A survey in Egypt 6 months after the revolution found that:
1) People were losing faith in the revolution as they felt key issues like inflation and unemployment were not improving.
2) Most felt quality of life and fighting corruption had not improved since the revolution.
3) While some were satisfied with the ruling military council, dissatisfaction was growing due to slow decision making.
The sex ratio in India refers to the number of females per 1000 males. The 2011 census found a sex ratio of 940 females per 1000 males, representing an increase from 2001 which was 933 females per 1000 males. However, some states have much lower sex ratios, with Haryana having the lowest of 877 females per 1000 males. The major cause of the declining sex ratio is considered to be the violent treatment of girls at birth and the prevalence of sex-selective abortion. While some initiatives have helped to increase the ratio, a more comprehensive approach is needed to promote gender equality and ban sex-selective practices.
NC State Undergraduate Research and Creativity SymposiumMaida Elezovic
The document proposes a web-based housing application for Methodist University to facilitate the basic operations of the university's housing department. It would allow residence hall staff to manage dormitory and apartment information, assign students to housing and rooms, and print various reports. Students would be able to log in to view their housing assignment and preferences. The application would be built with PHP connected to a MySQL database using XAMPP, and coding would be done in Microsoft Expression Web.
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focused on your brand, grow your audience, increase engagement, and enable your very own loyal brand tribe. That’s serious social goodness.
The Rotaract Club at Methodist University is a service organization that aims to promote peace, international understanding, and development at the community level. The document outlines the club's mission, leadership, committees, past activities in fall 2011, and goals for spring 2012. It invites students to get involved in upcoming events like a leadership conference, community visit, and speech on the Arab Spring.
NC State Undergraduate Research and Creativity SymposiumMaida Elezovic
The document outlines a software engineering project for Chan's Auto Repair Shop to facilitate daily repair activities. The program was developed by Maida Elezovic between January 2010 and May 2011 to allow for billing, tracking repairs and customers, and inventory management. It includes functionality for login, viewing and adding repairs, billing, and saving customer records. Future additions could include detailed invoices, creating new customer accounts, and payment tracking.
The document summarizes the findings of a survey of 5000 Nigerian adults on their views of various political issues facing the country. Key findings include:
1) Corruption was identified as the biggest problem facing Nigeria, followed by issues like poor infrastructure and amenities, crime, and education.
2) When asked about government performance, 18% said it was satisfactory, 48% said it was somewhat satisfactory, while 3% said performance was declining.
3) 30% were very confident and 39% were somewhat confident that the newly appointed cabinet would bring change, while 10% were not at all confident.
This document summarizes the findings of a study on voter preferences in South Africa prior to the 2019 national elections. Some key findings:
- Support for the ruling ANC party increased to 56% from 53% previously, while support declined for the main opposition parties DA and EFF.
- Receipt of a social grant had a statistically significant impact on voter preferences, making recipients more likely to support the ANC.
- Perceptions of socio-economic well-being surpassed democratic rights as a more important factor influencing voter choices.
- Trust in political institutions like the presidency and social agencies increased under President Ramaphosa, which may impact voter support.
Participation in elections and civic involvement in the political process are vital signs of a healthy democracy. People might feel as though there is little point in investing their time and money in political action with meager results if they are disappointed or frustrated by a pattern of inaction or corruption on the part of the government. According to Wajid khan Mp, People may experience political apathy or a lack of engagement at this time.
What is political indifference?
Numerous factors, such as limiting political involvement directly through discriminatory laws or indirectly through sluggish, ineffective, or unrepresentative bureaucracies, can contribute to political apathy. People or communities who use direct or indirect tactics feel politically disconnected because they think their actions won't make a big difference.
Why do people feel apathy about politics?
A recent Nigerian study that surveyed and examined voter attitudes on political apathy highlighted indirect political apathy caused by slow, ineffective, or unrepresentative bureaucracies. They identified four fundamental causes of voter apathy in Nigeria:
Incapacity of the organization that oversaw the election
The political climate
election terrorism
Wajid Khan explains that according to survey respondents, there was election rigging and electoral fraud, discouraging the general public from voting. They expressed their concerns about the impartiality and independence of the body that oversaw the electoral process.
- Support for democracy in South Africa has declined from 72% in 2011 to 64% in 2015, slightly below the continental average of 67%. However, six in 10 South Africans say they would be willing to give up regular elections in favor of a non-elected government that provides basic services.
- While strong majorities reject alternatives like one-man rule, one-party rule, and military rule, support for democracy and satisfaction with its implementation have decreased significantly since 2011.
- Black citizens are more supportive of democracy but also more willing to give up elections, indicating a lack of full commitment to democratic principles. Overall declines in democratic attitudes seem to stem from rising discontent with the government's performance on key issues
The survey found that 44% of Indian companies were highly aware of the political unrest in the Arab world. 62% reported a decline in business of over 20% due to instability in Egypt. While 69% of exporters wanted to expand their trade basket to Egypt, 69% of investors would observe the economic situation before deciding whether to withdraw investments. Most respondents remained optimistic about Egypt's economic prospects under its new democratically elected government.
This document provides a summary of the October 2017 edition of the Ipsos Update, which highlights recent research and insights from Ipsos teams around the world. The update includes summaries of reports on topics such as Australian perceptions of artificial intelligence, global views on immigration and refugees, Chinese international travel trends, British public attitudes on generational living standards, improved perceptions of women in South Africa, characteristics of a "real American", and passive measurement techniques. Contact information is provided to access full reports or future editions of the Ipsos Update.
Elections and the political transition in egyptcmi-norway
The document discusses elections in Egypt during the transitional period following the 2011 revolution. It provides background on why the revolution occurred, with economic, social, and political grievances fueling public discontent. It then analyzes features of elections held under military rule, including high voter turnout but some logistical issues. International election observers were allowed for the first time. Subsequent elections saw inconsistencies in turnout and some campaigning violations. Recommendations include improving civic education, electoral laws and procedures.
How to Rekindle Political Engagement In the Face of Political Indifference.pptxWajid Khan MP
Participation in elections and civic involvement in the political process are vital signs of a healthy democracy. People might feel as though there is little point in investing their time and money in political action with meager results if they are disappointed or frustrated by a pattern of inaction or corruption on the part of the government. According to Wajid khan Mp, People may experience political apathy or a lack of engagement at this time.
Understanding Nigerian Youths' Perception of Sexual ConsentYouthHubAfrica
Since the beginning of the lockdown since April 2020, there has been an increase in reported cases of sexual abuse in Nigeria. Although past data shows that sexual abuse in the country has always been high—the 2019 NOI Polls stated that one in three girls would have experienced sexual assault before they are twenty-five years old
A poll of 400 Indianapolis voters found that Governor Eric Holcomb has a 60% approval rating, with 53% thinking the state is headed in the right direction. Holcomb has high approval even among Democrats (47%) and independents (65%). President Trump has a 38% approval in Indianapolis, but is viewed favorably by 59% of non-college educated men. The poll also found views on other politicians like Vice President Mike Pence, Pete Buttigieg, and Curtis Hill.
Trust and corruption in public institutions: Ghanaian opinions- #ABR6 #ABGhanaAfrobarometer
In the third release of Afrobarometer Round 6 results, most citizens of Ghana say they have 'little' or 'no' trust in key public institutions the tax department, local government
body, police, Parliament, ruling party, Electoral Commission,
president, courts of law, and opposition. Most Ghanaians They also say that corruption has increased in the past year and that government has performed poorly in fighting this canker. See more in this presentation delivered in Accra on Dec. 2, 2014
This week’s Reuters/Ipsos Core Political release presents something of an outlier of our trend. Every series of polls has the occasional outlier and in our opinion this is one. So, while we are reporting the findings in the interest of transparency, we will not be announcing the start of a new trend until we have more data to validate this pattern.
This document summarizes a study on political participation among Mormon Millennials. A survey of 50 BYU-Idaho students found that they report voting at higher rates than the national average for their age group, though they demonstrate low levels of political knowledge in the survey. Focus groups with students suggest obstacles to their political engagement include a lack of trust in government, lack of political knowledge, disliking partisanship, feeling politics are not relevant, and a belief that individual votes do not matter. The author is developing a website to help educate Millennials on politics.
Pesquisa Pew sobre o Brasil - Junho de 2014Miguel Rosario
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff receives overwhelmingly negative ratings for her handling of key issues facing Brazil. A new Pew Research Center survey finds 72% of Brazilians are dissatisfied with the country's direction amid concerns over the economy, corruption, and public services. While hosting the World Cup is expected to draw millions, 61% say it will hurt Brazil by taking money from schools and healthcare. Inflation, crime, healthcare access, and corruption are cited as very big problems by at least two-thirds of Brazilians.
This document summarizes the author's observations and opinions regarding the postponement of elections in Nigeria. The author expresses concerns over security issues, particularly the threat of Boko Haram, and questions whether Nigerian authorities adequately planned for protecting voters. While the author does not fully support postponing the election, they acknowledge that ensuring security and peace is important. The document criticizes what it views as a lack of proactive strategic planning by African leaders in general to address security threats to democratic processes.
Kenyans decry incessant corruption but reluctant to report incidentsAfrobarometer
In the second release of Afrobarometer Round 6 results on corruption, Two-Thirds (64%) in Kenya say that the level of corruption in the country has increased somewhat or a lot in the past year. See more in this presentation.
Social media has become a major tool for information sharing and political engagement in Nigeria. During the 2015 elections, social media usage increased significantly as politicians campaigned online and voters discussed issues. Opinion polls on social media predicted that General Buhari would win, which aligned with the actual result. However, social media was also used to spread propaganda and hate speech during the elections. Overall, social media has become an important platform for political discourse, civic engagement, and gauging public opinion in Nigeria.
The putrefaction of the michel temer government and of the political institut...Fernando Alcoforado
The Datafolha Research demonstrates, above all, the putrefaction of political and juridical institutions of Brazil that can only be resolved by convening a new Constituent Assembly to carry out the political, of State and of Public Administration reform aimed at reordering the national life. Indirect elections with a demoralized National Congress as current and direct elections with a National Congress and demoralized political parties like the present ones will not solve the problems of Brazil.
The Need to Eliminate Corruption ( Around the Globe)Varun
The Effects of corruption all around the Globe. The ºÝºÝߣ Includes the Information which can be used for a seminar to be conducted on this topic. It has a Defined case Study of the 2011 Husni Mubarak regime or The Egytian revolution. There are Also the causes of Corruption and the main Reasons Mentioned and How The Removal of Corruption will Lead to better governance.
I Hope this what you want and may this Help
Done by : Varun Kakkar (IIS)
Sharjah, UAE
This document provides an overview of political culture and attitudes toward democracy in various regions around the world based on survey data. It discusses levels of support for liberal democratic values in Asia, attitudes toward democracy in Latin America, what Africans believe about democracy based on Afrobarometer data, and evidence from the Arab Barometer on religion and political culture in the Arab world. Key findings include variable but often substantial support for democracy globally, though with some caveats, and majorities in many countries rejecting outright authoritarian alternatives to democracy.
A short presentation. Research proposal on the voting preferences of generation X and Y voters in Metro Manila, Philippines. Qualitative research class.
This document summarizes the findings of a study on voter preferences in South Africa prior to the 2019 national elections. Some key findings:
- Support for the ruling ANC party increased to 56% from 53% previously, while support declined for the main opposition parties DA and EFF.
- Receipt of a social grant had a statistically significant impact on voter preferences, making recipients more likely to support the ANC.
- Perceptions of socio-economic well-being surpassed democratic rights as a more important factor influencing voter choices.
- Trust in political institutions like the presidency and social agencies increased under President Ramaphosa, which may impact voter support.
Participation in elections and civic involvement in the political process are vital signs of a healthy democracy. People might feel as though there is little point in investing their time and money in political action with meager results if they are disappointed or frustrated by a pattern of inaction or corruption on the part of the government. According to Wajid khan Mp, People may experience political apathy or a lack of engagement at this time.
What is political indifference?
Numerous factors, such as limiting political involvement directly through discriminatory laws or indirectly through sluggish, ineffective, or unrepresentative bureaucracies, can contribute to political apathy. People or communities who use direct or indirect tactics feel politically disconnected because they think their actions won't make a big difference.
Why do people feel apathy about politics?
A recent Nigerian study that surveyed and examined voter attitudes on political apathy highlighted indirect political apathy caused by slow, ineffective, or unrepresentative bureaucracies. They identified four fundamental causes of voter apathy in Nigeria:
Incapacity of the organization that oversaw the election
The political climate
election terrorism
Wajid Khan explains that according to survey respondents, there was election rigging and electoral fraud, discouraging the general public from voting. They expressed their concerns about the impartiality and independence of the body that oversaw the electoral process.
- Support for democracy in South Africa has declined from 72% in 2011 to 64% in 2015, slightly below the continental average of 67%. However, six in 10 South Africans say they would be willing to give up regular elections in favor of a non-elected government that provides basic services.
- While strong majorities reject alternatives like one-man rule, one-party rule, and military rule, support for democracy and satisfaction with its implementation have decreased significantly since 2011.
- Black citizens are more supportive of democracy but also more willing to give up elections, indicating a lack of full commitment to democratic principles. Overall declines in democratic attitudes seem to stem from rising discontent with the government's performance on key issues
The survey found that 44% of Indian companies were highly aware of the political unrest in the Arab world. 62% reported a decline in business of over 20% due to instability in Egypt. While 69% of exporters wanted to expand their trade basket to Egypt, 69% of investors would observe the economic situation before deciding whether to withdraw investments. Most respondents remained optimistic about Egypt's economic prospects under its new democratically elected government.
This document provides a summary of the October 2017 edition of the Ipsos Update, which highlights recent research and insights from Ipsos teams around the world. The update includes summaries of reports on topics such as Australian perceptions of artificial intelligence, global views on immigration and refugees, Chinese international travel trends, British public attitudes on generational living standards, improved perceptions of women in South Africa, characteristics of a "real American", and passive measurement techniques. Contact information is provided to access full reports or future editions of the Ipsos Update.
Elections and the political transition in egyptcmi-norway
The document discusses elections in Egypt during the transitional period following the 2011 revolution. It provides background on why the revolution occurred, with economic, social, and political grievances fueling public discontent. It then analyzes features of elections held under military rule, including high voter turnout but some logistical issues. International election observers were allowed for the first time. Subsequent elections saw inconsistencies in turnout and some campaigning violations. Recommendations include improving civic education, electoral laws and procedures.
How to Rekindle Political Engagement In the Face of Political Indifference.pptxWajid Khan MP
Participation in elections and civic involvement in the political process are vital signs of a healthy democracy. People might feel as though there is little point in investing their time and money in political action with meager results if they are disappointed or frustrated by a pattern of inaction or corruption on the part of the government. According to Wajid khan Mp, People may experience political apathy or a lack of engagement at this time.
Understanding Nigerian Youths' Perception of Sexual ConsentYouthHubAfrica
Since the beginning of the lockdown since April 2020, there has been an increase in reported cases of sexual abuse in Nigeria. Although past data shows that sexual abuse in the country has always been high—the 2019 NOI Polls stated that one in three girls would have experienced sexual assault before they are twenty-five years old
A poll of 400 Indianapolis voters found that Governor Eric Holcomb has a 60% approval rating, with 53% thinking the state is headed in the right direction. Holcomb has high approval even among Democrats (47%) and independents (65%). President Trump has a 38% approval in Indianapolis, but is viewed favorably by 59% of non-college educated men. The poll also found views on other politicians like Vice President Mike Pence, Pete Buttigieg, and Curtis Hill.
Trust and corruption in public institutions: Ghanaian opinions- #ABR6 #ABGhanaAfrobarometer
In the third release of Afrobarometer Round 6 results, most citizens of Ghana say they have 'little' or 'no' trust in key public institutions the tax department, local government
body, police, Parliament, ruling party, Electoral Commission,
president, courts of law, and opposition. Most Ghanaians They also say that corruption has increased in the past year and that government has performed poorly in fighting this canker. See more in this presentation delivered in Accra on Dec. 2, 2014
This week’s Reuters/Ipsos Core Political release presents something of an outlier of our trend. Every series of polls has the occasional outlier and in our opinion this is one. So, while we are reporting the findings in the interest of transparency, we will not be announcing the start of a new trend until we have more data to validate this pattern.
This document summarizes a study on political participation among Mormon Millennials. A survey of 50 BYU-Idaho students found that they report voting at higher rates than the national average for their age group, though they demonstrate low levels of political knowledge in the survey. Focus groups with students suggest obstacles to their political engagement include a lack of trust in government, lack of political knowledge, disliking partisanship, feeling politics are not relevant, and a belief that individual votes do not matter. The author is developing a website to help educate Millennials on politics.
Pesquisa Pew sobre o Brasil - Junho de 2014Miguel Rosario
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff receives overwhelmingly negative ratings for her handling of key issues facing Brazil. A new Pew Research Center survey finds 72% of Brazilians are dissatisfied with the country's direction amid concerns over the economy, corruption, and public services. While hosting the World Cup is expected to draw millions, 61% say it will hurt Brazil by taking money from schools and healthcare. Inflation, crime, healthcare access, and corruption are cited as very big problems by at least two-thirds of Brazilians.
This document summarizes the author's observations and opinions regarding the postponement of elections in Nigeria. The author expresses concerns over security issues, particularly the threat of Boko Haram, and questions whether Nigerian authorities adequately planned for protecting voters. While the author does not fully support postponing the election, they acknowledge that ensuring security and peace is important. The document criticizes what it views as a lack of proactive strategic planning by African leaders in general to address security threats to democratic processes.
Kenyans decry incessant corruption but reluctant to report incidentsAfrobarometer
In the second release of Afrobarometer Round 6 results on corruption, Two-Thirds (64%) in Kenya say that the level of corruption in the country has increased somewhat or a lot in the past year. See more in this presentation.
Social media has become a major tool for information sharing and political engagement in Nigeria. During the 2015 elections, social media usage increased significantly as politicians campaigned online and voters discussed issues. Opinion polls on social media predicted that General Buhari would win, which aligned with the actual result. However, social media was also used to spread propaganda and hate speech during the elections. Overall, social media has become an important platform for political discourse, civic engagement, and gauging public opinion in Nigeria.
The putrefaction of the michel temer government and of the political institut...Fernando Alcoforado
The Datafolha Research demonstrates, above all, the putrefaction of political and juridical institutions of Brazil that can only be resolved by convening a new Constituent Assembly to carry out the political, of State and of Public Administration reform aimed at reordering the national life. Indirect elections with a demoralized National Congress as current and direct elections with a National Congress and demoralized political parties like the present ones will not solve the problems of Brazil.
The Need to Eliminate Corruption ( Around the Globe)Varun
The Effects of corruption all around the Globe. The ºÝºÝߣ Includes the Information which can be used for a seminar to be conducted on this topic. It has a Defined case Study of the 2011 Husni Mubarak regime or The Egytian revolution. There are Also the causes of Corruption and the main Reasons Mentioned and How The Removal of Corruption will Lead to better governance.
I Hope this what you want and may this Help
Done by : Varun Kakkar (IIS)
Sharjah, UAE
This document provides an overview of political culture and attitudes toward democracy in various regions around the world based on survey data. It discusses levels of support for liberal democratic values in Asia, attitudes toward democracy in Latin America, what Africans believe about democracy based on Afrobarometer data, and evidence from the Arab Barometer on religion and political culture in the Arab world. Key findings include variable but often substantial support for democracy globally, though with some caveats, and majorities in many countries rejecting outright authoritarian alternatives to democracy.
A short presentation. Research proposal on the voting preferences of generation X and Y voters in Metro Manila, Philippines. Qualitative research class.
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The PDF is published by South Indian Routes, a trusted tour operator in Kochi, Kerala, this document offers valuable insights into the ideal times to explore South India. It highlights the region's unique attractions, from the serene backwaters of Kerala to the historic temples of Tamil Nadu, the beaches of Goa, and the vibrant landscapes of Karnataka. Discover when to visit for the best weather, cultural festivals, and unforgettable experiences across these beautiful states.
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Egypt tns 2011.1
1. Egypt Mood
Survey was done 3 months after the
revolution and another one 6 months
later by TNS. National survey covering
both sexes and ages 15- to 60+
November 2011
2. Egypt Pulse Survey
Key issues ;
inflation, unemployment, securit Compared to 3 mths post revolution these issues
y weights further increased indicating slow progress
3. Egypt Pulse Survey
Major drop from the 71% 3mths post
Only 21% see Egypt is heading in the revolution showing that people are
right direction losing faith
4. Egypt Pulse Survey
Quality of life Is seen as worse than before the revolution at 42% which
increased from 4% 3 months post revolution while 7% see it better, a decline
from 84%. Showing that people had major expectations after revolution that
were not met
5. Egypt Pulse Survey
As for democracy, and freedom of speech it is seen to be still better than
before revolution at 66% , a drop from 84% affected mainly by increased
freedom of expression.
6. Egypt Pulse Survey
77% are supporting the revolution A drop in the support of the revolution and
, 12% against it increased opposition vs previous wave
7. Egypt Pulse Survey
Egyptians had many expectations of the revolution which explains the
disappointment, mainly fighting corruption and poverty which were not
addressed seriously in the past months.
8. Egypt Pulse Survey
43% said nothing was done in fighting
corruption. Even undecided 42% Majority see that poverty was not
indicate so as well. addressed at all.
9. Egypt Pulse Survey
Prosecution of corrupt figures was not
achieved according to majority of Social equality was seen by most as the
Egyptians same since before the revolution.
10. Egypt Pulse Survey
Majority are satisfied with SCAF Satisfaction levels have decreased
performance compared to prior wave
11. Egypt Pulse Survey
Satisfaction of SCAF performance is mainly Dissatisfaction of SCAF performance is
due to national security mainly due to slow decision making
12. Egypt Pulse Survey
• Multiple Expectations from SCAF, key border
and domestic security
13. Egypt Pulse Survey
• Most see national • 38% find that
domestic security not
security achieved achieved with 46%
undecided !
15. Egypt Pulse Survey
Main expectations from the government Bottom of the list is quality of
revolve around economic demands education, infrastructure
16. Egypt Pulse Survey
Over 50% seen that corrupt 45% find that police return in
employees were not Egypt streets has not been
questioned achieved
17. Egypt Pulse Survey
Domestic security is seen by
Inflation has not been 38% as not achieved with
addressed according to 56% majority undecided !
18. Egypt Pulse Survey
Majority are ok with Sharaf continuing as PM indicating
People are split over satisfaction of government that they don’t see him responsible for poor
performance with a skew towards dissatisfaction government performance
19. Egypt Pulse Survey
Satisfaction with Sharaf due to his Dissatisfaction with Sharaf due to
association with revolution and to his weak stance and failure take or
being respectable enforce decision
20. Egypt Pulse Survey
• Peoples Expectations from the
government are mainly economic
in nature
21. Egypt Pulse Survey
Majority see that quality of life has Majority see that inflation has not
not improved been managed
22. Egypt Pulse Survey
Pricing issues were seen by
Over 50% find that corrupt employees
were not questioned most as not resolved
23. Egypt Pule survey
Fighting government
corruption has not been Narrowing Rich Gap poor seen
achieved accroding to 51% unachieved by majority
24. Egypt Pulse Survey
Majority dissatisfied with minimum Majority find that between 1000
wage of LE 700 and 1,200 should lie the minimum
25. Egypt Pulse survey
• Police performance is seen to have
improved compared to 6 months ago
26. Egypt Pulse Survey
Crime rated is seen to have increased While 91% said that they personally did
according to 92% of respondents not face any issues.
27. Egypt Pulse Survey
Majority of Egyptians favor civil Reasons varied from not favoring a certain
government faction to freedom
28. Egypt Pulse Survey
TOM parties were mainly Parties like Misreyeenahrar and wasat got
Wafd, Horreya&Adala and Ghad 10% and 8% TOM
29. Egypt Pulse Survey
• People plan to vote for horeya
and adala and Wafd primarily
with 20% each .
30. Egypt Pulse Survey
• 44% find that if MB got majority it
would have negative implications,
26% undecided
31. Egypt Pulse Survey
Fear Of MB mainly due to mixing religion with Positives of MB is fighting corruption and
politics and applying rules in a wrong manner. executing muslim sharia3a.
32. Egypt Pulse Survey
• 55% think if Salafis gain Parliament
majority it will have negative
33. Egypt Pulse Surve
TOM presidential candidates,Moussa leads by Sabahy, Bastaweesy have low
75%, followed by Baradei and Noor. Sharaf has 25%
despite the fact that he is not running TOM
34. Egypt Pulse Survey
If people vote tomorrow for a president, it will be for Moussa. Shafik
Sabahy and Noor have very low
comes 2nd despite low TOM
Baradei only 4% reflecting people disinterest in him prospects
35. Egypt Pulse Survey
• People are mainly looking for a
president who has political
experience and integrity explaining
previous choice of Moussa and Shafik
37. Egypt Pulse Survey
Key findings:
People are losing patience and faith with the revolution quickly
Key demands revolve around the economic situation
Major confusion among many Egyptians evident in being undecided in many
rather obvious issues
People are emotional in their decision making, dissatisfied with government yet
willing to elect Sharaf for President, want him to continue as PM
People respect authority and despite SCAF not delivering on key issues they are
satisfied with their performance.
Majority want a civil government yet there is polarization in society on position
regarding religious majority in parliament
New parties have not left any impression on Egyptians except for the strong
Ikhwan party ‘horeya and adala’
38. Egypt Pulse Survey
Key Findings:
People plan to vote in a very traditional and not a revolutionary manner for
parties and president alike.
Egyptians are looking for a president with political experience giving little
chance to the new faces who don’t have experience in that field despite
their non association with the old guard
Egyptians are all for protests but not sit ins.
Security fears are unfounded given that majority has not experienced any
criminal incident