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The Need for
1 1 E M P L O Y E E S H I P F A C T O R S
Based on our TMI Culture Survey, we
identified these 11 Employeeship Factors:
1. Commitment
2. Responsibility
3. Loyalty
4. Initiative
5. Productivity
6. Relations
7. Quality
8. Professional competence
9. Flexibility and willingness to change
10. Implementation
11. Energy
TMI Training und Consulting GmbH
Markt 23-27, 53111 Bonn

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Ei 11 employeeship factors part 2

  • 1. Emotional Intelligence The Need for 1 1 E M P L O Y E E S H I P F A C T O R S Based on our TMI Culture Survey, we identified these 11 Employeeship Factors: 1. Commitment 2. Responsibility 3. Loyalty 4. Initiative 5. Productivity 6. Relations 7. Quality 8. Professional competence 9. Flexibility and willingness to change 10. Implementation 11. Energy Part #2 TMI Training und Consulting GmbH Markt 23-27, 53111 Bonn www.tmi-germany.de