2. Whats it all about Benefits to your business油 The world of email marketing Making it effective Q & A
3. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses email as a means of communicating commercial messages to an audience. With the purpose of enhancing the relationship of an organisation with its contacts, email encourages customer loyalty and repeat business.
4. Email allows you to reach customers and keep them coming back . It s great at; Retention and relationship marketing Measuring return on investment Ecommerce integration - proves email can be a vital source of traffic to your site
5. Reasons why we think it s a good choice... Cost effective Immediate Flexible Personal
7. Fully Managed Agency Lower time investment Higher cost Self-Service Higher time investment Lower cost
8. Consider Your brand Does plain text really represent your brand? Technical capabilities Domestic emails Images Attachments Reporting If you cant measure it, you cant manage it!
9. To make email effective you need to understand Rules & regulations Strategy and planning Creating relevance Deliverability Analysis of results
10. Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (2003) Anyone receiving your marketing must have previously 油opted in.油 The only time opt in is not necessary is when ; There is already an established relationship - The products being promoted are of a similar nature油 and There is a valid and simple way to opt out on receipt (meaning you must 油have a clear and simple unsubscribe link)
11. What do you want to achieve? Brand awareness? Make sales? Relationship building? Event registration? Design, content and outcomes will differ depending on your aims and objectives
13. Essentially it boils down to Who you are you sending it to? What do you want to tell them? Why will they be interested? What do you expect them to do as a result?
14. 80% of emails sent daily are spam Use a professional provider Use a recognised from and reply to address [email_address] Be aware of 油trigger words and phrases Keep your text to image ratio 60:40
15. Email reports contain a number of important terms, which explain the results for each campaign. Use these to improve engagement Sent Bounced Delivered Opened/Read Clicks Unsubscribes
16. Without data you cant email anyone Start collecting now, even if you are not sending Use on and off line opt in methods Remember the more you ask, the less sign ups youll get
17. Increase customer engagement through using email to join up marketing channels Capture data through website sign ups Integrate with your online shop Share content on social media Broadcast website, blog, video or podcast content Encourage feedback and interaction
More profitable Gaining new leads Keeping hold of the ones you have/ most profitable/ cheaper than NB/ vital for success Best ROI and great reporting GA
I ve put this in here because its supposed to be how email can help the
I ve put this in here because its supposed to be how email can help the