This document discusses the effects of advancing technology on homes. It outlines both positive and negative impacts in the areas of household chores, home entertainment, home security, parenting, and family dynamics. Positives include time-saving technologies, convenience, safety features, and maintaining connections. Negatives include over-dependence, excessive screen time, isolation, anxiety, and reduced personal interactions within families.
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Effects of the advancement in technology on home sn 2
6. Parenting
oKid tracking
oKeeping a child occupied
oCalming an upset child
oRewarding and disciplining a
oEducating a child
oGetting a child ready to bed
oHelicopter parenting
oRewarding and disciplining a
7. Family Dynamics
oMechanism for socializing and
oFoster familial bonds and relationships by
creating the perpetual ability to connect with
oWorking from home/ virtual office
oMaintaining relationships with
geographically distant family
oCoordinate change of plans
oReach family in trouble
oDetrimental effects on the
development of family
system (during meal time)
oPoor quality of interactions
oReduced personal interaction
oIndividual isolation