At the CU Conferences 2013 Social Media Conference, this presentation takes Twitter to a higher level for enhanced effectiveness for your credit union.
9. Why use Twitter?
Share what you know / Learn in return
Complement traditional marketing efforts
Create two-way conversations
Build relationships / trust
Become more human
Position your CU as a financial resource
10. 70-20-10 formula
70% Sharing quality content from others
Become a valued, trusted resource
20% Convo/Collabo w/ others
Become a thought leader
10% Personal
Become more human
11. What makes a good
Insightful / Advice
Helpful / Solves a Problem
Personal Relevance
12. What members may
look for in tweet
Fraud alerts (help)
Special offers/rates (insight/value)
Financial tips (advice)
Member success stories (insight)
Promotions/contests (entertainment/value)
Support (help)
31. Twitter wrap up
Provide valuable/helpful info (RTs!)
Know your audience
Quality over quantity
Be consistent
Have a goal
Review your tweets: Would you follow you?