plays
alleviate the pain points
accelerate awareness &
achieve budget, goals
5. KOM Digital Artistry
06115 9 6818 b@komdigitalartistry.co.za
Customer Centered Digital Marketing
1. Consultation & Workshop
2. Strategy & Activation
3. Learn and Grow