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What Do You Know
About Egypt?
What is the name of the continent
where Egypt is located?
Egypt is in the continent of Africa.
Can you find Egypt?
Did you find it?
What is the name of the hot, dry and sandy land that
covers most of Egypt?
Youd need a lot of water
on a trip through the desert.
Part of the Sahara Desert is
in Egypt.
Many of these are located in Egypt.
What are they?
Pyramids must have been hard
to build dont you think?
What could you find in a pyramid?
You might find a mummy.
You might find treasures.
The longest river in the world is in Egypt.
Do you know the name of this river?
The Nile River is the longest river in the world.
The ancient Egyptians grew crops in the fertile
soil along the banks of the Nile River.
What is the name of this structure found in Egypt?
The Sphinx had the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh.
What is this ancient Egyptian writing called?
Can you write your name in hieroglyphics?
Ancient Egypt was a fascinating place.
What else do you know about Egypt?

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  • 1. What Do You Know About Egypt?
  • 2. What is the name of the continent where Egypt is located?
  • 3. Egypt is in the continent of Africa. Can you find Egypt?
  • 5. What is the name of the hot, dry and sandy land that covers most of Egypt? Youd need a lot of water on a trip through the desert. Part of the Sahara Desert is in Egypt.
  • 6. Many of these are located in Egypt. What are they?
  • 7. Pyramids must have been hard to build dont you think? What could you find in a pyramid?
  • 8. You might find a mummy. You might find treasures.
  • 9. The longest river in the world is in Egypt. Do you know the name of this river?
  • 10. The Nile River is the longest river in the world. The ancient Egyptians grew crops in the fertile soil along the banks of the Nile River.
  • 11. What is the name of this structure found in Egypt? The Sphinx had the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh.
  • 12. What is this ancient Egyptian writing called? Can you write your name in hieroglyphics?
  • 13. Ancient Egypt was a fascinating place. What else do you know about Egypt?