Presentación en la que se apoyaron Elena de la Cova y Elisa Alonso para impartir el #Aprenday del día 4 de marzo sobre Localización, titulado: "El sector de la localización: 38.000 millones de dólares anuales que se gastan ¿en qué?"
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El sector de la localización
1. The localisation industry
A 38 billion dollar market
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
6. Languages with the most native speakers
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
7. What languages people learn all over the
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
8. 99.9 % of Spanish corporations are SME (0-249 employees)
95.9% of Spanish corporations are micro SME (0-9 employees)
A portrait of the Spanish SME
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
9. Most recently created SMEs in Spain are primarly…
Source 1: By FrankVincentz - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Source 2:
Spanish SME
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
Retail sales Beverage and food services
10. International economic climate
Restricted access to financing
Small size of retailers
Lack of experience in internationalisation
Potential that remains in the local market
Lack of awareness on the part of public organisations about the
reality and needs of the retail sector
(Fayos, Calderón & Molla 2015)
(Medina 2013)
Barriers of SME to internationalisation
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
11. GILT (G11N + I18N + L10N + T9N)
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
12. What is NOT localization
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
22. Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
23. Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
24. Localising also implies forseeing technical
issues from the design phase (I18N)
Internationalization (I18n) is the process of generalizing a product so that it can handle
multiple languages and cultural conventions without the need for re-design.
Internationalization takes place at the level of program design and document development.
(LISA 1998)
! Issues such as…
Character encoding & Bidirectionality
For more information about I18N, visit
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
25. Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
26. Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
27. Localising also implies a deeper change
within a company (G11N)
Globalization (G11n) addresses the business issues associated with taking a product global.
In the globalization of high-tech product this involves integrating localization throughout a
company, after proper internationalization and product design, as well as marketing, sales,
and support in the world market.”
(LISA 2003)
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
28. Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
29. Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
31. The 2014 market for outsourced language services is US$37.19
billion. It is growing at an annual rate of 6.23%.
The Language Services Market 2014. Common Sense Advisory
(DePalma, Hedge, Pielmeier, Stewart 2014)
Languages services market
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
40. I wanna expand my business, why should I have my website
in English?
! English is THE main business language
! Professional image
! You can reach a global audience even if your website is
not localized into all languages where you want to sell
your product/services
Website in English
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
43. Some strategic decisions…
! Design your international strategy: who do you want to
! What are your human, technical and economic resources
for the localization of your web?
! Degrees of localization: a strategic decision
(Alonso y De la Cova 2013)
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
44. A Web Localization “To Do” List
! Rewrite the text
! Translate the text
! Modify the graphics
! Create new graphics
! Change colors
! Change layout
! Modify tables, forms, data fields, databases
(Multilingual Computing 2008)
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
66. Why should I use a CMS?
! Do I have duplicate (or almost duplicate) content?
! Do I publish in different languages?
! Is my content used across multiple channels?
! Do I use this content often?
! Is compliance an important issue?
(Bret Freeman 2006)
CMS+(middleware)+GMS: success!
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
71. Bibliografía
Elisa Alonso & Elena de la Cova
! European Commission 2011. User Language Preferences Online.
Eurobarometer. []
! Esselink, B. 2000,A Practical Guide to Localization, 1st edn, John Benjamins
Publishing Company,Amsterdam.
! Kelly, N. y Stewart, R.G. (2011) The Language Service Market: 2011.
Massachusetts: Common Sense Advisory Inc.
! LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association). 2003. The Localization
Industry Primer. Féchy, Switzerland: SMP Marketing/LISA.
! Multilingual Computing. Guide to Going Global (2008). [http:// ]
! Smith, J. 2013.Why Every Job Seeker Should Have a Personal Website,And
What It Should Include. Forbes. [