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1. To determine broad parameters of EHS management on site.
2. Establish a defined line of command for resolution of all hazard prevention issues.
3. Define individual responsibilities for hazard prevention & safety promotion
responsibility at each level of the construction team.
4. Identify highly hazardous operations within the scope of work and safety integrated
preventive measures to mitigate the same.
5. Work on EHS performance improvement by directing focus on key areas for
improvement in constant manner.
L&T is amongst one of those very few companies that takes serious measure to protect
environment and takes all precautions that are necessary for safe and healthy working
environment for its workers.
Figure 21 EHS philosophy and objective
Figure 22 HR policies
Human Resources Department believes that Quality is the hallmark of any successful venture.
Quality Training and Development of Human Resources is realized through: Identifying training
needs within the Organization and designing and implementing those need based training
programs to bring about continuous up-gradation of knowledge, skills and employee attitudes.
1. No workmen below18 years and above 58 years of age shall be engaged for a job.
2. All workmen shall be screened before engaging their job. Physical fitness of the
person for certain critical jobs like working at height or other dangerous locations
to be ensured before engaging the person on work. The final decision rests with
the site management to reject any person on the ground of physical fitness.
3. Visitors can enter the site after EHS induction with the visitor pass. He should be
provided Safety helmet & safety Shoes, also he should be accompanied with the
responsible person of that area.
4. Smoking is strictly prohibited at workplace
5. Sub-contractors shall ensure adequate supervision at workplaces. They shall ensure
that all persons working under them shall not create any hazard to self or to the
6. Nobody is allowed to enter the site without wearing safety helmet. Chinstrap of
safety helmet shall be always on.
7. No one is allowed to work at or more than two meter height without wearing full body
harness and anchoring the lanyard of full body harness to firm support preferably at
shoulder level.
8. No one is allowed to enter in to workplace and work at site without adequate foot
protection (including female worker).
9. Usage of eye protection equipment shall be ensured when workmen are engaged
for grinding, chipping, welding and gas cutting. For other jobs, a sand when site
safety coordinator insists eye protection has to be provided.
10. AllPPE slikeshoes, helmet, full body harness etc. shall be arranged before starting the
job as per recommendation of the EHSO.
11. Rigid barricading must be provided around the excavated pits, and barricading shall
be maintained till the back filling is done. Safe approach is to be ensured into every
12. Adequate illumination at workplace shallbeensured before starting the job at night.
13. All the dangerous moving parts of the portable/fixed machinery being used shall be
adequately guaranteed.
14. Ladders being used at site shall be adequately secured at bottom and top. Ladder
shall not be used as work platforms.
15. Erection zone and dismantling zone shall be barricaded and nobody will be allowed to
stand under the suspended loads.
16. Horseplay is completely prohibited at work place. Running at site is
completely prohibited except in case of emergency.
17. Material shall not be thrown from the height. Proper arrangement of Debris chute can be
18. Other than the electrician possessing license with red helmet, no one is allowed to
carry out electrical connection, repairs on electrical equipment or other job related
19. Inserting of bare wires for tapping the power from electrical socket is completely
20. All major, minor accidents near misses and unhygienic conditions must be reported.
21. All scaffoldings/work platform shall meet the requirement. The width of the working
platform and fall protection arrangement shall be maintained as per the Standard. All
tools and tackles shall be inspected before use. Defects to be reported immediately.
No lifting tool & tackle to be used unless it is certified by the concerned Engineer In
charge/ P&M engineer.
22. Good housekeeping to be maintained. Passage shall not be blocked with
materials. Material like bricks shall not be stacked to the dangerous height at
23. Debris, scrap and other material to be cleared then and there from the work
place and at the time of closing of work every day.
24. Contractors shall ensure that all their workmen are following safe practices while
travelling in the companys transport and staying at companys accommodations.
25. Adequate firefighting equipment shall be made available at workplace and persons to be
trained in firefighting techniques with the coordination of EHSO.
26. All the unsafe conditions, unsafe act identified by the contractors, reported by site
supervisor and/or safety personnel to be corrected on priority basis.
27. No children shall be allowed to enter the workplace.
28. Workwomen are not allowed to work at high risk areas.
29. Other than the Driver/operator, no one shall travel in a tractor.
30. Wherever the vehicle/equipment has to work near or pass through the overhead
electrical lines, the goal post shall be installed.
31. Identity card should always be displayed and shown when demanded.
32. Any person found to be interfering with or misusing fixtures ,fittings or equipment
provided in the interest of health ,safety and welfare would be excluded from site .(like
using helmet and fire bucket for carrying the material, removing the handrails, etc.)
33. Safety signs and notices must be displayed and followed.
34. Transistor radios or personal stereos/ Walkman must not be used.
35. All site personnel, for their own safety and for the safety of others, are required to fully
comply with the agreed safety systems/procedures and working method.
36. Consumption of alcohol and drugs is prohibited.
37. No person is to operate any mechanical/ Electrical equipment unless they have been
authorized and have been certified as competent.
38. Take food only at the designated area (like dinning, Rest Room etc.). The waste food, PVC
/ Paper covers need to be dumped in the dustbin. The house keeping gang on regular
intervals willclear this. Alsohand/ vessels shouldbe washed in the same area with proper
39. . No workers should enter the site with lunges.
40. Nobody should sit/ sleep on the edges
41. Dont enter inside the room where there is no light
42. Dont take shelter under the vehicles
43. Look for warning signs, caution boards and other notices
44. Must be aware about the locations of First Aid, Fire Extinguisher and Emergency Siren
45. No floor opening, floor edges should be left unguarded
46. Training is must for all scaffolds and only trained scaffolds should make platforms.
47. Dont keep loose materials at height.
48. Permission should be taken for all earth works from P&M Department.
49. Those who are violating the safety norms will be penalized.
50. Female workers should not be engaged on work between 7 P.M. to 8 A.M.
51. Physical fitness check shall be carried out for crane operators & Drivers.
52. PPEs shall be provided to visitors at gate.
53. No smoking sign boards shall be kept at flammable and combustible material storage
54. Debris, scrap and other materials shall be disposed daily at closing hours of the day by
the same crew.
55. Environment poster shall be displayed at site as and when required depending upon the
activities in progress.
56. Fire points should be placed at all required areas.
Listof applicablelegal& otherrequirements:
Pertaining to EHS
1. Rajasthan BOCW rules, 2006
2. Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981 & 1982
3. Environmentprotection act , 1986
4. Noise pollution (regulation and control) rules, 2000
5. The batteries (managementand handling) rules, 2001
6. The environment protection rule ,1986 Amendment3
7. Water (prevention and control of pollution) rules, 1975
8. Motor vehicle act, 1988
9. The public library insuranceact, 1981
10. Workmen compensation act, 1934
11. The electricity act, 2003
12. Petroleum act, 1934
13. Gas, cylinders rule, 2004
Useof Personal Protective Equipment and
safety devices
Relevant to site activities.
EHS department controls a store where requirement of sufficient number of safety
appliances are planned well in advance and are made available.
Figure 23 *picture was takenfromthe store on L&Ts JCB MANUFATRURING PLANT
Various safety appliances:
 Head protection:
Every individual entering the site must wear safety helmet, confirming to IS: 2925 1984
with the chin strap fixed to the chin.
According to the rules:
White helmet was for engineers,
Purple helmet was for visitors,
Yellow for workers or labor,
Red for electricians, and
Green for EHS Department.
 Foot And Leg Protection
Safety foot wear with steel toe is essential on site to prevent crush injuries to
our toes and injury due to striking against the object. (15298)
Figure 25 safety shoes
Excessive noise cause damage to inner ear and also can cause permanent hearing
loss. To protect ears one must use ear muffs or ear plugs as suitable.
Figure 26 banner on site to promote usage of ear protection
Person carrying out grinding works, operating pavement breakers, and those Involved in
welding and cutting works should wear safety goggles & face shield suitably. Goggles, Safety
Spectacles, face shield confirm to IS: 5983 1980.
Figure 27 worker at site, fullyequipped with eye protection, head protection, and harness
While handling cement and concrete & while carrying out hot works like gas cutting, grinding
& welding usage of hand gloves is a must to protect the hand,
1. COTTON Gloves (for materials handling) IS: 6994 1973.
2. RUBEER Gloves 18 (380/450mmlong) electrical grade, tested to15000 Volts conforming
to IS: 4770 1991.
3. LEATHER Gloves  hot work/handling of sharp edges.
Required respiratory protection according to the exposure of hazards to be provided.
Though it is mandatory to wear safety harness while working at height on the working
platforms, safety nets of suitable mesh size shall be provided to arrest the falling of person
and materials on need basis.
Figure 28 safetynet on site
To prevent fall of person while working at height, personnel engaged more than 2 m wear
standard Full Body harness and that should be confirming to IS: 3521 1999 (third
1. Lanyard should be of 12mm Polypropylene rope and of length not more than 2m.
2. Double lanyard, based on the requirement.
Figure 29 worker wearing full body harness
Sign boards for promotion of safe working
environment on site
Figure 30, 31,32,33,34 various sign boards for promoting safetyat site

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  • 1. EHS- ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH & SAFETY OBJECTIVESOFEHSDEPARTMENTOFL&T: 1. To determine broad parameters of EHS management on site. 2. Establish a defined line of command for resolution of all hazard prevention issues. 3. Define individual responsibilities for hazard prevention & safety promotion responsibility at each level of the construction team. 4. Identify highly hazardous operations within the scope of work and safety integrated preventive measures to mitigate the same. 5. Work on EHS performance improvement by directing focus on key areas for improvement in constant manner. L&T is amongst one of those very few companies that takes serious measure to protect environment and takes all precautions that are necessary for safe and healthy working environment for its workers.
  • 2. HEALTH SAFTEYANDENVIRONMENTALPOLICY Figure 21 EHS philosophy and objective
  • 3. HR POLICY Figure 22 HR policies Human Resources Department believes that Quality is the hallmark of any successful venture. Quality Training and Development of Human Resources is realized through: Identifying training needs within the Organization and designing and implementing those need based training programs to bring about continuous up-gradation of knowledge, skills and employee attitudes.
  • 4. GENERALEHSRULES& REGULATIONS 1. No workmen below18 years and above 58 years of age shall be engaged for a job. 2. All workmen shall be screened before engaging their job. Physical fitness of the person for certain critical jobs like working at height or other dangerous locations to be ensured before engaging the person on work. The final decision rests with the site management to reject any person on the ground of physical fitness. 3. Visitors can enter the site after EHS induction with the visitor pass. He should be provided Safety helmet & safety Shoes, also he should be accompanied with the responsible person of that area. 4. Smoking is strictly prohibited at workplace 5. Sub-contractors shall ensure adequate supervision at workplaces. They shall ensure that all persons working under them shall not create any hazard to self or to the coworkers. 6. Nobody is allowed to enter the site without wearing safety helmet. Chinstrap of safety helmet shall be always on. 7. No one is allowed to work at or more than two meter height without wearing full body harness and anchoring the lanyard of full body harness to firm support preferably at shoulder level. 8. No one is allowed to enter in to workplace and work at site without adequate foot protection (including female worker). 9. Usage of eye protection equipment shall be ensured when workmen are engaged for grinding, chipping, welding and gas cutting. For other jobs, a sand when site safety coordinator insists eye protection has to be provided. 10. AllPPE slikeshoes, helmet, full body harness etc. shall be arranged before starting the job as per recommendation of the EHSO. 11. Rigid barricading must be provided around the excavated pits, and barricading shall be maintained till the back filling is done. Safe approach is to be ensured into every excavation. 12. Adequate illumination at workplace shallbeensured before starting the job at night. 13. All the dangerous moving parts of the portable/fixed machinery being used shall be adequately guaranteed. 14. Ladders being used at site shall be adequately secured at bottom and top. Ladder shall not be used as work platforms. 15. Erection zone and dismantling zone shall be barricaded and nobody will be allowed to stand under the suspended loads.
  • 5. 16. Horseplay is completely prohibited at work place. Running at site is completely prohibited except in case of emergency. 17. Material shall not be thrown from the height. Proper arrangement of Debris chute can be installed. 18. Other than the electrician possessing license with red helmet, no one is allowed to carry out electrical connection, repairs on electrical equipment or other job related there. 19. Inserting of bare wires for tapping the power from electrical socket is completely prohibited. 20. All major, minor accidents near misses and unhygienic conditions must be reported. 21. All scaffoldings/work platform shall meet the requirement. The width of the working platform and fall protection arrangement shall be maintained as per the Standard. All tools and tackles shall be inspected before use. Defects to be reported immediately. No lifting tool & tackle to be used unless it is certified by the concerned Engineer In charge/ P&M engineer. 22. Good housekeeping to be maintained. Passage shall not be blocked with materials. Material like bricks shall not be stacked to the dangerous height at workplace. 23. Debris, scrap and other material to be cleared then and there from the work place and at the time of closing of work every day. 24. Contractors shall ensure that all their workmen are following safe practices while travelling in the companys transport and staying at companys accommodations. 25. Adequate firefighting equipment shall be made available at workplace and persons to be trained in firefighting techniques with the coordination of EHSO. 26. All the unsafe conditions, unsafe act identified by the contractors, reported by site supervisor and/or safety personnel to be corrected on priority basis. 27. No children shall be allowed to enter the workplace. 28. Workwomen are not allowed to work at high risk areas. 29. Other than the Driver/operator, no one shall travel in a tractor. 30. Wherever the vehicle/equipment has to work near or pass through the overhead electrical lines, the goal post shall be installed. 31. Identity card should always be displayed and shown when demanded. 32. Any person found to be interfering with or misusing fixtures ,fittings or equipment provided in the interest of health ,safety and welfare would be excluded from site .(like using helmet and fire bucket for carrying the material, removing the handrails, etc.) 33. Safety signs and notices must be displayed and followed. 34. Transistor radios or personal stereos/ Walkman must not be used.
  • 6. 35. All site personnel, for their own safety and for the safety of others, are required to fully comply with the agreed safety systems/procedures and working method. 36. Consumption of alcohol and drugs is prohibited. 37. No person is to operate any mechanical/ Electrical equipment unless they have been authorized and have been certified as competent. 38. Take food only at the designated area (like dinning, Rest Room etc.). The waste food, PVC / Paper covers need to be dumped in the dustbin. The house keeping gang on regular intervals willclear this. Alsohand/ vessels shouldbe washed in the same area with proper drainage. 39. . No workers should enter the site with lunges. 40. Nobody should sit/ sleep on the edges 41. Dont enter inside the room where there is no light 42. Dont take shelter under the vehicles 43. Look for warning signs, caution boards and other notices 44. Must be aware about the locations of First Aid, Fire Extinguisher and Emergency Siren 45. No floor opening, floor edges should be left unguarded 46. Training is must for all scaffolds and only trained scaffolds should make platforms. 47. Dont keep loose materials at height. 48. Permission should be taken for all earth works from P&M Department. 49. Those who are violating the safety norms will be penalized. 50. Female workers should not be engaged on work between 7 P.M. to 8 A.M. 51. Physical fitness check shall be carried out for crane operators & Drivers. 52. PPEs shall be provided to visitors at gate. 53. No smoking sign boards shall be kept at flammable and combustible material storage places. 54. Debris, scrap and other materials shall be disposed daily at closing hours of the day by the same crew. 55. Environment poster shall be displayed at site as and when required depending upon the activities in progress. 56. Fire points should be placed at all required areas. Listof applicablelegal& otherrequirements:
  • 7. Pertaining to EHS 1. Rajasthan BOCW rules, 2006 2. Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981 & 1982 3. Environmentprotection act , 1986 4. Noise pollution (regulation and control) rules, 2000 5. The batteries (managementand handling) rules, 2001 6. The environment protection rule ,1986 Amendment3 7. Water (prevention and control of pollution) rules, 1975 8. Motor vehicle act, 1988 9. The public library insuranceact, 1981 10. Workmen compensation act, 1934 11. The electricity act, 2003 12. Petroleum act, 1934 13. Gas, cylinders rule, 2004 Useof Personal Protective Equipment and safety devices Relevant to site activities.
  • 8. SAFETYAPPLIANCES EHS department controls a store where requirement of sufficient number of safety appliances are planned well in advance and are made available. Figure 23 *picture was takenfromthe store on L&Ts JCB MANUFATRURING PLANT Various safety appliances: Head protection: Every individual entering the site must wear safety helmet, confirming to IS: 2925 1984 with the chin strap fixed to the chin.
  • 9. According to the rules: White helmet was for engineers, Purple helmet was for visitors, Yellow for workers or labor, Red for electricians, and Green for EHS Department. . Foot And Leg Protection Safety foot wear with steel toe is essential on site to prevent crush injuries to our toes and injury due to striking against the object. (15298)
  • 10. Figure 25 safety shoes HearingProtection Excessive noise cause damage to inner ear and also can cause permanent hearing loss. To protect ears one must use ear muffs or ear plugs as suitable. EYE PROTECTION Figure 26 banner on site to promote usage of ear protection
  • 11. Person carrying out grinding works, operating pavement breakers, and those Involved in welding and cutting works should wear safety goggles & face shield suitably. Goggles, Safety Spectacles, face shield confirm to IS: 5983 1980. Figure 27 worker at site, fullyequipped with eye protection, head protection, and harness HAND AND ARM PROTECTION While handling cement and concrete & while carrying out hot works like gas cutting, grinding & welding usage of hand gloves is a must to protect the hand, 1. COTTON Gloves (for materials handling) IS: 6994 1973. 2. RUBEER Gloves 18 (380/450mmlong) electrical grade, tested to15000 Volts conforming to IS: 4770 1991. 3. LEATHER Gloves hot work/handling of sharp edges. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION
  • 12. Required respiratory protection according to the exposure of hazards to be provided. SAFETY NET Though it is mandatory to wear safety harness while working at height on the working platforms, safety nets of suitable mesh size shall be provided to arrest the falling of person and materials on need basis. Figure 28 safetynet on site FALL PROTECTION
  • 13. To prevent fall of person while working at height, personnel engaged more than 2 m wear standard Full Body harness and that should be confirming to IS: 3521 1999 (third revision) 1. Lanyard should be of 12mm Polypropylene rope and of length not more than 2m. 2. Double lanyard, based on the requirement. Figure 29 worker wearing full body harness
  • 14. Sign boards for promotion of safe working environment on site
  • 15. Figure 30, 31,32,33,34 various sign boards for promoting safetyat site