Deutsche Bank reported financial results for the first half of 2011. Total net revenues were 19 billion for the period, an increase from 16.1 billion in the first half of 2010. Net income was 3.4 billion compared to 2.9 billion in the previous year. The core Tier 1 capital ratio improved to 10.2% from 8.7% at year-end 2010, exceeding regulatory requirements. Total assets were 1.85 trillion as of June 30, 2011, down slightly from 1.91 trillion at the end of 2010. Deutsche Bank stated that while economic conditions remained uncertain, it expected to continue improving profitability over the remainder of the year.
This document provides a list of life lessons encouraging people to help friends in need, find joy through social connections and simple pleasures, maintain a positive outlook even in hard times, and express love freely toward others regardless of differences. Key advice includes assisting others, embracing diversity, smiling daily, keeping close friends, relaxing through naps, praying, and giving full effort while staying upbeat.
This document proposes an innovative strategy to reduce healthcare costs through a multi-benefit card program. The card would provide savings on pharmacy medications through discounts of 11-75% on both generic and brand drugs. It would also provide telemedicine physician consultations for non-emergency care at reduced costs compared to office visits or ER trips. Additional benefits include discounts on dental, vision, lab tests and imaging. The program aims to lower costs for employers and employees while increasing access to affordable healthcare services.
2. ndex Qu 竪 辿s un blog ? Per a qu竪 serveix ? Avantatges Entrada Gadget Pipelles Etiqueta F鱈
3. Qu 竪 辿s un blog? s una pgina web que lautor actualitza la informaci坦 o continguts peri嘆dicament sobre algun tema dinter竪s social. ndex
4. Per a qu 竪 serveix? Sutilitza per la comunicaci 坦 entre professor i alumne. Es poden realitzar activitats on-line. ndex
5. Avantatges s un espai per: Penjar propostes. Realitzar activitats interactives Valorar el treball a classe. Debatre temes pendents. Proposar exercicis o lectures complementaries. Resoldre dubtes. Comentar lactualitat ndex
6. Entrada ndex Una entrada 辿s la part principal del blog, on lautor escriu el text segons la finalitat del que es vol dir o presentar.
7. Gadget Element del blog amb una funci 坦 espec鱈fica, 炭til i novedosa. Cont辿 enlla巽os externs o articles actualitzats constantment. ndex Solen ser petits i molt pr ctics
8. Pipelles Enlla巽os interns que ens ajuden a distribuir les diferents p gines del blog. Solen situar-se a la part superior o esquerra del blog. ndex
10. F Tamb 辿 se poden fer una serie de modificacions internes com: - Canviar el disseny - Crear i editar entrades - Editar el nostre perfil - Si teniu algun dubte escriviu a Moltes gr cies per la vostra atenci坦 ndex