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How to continue?
Present situation – status quo
Secretariat hosted by DG RTD
 Ex.Sec. is a 'Seconded National Expert' (SNE) to the EC
 DG RTD provides an office including equipment and
covers EIARD related missions
 In exchange the Commission is the permanent EIARD
Present situation – status quo
 The Commission as the neutral broker is hosting the
Secretariat and providing the Vice Chairman
 COM(97)126 on EIARD – recognized by the Council and
the European Parliament
 Established setup (since more than 20 years)
Present situation – status quo
 Low interest and ownership of DG RTD in the work of EIARD
 EIARD is outside the regular EC structure
 CGIAR funding comes from DEVCO not from RTD (except in the
framework of H2020)
 Conflicting expectations to the position holder
 RTD sees it as a normal SNE position
 EIARD work is compromised
 Restrictive rules for SNEs since 2008 (especially regarding
missions, participation in meetings)
 Recruitment done by Commission only without
influence of EIARD
Scenario Analysis
 Option 1 – continuation of status quo
 Option 2 – merger of EIARD with SCAR
 Option 3 – Secretariat to be hosted by one EIARD
member on a rotational basis
 Option 4 – Secretariat hosted in Bonn back to back with
Option 1– status quo
 Search for another person from November 2016
 Request that the EIARD chair will be involved in the
recruitment process
Option 2– Merger with SCAR
 SCAR has an official mandate (Established through a Regulation
of the Council of the EU on the coordination of agricultural research the
Committee adopted its own rules of procedure in line with those adopted by
the Commission on 31 January 2001 and in accordance with Council
Decision 1999/468/EC. The Committee was given a revised mandate in
2005 by the Council);
 SCAR is increasingly addressing global issues
 The EIARD strategy as a whole could be pursued (not only
CGIAR topics);
Option 2– Merger with SCAR
 Overcoming the separation between AR and ARD -
lifting ARCH to the next level
 SCAR discussions would increasingly take on board international
 Higher political mandate, profile and recognition
 All EIARD strategic areas could be addressed
(on top of CGIAR topics)
 A dedicated WG on CGIAR issues with an own coordinator could
be formed which would report back to the SCAR Plenary
Option 2– Merger with SCAR
 No EIARD Executive Secretary needed
 Closing of ARCH
 SCAR members would be formed by delegates from national
representatives of Ministries of (1) Research+Education, (2)
Agriculture AND (3) Foreign Affairs/Development Cooperation
 EIARD issues discussed at SCAR WG and SCAR Plenary
 Additional SCAR WGs launched to address former EIARD
 CGIAR WG (a coordinator of the group can report every half year to
the SCAR Plenary)
 Others …
Option 3 – Secretariat hosted by one
EIARD member on a rotational basis
 Lower financial burden for EIARD member providing the
Ex.Sec. – no "lost" position
 Smaller EIARD members could also host the Ex.Sec.
 No travel restrictions
 Outside the Commission – no political mandate
Option 4 – Secretariat hosted in Bonn
back to back to the GDPRD
 Vicinity to the GDPRD – better link to rural development
 Smaller EIARD members could also host the Ex.Sec.
 No travel restrictions
 Outside the Commission – no political mandate.

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Eiard secretariat

  • 2. Present situation – status quo Secretariat hosted by DG RTD  Ex.Sec. is a 'Seconded National Expert' (SNE) to the EC  DG RTD provides an office including equipment and covers EIARD related missions  In exchange the Commission is the permanent EIARD Vice-Chair
  • 3. Present situation – status quo Advantages  The Commission as the neutral broker is hosting the Secretariat and providing the Vice Chairman  COM(97)126 on EIARD – recognized by the Council and the European Parliament  Established setup (since more than 20 years)
  • 4. Present situation – status quo Disadvantages  Low interest and ownership of DG RTD in the work of EIARD  EIARD is outside the regular EC structure  CGIAR funding comes from DEVCO not from RTD (except in the framework of H2020)  Conflicting expectations to the position holder  RTD sees it as a normal SNE position  EIARD work is compromised  Restrictive rules for SNEs since 2008 (especially regarding missions, participation in meetings)  Recruitment done by Commission only without influence of EIARD
  • 5. Scenario Analysis  Option 1 – continuation of status quo  Option 2 – merger of EIARD with SCAR  Option 3 – Secretariat to be hosted by one EIARD member on a rotational basis  Option 4 – Secretariat hosted in Bonn back to back with the GDPRD
  • 6. Option 1– status quo  Search for another person from November 2016  Request that the EIARD chair will be involved in the recruitment process
  • 7. Option 2– Merger with SCAR  SCAR has an official mandate (Established through a Regulation of the Council of the EU on the coordination of agricultural research the Committee adopted its own rules of procedure in line with those adopted by the Commission on 31 January 2001 and in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC. The Committee was given a revised mandate in 2005 by the Council);  SCAR is increasingly addressing global issues  The EIARD strategy as a whole could be pursued (not only CGIAR topics);
  • 8. Option 2– Merger with SCAR Advantages  Overcoming the separation between AR and ARD - lifting ARCH to the next level  SCAR:  SCAR discussions would increasingly take on board international dimensions  EIARD:  Higher political mandate, profile and recognition  All EIARD strategic areas could be addressed (on top of CGIAR topics)  A dedicated WG on CGIAR issues with an own coordinator could be formed which would report back to the SCAR Plenary
  • 9. Option 2– Merger with SCAR Implementation  No EIARD Executive Secretary needed  Closing of ARCH  SCAR members would be formed by delegates from national representatives of Ministries of (1) Research+Education, (2) Agriculture AND (3) Foreign Affairs/Development Cooperation  EIARD issues discussed at SCAR WG and SCAR Plenary levels  Additional SCAR WGs launched to address former EIARD topics  CGIAR WG (a coordinator of the group can report every half year to the SCAR Plenary)  Others …
  • 10. Option 3 – Secretariat hosted by one EIARD member on a rotational basis Advantages  Lower financial burden for EIARD member providing the Ex.Sec. – no "lost" position  Smaller EIARD members could also host the Ex.Sec.  No travel restrictions Disadvantages  Outside the Commission – no political mandate
  • 11. Option 4 – Secretariat hosted in Bonn back to back to the GDPRD Advantages  Vicinity to the GDPRD – better link to rural development  Smaller EIARD members could also host the Ex.Sec.  No travel restrictions Disadvantages  Outside the Commission – no political mandate.