1. To file taxes, you must first register on the government tax website if you are a new user. Then download your Form 16 and salary certificate from the previous year.
2. Upload your Form 16 and salary certificate to the relevant sections on the tax filing website. Be sure to fill out all mandatory fields like name and address. You can claim deductions for items like HRA, medical expenses, education loans, etc.
3. After submitting your return, you will receive an acknowledgment number. Then verify your return online by entering the one-time password sent to your registered email or mobile number.
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1. Tax Filing & Tax e-Verifing & Tax e-Paying
Foremost :
If new user to (Govs tax website) then sign up here (gov tax website) and
have an account. [For this See page 9 in this document - Register urself
Documents needed :
Form-16 & Salary certificate
Download from here (sparsh)
Current year 2 blue boxes. Respectively upload both.
Previous years Resp. years link [for Form-16 (downloaded Form-16) and for salary
certificate (if has only 1 link, upload same file itself it has Part A&B).]
Tax Filingis mandatory for all.
Even SET, SE, SSE, TA,
Due date of filingincome tax returnforFY 2017-18 (AY 2018-19) is 31st July 2018 forSalaried
Individuals (likeus)
& 30th September2018 for Businesses.
(forBusinesspeopleprocedure issame,continue w/oform16, Concentrate onthe tab Business
underIncome sources)
File ur previous years too as early as possible.
Hardly takes 25 mins. This site is totally free of cost and very lesser work.
2. 1.Tax Filing
login or signup here.
Login/Signup thenbelow
For password,give informatdd-mm-yyyy
4. For those whodidTax- SavingswithInfy& have notax to pay Just simplyClick or
andfinish below5 TABS. (all have updatedautomaticallyfromForm-16)
Othersplease do,belowall individualtabs if u wishtosave tax
(forreference of claimingheadings,see otherattachedfile).
Dontforgetthe last tab of Bank a/c details,where uwill getrefundamountfortaxesdeducted. (Proofs
may notbe needed clearTax automaticallycreate aproof document atleastfor HRA I am sure,for
othersproof neddedornot,I dontknow.)
Enter all details above. Note : fill all mandatory fieldslike name,address.
5. Earningotherincome though LeasedHousesforrent,doingpart time jobwithsame Pan numbergiven
to that employer,Paytm merchant?Enterdetails above,if youwish.
[are youdoingthisstep:?)
6. Donations to Sneham and other things upload above. HRA, Medical expenses, House Loan,
LIC, Education loan and etc
TDS or Self Tax paid detailsabove.
If Infy has taken more tax amount, and you are showing claimsfor that, enterthe Bank account
numberdetailshere,so as to get the cashback/refund from Government,forwhichInfy has taken as
Income Tax (checkyoureach monthssalaryslip).
If you forgotto save tax withInfybefore Febof lastyear(like showingHra,),now incleartax give those
detailswithproofsandGovwill checkandgive youthe refundforthe amountInfyhastakenduring
each monthsSalarySlipof - Income tax Columnvalue !
At endyouwill see howmuchamountneedtopay. Forme = 0.
7. {in case if u have tax amount to be paid create challan280 in govtax site,withanynetbanking
option,then therewillbe some numbersinthe final receipt. Note themintabno 4. Taxesto be paid
B. Self payment. previouspage mid} procedure here.
AfterclickingContinue toEFile button,either1of the 3 will come, (ifyouhave signedup in Gov
website 2 will be common for all)
1. Ack numberandxml file
Your ack numberis andbelowit3 fileswillbe displayed.3rd
isxml.Do Step2.0, thenUploadthat xml
2. Ack numberandmessage YourAck numberis and document is eFilledsuccessfully (kindda
of).Do Step2.0, and Step2.2, and continue there from.
3. Or as below,andthendoStep2.0, and Step2.2, and continue there from
10. RememberPassword.AlsoSurname
isur firstname- some kindof mistake.Trywithanycombinationof su/firstnamesuntil nextstepis
Step2.1: For only those whoare newto filing,asclearTax wouldnothave filleditautomatically. (if page
6 inthisdocument - didntcome)
eFile UploadReturn
(uploadthe ITR1 xml file [see page 5down],whichcanbe downloadedfrom the page where ack
numbercame) Assessmentyearis always ahead of 1 year. If usedForm 16 of year 2015-2016,
thenAssessmentyearis2016-2017. For2016-2017 sForm 16. 2017-2018 is AY.
11. For 2017-2018 FYs Form 16, choose AYas 2018-2019
Step 2.2: For all (esp. whodidabove step/whogot msg ack no eFiledsuccess atcleartax / who
didpage 6)
Dashboard View/Returns
Click on Green button
For those who didpage 6, it will auto update here.
For those who didstep 2.1, it will uploadafter u did step 2.1