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El Bandido Landmark Productions LLC Written by Carla P.  Morales Directed by Connie Norwood  Provoking dialogue and awareness through drama Marketing Package   Presents  A prodigal son story
Table of Contents Landmark Productions, L.L.C.  Mission Statement ...Page 3 El Bandido Synopsis ...Page 4 Performance Specifics ........Page 5 Our Production History .........Page 6 Back to the Old Landmark ....Page 8 Welcome Home Eddy (stage play) ...... .Page 9 Welcome Home Eddy (feature film) ... .Page 11 The Saints (television) ... Page 13 Upcoming Non Profit Branch (The Lotus Project)..Page 15 Advertising Rates .......Page 16 Diamond Presenting Sponsor Proposal Page 18 Platinum Presenting Sponsor.. ......Page 19 Gold Sponsor. .... .Page 20 Silver Sponsor......................................Page 21 Bronze Sponsor....................................Page 22 Level 1 Sponsor....Page 23 Level 2 Sponsor....Page 24 Level 3 Sponsor.Page 25 Contact Information.Page 26
Landmark Productions LLC. Mission Statement Landmark Productions was founded in 1998 as a for profit, independent production company that is made up of professionally trained writers, directors and actors for the stage and screen.  Realizing the educational and healing qualities of the arts, Landmark Productions is dedicated to creating opportunities for artists to bring to life issues that are prevalent in the universal community. Despite urban mythology, theatre is an art form for the masses, not some stuffy experience for the elite. The members of Landmark Productions are affiliated with, or have worked with the famous Freedom Theater, Bushfire Theater, Philadelphia Dramatist Center, Venture Theater, Widener University (Theatre Widener), NJN Public Television Network, UPN57 (now the CW Network), Camden County School TV, as well as independent and mainstream feature films and television series. Our goal is to provoke dialogue and awareness through drama, as well as entertain, and provide artists with a venue to strengthen and perfect their craft.  Our stage is a platform for expression of everyday life at its raw phase of reality.
SYNOPSIS El Bandido This prodigal son story revolves around  Talon Xavier Washington,  son of a successful businessman and black-sheep of his family, who descends from wealth and privilege, down into the turbulent and exciting lifestyle of exotic dancing.  His spiraling, downward journey forces him to rediscover who he really is as a man, where his place is within his family, and, most importantly, where he stands within his fathers heart. Left, Awesome Dre, also known as, Andre The Lover portrays the expert in El Bandido, that teaches Talon everything he knows.  Andre is an icon in the male entertainment industry with devoted fans across the country.
Philadelphia Performance  at Community College of Philadelphia When :   Friday & Saturday, October 17 th  & 18 th   2008 Where :   Community College of Philadelphia, Bonnell Building (large auditorium, BG 10) Times :   Friday (7:30pm),  Saturday (3pm & 7:30pm) Admission :   $30 (group rate $25) Target Audience :   Men and Women (African American and Latino, ages 18 - 45) Marketing and Promotions :   Beginning 8 weeks prior to performances, print media, TV, radio
Our Production History Stage Film Television
Stage Back to the Old Landmark Welcome Home Eddy El Bandido
Back to the Old Landmark This play, which follows the downfall and rise of a na誰ve, southern preacher who comes up north to be the pastor of one of the biggest churches in the city, is the inspiration of the upcoming television series,  The Saints .  This play has been performed in front of thrilled audiences throughout the tri-state area. Back to the Old Landmark was first produced in 1998 in Philadelphia, PA, and is now on its way to becoming a classic.  These pictures were taken during performances at the legendary Freedom Theatre in Philadelphia.
Welcome Home Eddy How does a mothers love create a monster?   This play explores the devastating effects of incest within a family.  Welcome Home Eddy  has been performed in New York  at the  Nuyorican Poets Caf辿, New Jersey at the Walt Whitman Center, and in Philadelphia at Theatre Double.  It has been endorsed for its accuracy and realism by the national organization, Stop It! Now.  Welcome Home Eddy  is also being adapted to a feature film. Scenes from the controversial stage play Welcome Home Eddy.
Film Welcome Home Eddy
Several of Landmark Productions film projects are currently in pre-production and in development. Welcome Home Eddy This is the film adaptation of the stage play with the same name, and will be in production in the Fall of 2007. Ramon Aponte (above) portrays the troubled young man, Eddy. Mercedes Reyes (above) portray Mariana as a little girl on the beaches of Puerto Rico.
Television The Saints El Bandido
Television The Saints This dramatic series is based on the successful stage play  Back to the Old Landmark .  It revolves around a growing inner city Baptist church, all the conflict that goes on within an inner city church, and its surrounding African American and Latino communities.   Touching scene from the television series, The Saints. Herricane Morales (above) , up and coming rap artist, portrays a beautiful, but deadly assassin in The Saints. Nikki Newman and Demetria Bailey (above) portray God-fearing women in prayer.
El Bandido The stage play,  El Bandido  is being adapted to a new, realty and dramatic series that delves into the turbulent and exciting lives of male and female exotic dancers and the decisions they make that reshape their lives; for the best, and sometimes for the worst. Awesome Dre (left) a.k.a. Andre the Lover has achieved icon status in the entertainment industry as a successful male entertainer.
Upcoming Non-Profit Branch The Lotus Project An oasis of imagination A large, inner city facility that will be dedicated to helping inner city youth,  of all ages and ethnicities, discover their true potential through  literacy and live performing arts.
Advertising Rates Inside front cover (color)  -  $750 Inside front cover (black & white)  -  $650 Full page ad (color)  -  $550 Full page ad (black & white)  -  $450 遜 Page (color)  -  $350 遜 Page (black & white)  -  $250 村 Page (color)  -  $200 村 Page (black & white)  -  $150 Business Card Size (color)  -  $100 Business Card Size (black & white)  -  $75 Name listed in our playbill as a loyal supporter - $50
The Proposal
Presenting Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour Official Sponsor of the national tour of 25 American cities, including naming rights Official Sponsor of our press events 10 VIP tickets to all Premieres of  El Bandido  in all cities where the play is being performed Special Meet & Greet with the stars of the show on opening night Booth space for product display and merchandise/literature Logo and banner to the displayed at all venues Gift bags and promotional items with your companys logo/brand name Advertising link on Landmark Productions, L.L.C. website for one year Co-branding radio and television campaign Logo and brand name displayed with all print media (flyers, newspaper display ads, etc.) Logo and brand name displayed and announced in all press and media releases Access to our guest mailing list for marketing purposes Logo and brand name (including advertising insert) displayed on all DVDs of the stage play  El Bandido  which will be sold across the country at point of sale and via our website. Your 60 second commercial screened at all venues before the performance and immediately following intermission.  Your commercial will also be part of the DVD prior to customers screening the performance of  El Bandido . Your 60 second commercial, promoting the brand of your choice, made a part of the  El Bandido  DVD package. $250,000
Diamond Presenting Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour $150,000 8 VIP Tickets to all premieres of  El Bandido  in all cities included in the tour. Special Meet & Greet with the stars of the show on opening night. Booth space for product/literature display Gift Bag and promotional items with your companys logo/brand name Full Page Ad (color) in playbill Advertising Link on the Landmark Productions, L.L.C. website for one year Logo and brand name displayed on all print advertising (flyers, display ads etc.) Your company/brand name mentioned on all radio and television campaigns Access to our guest mailing list for marketing purposes Your 30 second commercial screened at all venues before the performance and  immediately following intermission. Your commercial will also be part of the DVD prior to customers screening the performance of  El Bandido . Signage at all venues
Platinum Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 6 VIP Tickets to all premieres of El Bandido in select cities Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show on opening night. 遜  Page Ad (color) in playbill Advertising Link on the Landmark Productions, L.L.C. website for 6 months Logo and brand name displayed on all print advertising (flyers, display ads etc. Access to our guest mailing list for marketing purposes Signage at all venues $66,500
Gold Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 4 VIP Tickets to all premieres of  El Bandido  in select cities. Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show on opening night. 遜 Page Ad (color) in playbill Advertising link on the Landmark Productions, LLC website for 3 month Signage at venues in select cities $33,250
Silver Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 2 VIP Tickets to premieres in select cities Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show on opening night. 村  Page Ad (black & white) in playbill Small signage at venues in select cities. $16,000
Bronze Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 2 VIP Tickets to premieres in 2 cities Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show on opening night 遜  Page Ad (black & white) in playbill Logo/brand name on flyers $8300
Copper Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 1 VIP Ticket to one Premiere in a select city. Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show. 村 page ad (black & white) in the playbill $4100
Brass Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show. Small signage at select venues in select cities. $2,000
Contact Information Carla P. Morales Founder/CEO Landmark Productions, LLC. P.O. Box 15561 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19131 (215) 879-0519 / (215) 760-1393 (direct) [email_address] www.landmarkproductionsllc.net Page 22  Provoking dialogue and awareness through drama

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El Bandido Marketing Package

  • 1. El Bandido Landmark Productions LLC Written by Carla P. Morales Directed by Connie Norwood Provoking dialogue and awareness through drama Marketing Package Presents A prodigal son story
  • 2. Table of Contents Landmark Productions, L.L.C. Mission Statement ...Page 3 El Bandido Synopsis ...Page 4 Performance Specifics ........Page 5 Our Production History .........Page 6 Back to the Old Landmark ....Page 8 Welcome Home Eddy (stage play) ...... .Page 9 Welcome Home Eddy (feature film) ... .Page 11 The Saints (television) ... Page 13 Upcoming Non Profit Branch (The Lotus Project)..Page 15 Advertising Rates .......Page 16 Diamond Presenting Sponsor Proposal Page 18 Platinum Presenting Sponsor.. ......Page 19 Gold Sponsor. .... .Page 20 Silver Sponsor......................................Page 21 Bronze Sponsor....................................Page 22 Level 1 Sponsor....Page 23 Level 2 Sponsor....Page 24 Level 3 Sponsor.Page 25 Contact Information.Page 26
  • 3. Landmark Productions LLC. Mission Statement Landmark Productions was founded in 1998 as a for profit, independent production company that is made up of professionally trained writers, directors and actors for the stage and screen. Realizing the educational and healing qualities of the arts, Landmark Productions is dedicated to creating opportunities for artists to bring to life issues that are prevalent in the universal community. Despite urban mythology, theatre is an art form for the masses, not some stuffy experience for the elite. The members of Landmark Productions are affiliated with, or have worked with the famous Freedom Theater, Bushfire Theater, Philadelphia Dramatist Center, Venture Theater, Widener University (Theatre Widener), NJN Public Television Network, UPN57 (now the CW Network), Camden County School TV, as well as independent and mainstream feature films and television series. Our goal is to provoke dialogue and awareness through drama, as well as entertain, and provide artists with a venue to strengthen and perfect their craft. Our stage is a platform for expression of everyday life at its raw phase of reality.
  • 4. SYNOPSIS El Bandido This prodigal son story revolves around Talon Xavier Washington, son of a successful businessman and black-sheep of his family, who descends from wealth and privilege, down into the turbulent and exciting lifestyle of exotic dancing. His spiraling, downward journey forces him to rediscover who he really is as a man, where his place is within his family, and, most importantly, where he stands within his fathers heart. Left, Awesome Dre, also known as, Andre The Lover portrays the expert in El Bandido, that teaches Talon everything he knows. Andre is an icon in the male entertainment industry with devoted fans across the country.
  • 5. Philadelphia Performance at Community College of Philadelphia When : Friday & Saturday, October 17 th & 18 th 2008 Where : Community College of Philadelphia, Bonnell Building (large auditorium, BG 10) Times : Friday (7:30pm), Saturday (3pm & 7:30pm) Admission : $30 (group rate $25) Target Audience : Men and Women (African American and Latino, ages 18 - 45) Marketing and Promotions : Beginning 8 weeks prior to performances, print media, TV, radio
  • 6. Our Production History Stage Film Television
  • 7. Stage Back to the Old Landmark Welcome Home Eddy El Bandido
  • 8. Back to the Old Landmark This play, which follows the downfall and rise of a na誰ve, southern preacher who comes up north to be the pastor of one of the biggest churches in the city, is the inspiration of the upcoming television series, The Saints . This play has been performed in front of thrilled audiences throughout the tri-state area. Back to the Old Landmark was first produced in 1998 in Philadelphia, PA, and is now on its way to becoming a classic. These pictures were taken during performances at the legendary Freedom Theatre in Philadelphia.
  • 9. Welcome Home Eddy How does a mothers love create a monster? This play explores the devastating effects of incest within a family. Welcome Home Eddy has been performed in New York at the Nuyorican Poets Caf辿, New Jersey at the Walt Whitman Center, and in Philadelphia at Theatre Double. It has been endorsed for its accuracy and realism by the national organization, Stop It! Now. Welcome Home Eddy is also being adapted to a feature film. Scenes from the controversial stage play Welcome Home Eddy.
  • 11. Several of Landmark Productions film projects are currently in pre-production and in development. Welcome Home Eddy This is the film adaptation of the stage play with the same name, and will be in production in the Fall of 2007. Ramon Aponte (above) portrays the troubled young man, Eddy. Mercedes Reyes (above) portray Mariana as a little girl on the beaches of Puerto Rico.
  • 12. Television The Saints El Bandido
  • 13. Television The Saints This dramatic series is based on the successful stage play Back to the Old Landmark . It revolves around a growing inner city Baptist church, all the conflict that goes on within an inner city church, and its surrounding African American and Latino communities. Touching scene from the television series, The Saints. Herricane Morales (above) , up and coming rap artist, portrays a beautiful, but deadly assassin in The Saints. Nikki Newman and Demetria Bailey (above) portray God-fearing women in prayer.
  • 14. El Bandido The stage play, El Bandido is being adapted to a new, realty and dramatic series that delves into the turbulent and exciting lives of male and female exotic dancers and the decisions they make that reshape their lives; for the best, and sometimes for the worst. Awesome Dre (left) a.k.a. Andre the Lover has achieved icon status in the entertainment industry as a successful male entertainer.
  • 15. Upcoming Non-Profit Branch The Lotus Project An oasis of imagination A large, inner city facility that will be dedicated to helping inner city youth, of all ages and ethnicities, discover their true potential through literacy and live performing arts.
  • 16. Advertising Rates Inside front cover (color) - $750 Inside front cover (black & white) - $650 Full page ad (color) - $550 Full page ad (black & white) - $450 遜 Page (color) - $350 遜 Page (black & white) - $250 村 Page (color) - $200 村 Page (black & white) - $150 Business Card Size (color) - $100 Business Card Size (black & white) - $75 Name listed in our playbill as a loyal supporter - $50
  • 18. Presenting Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour Official Sponsor of the national tour of 25 American cities, including naming rights Official Sponsor of our press events 10 VIP tickets to all Premieres of El Bandido in all cities where the play is being performed Special Meet & Greet with the stars of the show on opening night Booth space for product display and merchandise/literature Logo and banner to the displayed at all venues Gift bags and promotional items with your companys logo/brand name Advertising link on Landmark Productions, L.L.C. website for one year Co-branding radio and television campaign Logo and brand name displayed with all print media (flyers, newspaper display ads, etc.) Logo and brand name displayed and announced in all press and media releases Access to our guest mailing list for marketing purposes Logo and brand name (including advertising insert) displayed on all DVDs of the stage play El Bandido which will be sold across the country at point of sale and via our website. Your 60 second commercial screened at all venues before the performance and immediately following intermission. Your commercial will also be part of the DVD prior to customers screening the performance of El Bandido . Your 60 second commercial, promoting the brand of your choice, made a part of the El Bandido DVD package. $250,000
  • 19. Diamond Presenting Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour $150,000 8 VIP Tickets to all premieres of El Bandido in all cities included in the tour. Special Meet & Greet with the stars of the show on opening night. Booth space for product/literature display Gift Bag and promotional items with your companys logo/brand name Full Page Ad (color) in playbill Advertising Link on the Landmark Productions, L.L.C. website for one year Logo and brand name displayed on all print advertising (flyers, display ads etc.) Your company/brand name mentioned on all radio and television campaigns Access to our guest mailing list for marketing purposes Your 30 second commercial screened at all venues before the performance and immediately following intermission. Your commercial will also be part of the DVD prior to customers screening the performance of El Bandido . Signage at all venues
  • 20. Platinum Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 6 VIP Tickets to all premieres of El Bandido in select cities Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show on opening night. 遜 Page Ad (color) in playbill Advertising Link on the Landmark Productions, L.L.C. website for 6 months Logo and brand name displayed on all print advertising (flyers, display ads etc. Access to our guest mailing list for marketing purposes Signage at all venues $66,500
  • 21. Gold Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 4 VIP Tickets to all premieres of El Bandido in select cities. Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show on opening night. 遜 Page Ad (color) in playbill Advertising link on the Landmark Productions, LLC website for 3 month Signage at venues in select cities $33,250
  • 22. Silver Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 2 VIP Tickets to premieres in select cities Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show on opening night. 村 Page Ad (black & white) in playbill Small signage at venues in select cities. $16,000
  • 23. Bronze Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 2 VIP Tickets to premieres in 2 cities Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show on opening night 遜 Page Ad (black & white) in playbill Logo/brand name on flyers $8300
  • 24. Copper Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour 1 VIP Ticket to one Premiere in a select city. Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show. 村 page ad (black & white) in the playbill $4100
  • 25. Brass Sponsor for the El Bandido National Tour Special Meet and Greet with the stars of the show. Small signage at select venues in select cities. $2,000
  • 26. Contact Information Carla P. Morales Founder/CEO Landmark Productions, LLC. P.O. Box 15561 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19131 (215) 879-0519 / (215) 760-1393 (direct) [email_address] www.landmarkproductionsllc.net Page 22 Provoking dialogue and awareness through drama