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EGR Power LatAm
Vicen巽 Mart鱈
CEO and Co-founder of Akamon Entertainment
Managing Director at Cirsa Gaming Corporation
Chief Marketing Officer at Spanish low-cost airline Vueling
CEO at fashion label Custo Barcelona
Graduated in communications from Saint Louis University.
MBA from IESE Business School.
Executive program at Stanford University Graduate School
of Business.

So, how did all
of this started ?
EGR Power LatAm
People want to play CASINO games for no-money
And this is called social casino
But my first reaction was..you should stop taking drugs
But all counter-intuitive ideas need time...
When in doubt, call a friend
And it all started to make sense
Lots of sense..
And we had the initial asset..
So we went ahead, what the hell..
2013 E
Our Opportunity: focus where everybody else isn卒t
Focus in Latam and South Europe markets











- Competitive intensity +










2,2 Million










First FB



17th FB



1st Mobile



1st Android
Our games are
Acquire with Local, Monetize with Casino/Bingo




Casino games

***For illustrative purposes only
Social features of our games
Make friends and compete


Private chat, rooms and table

Bazar store: create your own avatar

Earn awards and bonuses

Offer chips to your friends
Portfolio of Facebook games
Portfolio of Mobile apps

Play and make new
friends with the best
social bingo

Play the former
Mobile Blackjack
with a full Social
integration and
travel throughout
the best Casinos
in the main cities of
the world
Strategy: how we planned to do it
A wide product

A multichannel strategy
Platforms diversification

Local & Global

Focus diversification
in Latam and South Europe

Business model diversification
A high value distribution network
OK, enough
how dit it go ?
Financial Performance: execution
Consistent 4% to
7% MoM revenue
growth over 30

International: every new country grows
faster than the previous one

Every new platform grows faster
than the previous one

Be profitable

15% EBITDA Margin on Net Revenue,
Operating positive cash-flow
Acquisition KPIs

Traffic evolution


Registers evolution



Jan 12


Dec 13

rate (FTD /

Jan 12

FTD evolution



Jan 12

Dec 13

Dec 13


(Register /
Retention KPIs
Monthly Churn on retention users

Paying Users (PU)


Jan 12

Dec 13

DAU Evolution



Jan 12

Dec 13


One of the highest in industry

Jan 12


Dec 13

International Diversification
Focus in Latam and South Europe

LATAM 2013

Jan 13

Dec 13



Jan 13

Dec 13

International Diversification
% PU out of Spain

% FTDs out of Spain

Jan 12


Dec 13

Jan 12

Dec 13

% Revenue out of Spain


 Spain remains our main market
despite impressive growth of
our other targeted markets
(Latam, south of Europe)

Sept 13

 However, a majority of NonSpain FTDs suggests a more
diversified revenue in the future

Jan 12
Great people bring money and glory, not the other way around

We work hard and the world notices
Two things at
the heart of
any good social
casino gaming
EGR Power LatAm
So, for those that are a little behind..
So, Akamon
won, right ?
Well, maybe not just yet ?
Well, maybe not just yet ?
Well, maybe not just yet ?
All OUR (mine and Yours) customers are going Mobile
How deep in
the Mobile
effect on the
Social Casino
Industry ?
Is this a deal for the industry or an evolution ?
Social Casino Gaming companies will have to re-hire part of their teams
Rethink Marketing from scratch
This will create new winners.
And it will also leave casualties.
How do we
plan avoiding
be one of the
dead bodies ?
Specific commitments.
Focus on Mobile Platforms at the outset
Akamon will continue to develop a multichannel strategy along with a
deep offering of new games in all platforms, with emphasis on mobile
Games Pipeline


New markets opportunities
New platforms

Jogo do Bicho
Roulette Empire
New Poker

IOS/ Android
Blackjack Android
Loter鱈a Mexicana IOS

New verticals

Slots Android & IOS
Player suite IOS

Social sport betting

Accelerate platform diversification
We move and adapt to our users changing platform preferences, and work to
offer them a multichannel experience
% Revenue non-portal


Jan 12

Dec 13

% FTDs non-portal


Jan 12

Dec 13
At Akamon we now develop with Mobile in mind

Mexican Lottery (Facebook and Mobile)

Videoslots on Mobile
So, will it
work ?
EGR Power LatAm
EGR Power LatAm
Let卒s do Business.
EGR Power LatAm

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Akamon Entertainment
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Akamon Entertainment
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Akamon Entertainment
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Akamon Entertainment
Pr akamon hires alex cohen as new chief product officer and adds third studio...
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Akamon Entertainment
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Akamon Entertainment
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Akamon Entertainment
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Akamon Entertainment
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Akamon Entertainment

EGR Power LatAm

  • 2. Vicen巽 Mart鱈 CEO and Co-founder of Akamon Entertainment Previous: Managing Director at Cirsa Gaming Corporation Chief Marketing Officer at Spanish low-cost airline Vueling CEO at fashion label Custo Barcelona Graduated in communications from Saint Louis University. MBA from IESE Business School. Executive program at Stanford University Graduate School of Business. Vicenc.marti@akamon.com @olfar es.linkedin.com/in/vicencmartidiazplaja
  • 3. So, how did all of this started ?
  • 5. People want to play CASINO games for no-money
  • 6. And this is called social casino
  • 7. But my first reaction was..you should stop taking drugs
  • 8. But all counter-intuitive ideas need time...
  • 9. When in doubt, call a friend
  • 10. And it all started to make sense
  • 12. And we had the initial asset..
  • 13. So we went ahead, what the hell..
  • 15. Our Opportunity: focus where everybody else isn卒t Focus in Latam and South Europe markets Europa $661 Asia $100 N.America $1,146 Oceania LatAM $273 $320 - Competitive intensity +
  • 17. INTERNATIONALIZATION: Launch of portals March October Sept. 2012 2011 2012 October 2012 PLATFORM DIVERSIFICATION February 2012 First FB Game October 2013 17th FB Game May 2013 1st Mobile Game August 2013 1st Android Game
  • 19. Acquire with Local, Monetize with Casino/Bingo Local Global Traditional games HIGH TRAFFIC -LOW MONETIZATION Casino games CROSS-SELL UP-SELL HIGH TRAFFIC HIGH MONETIZATION ***For illustrative purposes only
  • 20. Social features of our games Make friends and compete Tournaments Private chat, rooms and table Bazar store: create your own avatar Earn awards and bonuses Offer chips to your friends
  • 22. Portfolio of Mobile apps Play and make new friends with the best social bingo Play the former Mobile Blackjack with a full Social integration and travel throughout the best Casinos in the main cities of the world
  • 23. Strategy: how we planned to do it A wide product strategy A multichannel strategy Platforms diversification Local & Global International Focus diversification in Latam and South Europe Business model diversification A high value distribution network
  • 25. Financial Performance: execution Consistent 4% to 7% MoM revenue growth over 30 months International: every new country grows faster than the previous one multichannel Every new platform grows faster than the previous one Be profitable 15% EBITDA Margin on Net Revenue, Operating positive cash-flow
  • 26. Acquisition KPIs Traffic evolution +325% Registers evolution +590% 17M 4M Jan 12 743K 87K Dec 13 3% Conversion rate (FTD / Registered) Jan 12 FTD evolution +186% 20K 7K Jan 12 Dec 13 Dec 13 4% Conversion rate (Register / Traffic)
  • 27. Retention KPIs Monthly Churn on retention users Paying Users (PU) +55% 20% 10% Jan 12 Dec 13 DAU Evolution +414% 341K 33K Jan 12 Dec 13 ARPDAU 0,14 One of the highest in industry 44K Jan 12 51K Dec 13 ARPPU
  • 28. International Diversification Focus in Latam and South Europe 2M MAU LATAM 2013 0,7M Jan 13 1,4M Dec 13 +100% SOUTH EUROPE 2013 600k Jan 13 850k Dec 13 +33%
  • 29. International Diversification % PU out of Spain % FTDs out of Spain 60% 24% Jan 12 75% 38% Dec 13 Jan 12 Dec 13 % Revenue out of Spain 45% Spain remains our main market despite impressive growth of our other targeted markets (Latam, south of Europe) Sept 13 However, a majority of NonSpain FTDs suggests a more diversified revenue in the future 14% Jan 12
  • 30. Great people bring money and glory, not the other way around We work hard and the world notices
  • 31. Two things at the heart of any good social casino gaming company:
  • 33. So, for those that are a little behind..
  • 35. Well, maybe not just yet ?
  • 36. Well, maybe not just yet ?
  • 37. Well, maybe not just yet ? All OUR (mine and Yours) customers are going Mobile
  • 38. How deep in the Mobile effect on the Social Casino Industry ?
  • 39. Is this a deal for the industry or an evolution ?
  • 40. Social Casino Gaming companies will have to re-hire part of their teams
  • 42. This will create new winners.
  • 43. And it will also leave casualties.
  • 44. How do we plan avoiding be one of the dead bodies ?
  • 46. Focus on Mobile Platforms at the outset Akamon will continue to develop a multichannel strategy along with a deep offering of new games in all platforms, with emphasis on mobile Games Pipeline Facebook New markets opportunities New platforms Blackjack Jogo do Bicho Suite Roulette Empire New Poker IOS/ Android Blackjack Android Loter鱈a Mexicana IOS New verticals Slots Android & IOS Player suite IOS Social sport betting Gambling
  • 47. Accelerate platform diversification We move and adapt to our users changing platform preferences, and work to offer them a multichannel experience % Revenue non-portal 31% 0% Jan 12 Dec 13 % FTDs non-portal 43% 87k 0% Jan 12 Dec 13
  • 48. At Akamon we now develop with Mobile in mind Mexican Lottery (Facebook and Mobile) Videoslots on Mobile