1) The narrator wakes up, prays, collects water from the river where some guards glare at her, and hurries home to start making bread.
2) After baking bread, the narrator's husband returns home frustrated that she went to the river alone, then leaves again for work.
3) That evening, the narrator reflects on wanting children as her husband returns, surprising her by saying they will adopt a child named Iris.
2. Dear Diary, some trouble earlier
with some other
Today I got up and got
pheasant or something.
dressed. I prayed to the
When I got back I got
gods that this would be
food out of the
a would be a wonderful
cupboard and started
day. Then I went to the
grinding some wheat to
river and collected
make bread. Then my
some water. The river
husband came out of
was flowing swiftly as I
the bedroom all dressed
swept up the water. I
up. He said I heard
looked up across the
you went down to the
river and saw some
Nile this morning. How
guards glaring at me. I
many times do I tell
hurried back to my
you its dangerous to go
home quickly. They
without me.
must have had
3. There was only a few I set the freshly baked
guards there, they bread on the table and
wouldnt hurt me. I started chopping up
said. He shook his head some vegetables. My
in frustration, I will be husband sat down at
back later, I have other the table. I took the
business to attend to. I vegetables to the table
watched as he walked and then sat down. We
out then I put more ate our food then I
ingredients in with the cleaned up. I went to
wheat and mixed them my room and sat on my
together. Then I cooked bed and put my hair
the bread over the fire. up. Looking out the
Just before I took the window I saw the sun
bread off the heat my starting to set. I lay
husband came back. down and fell asleep.
4. Dear diary, the gods to have
children , we will adopt
Today I woke up and
one. I smiled as I stood
got dressed. I went out
up and brushed off my
to the garden and sat
clothes. I couldn't
among the trees. Some
believe it, we were
kids were playing in the
getting a child! We came
distance. I wished I
home with our new
had my own kids. We
daughter called Iris. She
haven't had a child yet
was 6 years of age, and
but we may adopt. My
had been taught to do
husband came out
some housework already.
dressed up and said
When we arrived home
Are you ready to go? I
we set her belongings up
said Go where?. He
in her room. She was
then said, Because we
excited of living with us.
have not been blessed by
5. Dear diary, ended and he was really
tired. I served lunch as
Today I got up and
Iris and my husband sat
woke up Iris. We both
down. We ate a meal of
got changed and then I
leftover bread and
stated her training,
vegetables, we were even
there were several
able to acquire some
things she still needed
meat to celebrate our
to know. After she
new daughter. After a
helped clean the house
nice lunch we went
and cook some food. My
outside to play a game
husband had gone to
of senet. When evening
work early, we needed
fell we went home got
the extra money. He
ready for bed. I put my
came home around
hair up and fell asleep.
midday and sat down.
His work shift had