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Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
English Language Development
(ELD) Resource Guide for
Elementary Schools 2013
Language Arts
 Oral Language
 Oral Language
 Oral Language
Social Studies
 Oral Language
ELD Model
45 Minutes Daily
Language Instruction
English Language Development (ELD) Table of Contents
Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
Section 1: Introduction to English Language Development
Section 2: ELD Steps of Implementation
Section 3: Procedural Checklist for ELD time using Imagine It!
Section 4: Procedural List for ELD time using Go Math!
Section 5: ELD Documentation Forms
Section 6: Using WIDA MPIs to make Content and Language Objectives
Section 1: English Language Development (ELD) Introduction
Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
English Language Development (ELD)
ELs are entitled to receive English Language Development instruction in order to ensure that:
ELs attain English to high levels of proficiency enabling them to meet the same state academic Core Standards as
all students are expected to meet.
Students meet both English Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills (CALPS) as well as Social Basic
Interpersonal Cognitive Skills (BICS).
English Language Development (ELD) Description
ELD is a daily 45-minute block of time providing explicit language instruction targeted in each language domain:
reading, writing, speaking, and listening (Genesee, Lindholm-Leary, Saunders & Christian, 2006)
ELD is provided to all EL students scoring 1-4 on the Utah Academic Language Proficiency Assessment (UALPA)
ELD provides oral language, grammar, literacy, vocabulary, and writing development that can cross other
content areas such as science and social studies (National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and
Youth, 2008)
ELD occurs in Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction
ELD time is taught by a highly qualified ESL endorsed teacher
ELD instruction is driven by on-going language assessment (Calder坦n, Salvin, & Sanchez, 2011)
English Language Development (ELD) Grouping
Group students with like proficiencies (Saunders & Goldenberg, 2008)
Do not group more than two consecutive levels (Example Do not group Level 1 with Level 3 students)
Consider grouping across classes
Use small group language instruction with designed tasks requiring students to stretch into the next
proficiency level
Specifically target instruction to each proficiency level
ELD Grouping Options for EL Students with like-proficiency
Low Population of EL Students
(100 or fewer)
Option #1
Consider grouping students
across classes
Option #2
Consider grouping students
across grade level clusers
(K, 1-3,4-5,6)
Option #3
Use small group with targeted
language instruction
Option #4
School-based decision
High Population of EL Students
(100 or more)
Option #1
Group students in classes
with like proficiencies
Option #2
Use small group with
targeted language
Option #3
School-based decision
(Figure 1.2 ELD Grouping Options for EL Students with like-proficiency)
Section 2: English Language Development (ELD) Steps of Implementation
Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
Step 1: Grouping ELs by proficiency level
 Identify all EL students proficiency levels (refer to Section 5 for an example)
 Select a grouping option to meet the needs of your school
 Schedule 45-minutes daily of targeted language instruction in content areas of choice including Language Arts,
Math, Science, or Social Studies with an ESL endorsed Teacher (see table 2.1 and 2.2)
Step 2: Designing Effective Instructional Time
Program and Instructional Practices to use in ELD
 Imagine Learning English Computer Program
 Imagine It! ESL Support
 Go Math! ELL Interventions
 Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
Instructional Components of ELD
 Target instruction for each students proficiency level
 Provide a variety of opportunities for students to interact using English language in listening, speaking,
reading, and writing (Saunders & Goldenberg, 2008)
 Recognize the role of using students primary language to develop academic English language skills
 Align with grade level Core Standards and WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards
 Provide on-going English language assessments
 Create a supportive learning environment
 Advance students language proficiency levels using task requiring students to stretch their English language
skills (Saunders & Goldenberg, 2008)
ELD Model
45 Minutes Daily
Language Instruction
ELD Suggested Times by Proficency Level
Level 1 and 2
Oral Language
20 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes
Level 3 and 4
Oral Language
10 minutes
5 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
Social Studies
Oral Language
Oral Language
Oral Language
Language Arts
Oral Language
(Figure 2.1 ELD Model)
(Figure 2.2 EDL Suggest Times by Proficiency Level)
Section 3: Procedural Checklist for ELD Imagine It! Program
Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
Step 1: Login to the GSD Intranet to open hyperlinks: https://gsdsites.graniteschools.org/Pages/Default.aspx
Step 2: Check Imagine It! program components used for ELD Time
ELD Recommended
Instructional Times
Oral Language Where to find materials
Level 1/2 Level 3/4
20 Minutes 10 Minutes
 Morning Message Primary Grade K-2
 Building Background Found in the Red section Reading and Responding (Routine 12)
 Gallery Walks Log into the Intranet by grade level (Literacy Documents Link)
 Reciprocal Teaching Found on the GSD Intranet (Reciprocal Teaching Cards) (Reciprocal Teaching Videos)
 Handing- Off whole group procedure Routine Card C Found on the GSD Intranet (Handing-Off Videos)
 Discussion Starters (with bookmark) Found on the GSD Intranet (Bookmarks)
 e-Handbook CCSS Found in the GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps (Curriculum Maps Page)
Grammar Where to find materials
Level 1/2 Level 3/4
5 Minutes 5 Minutes
 Word Structure Located in the Green section Preparing to Read
 Grammar skills page
 Morning Message Located in the Green section Preparing to Read
 L.A. Big Book/ L.A. Handbook
 e-Handbook CCSS Found in the GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps (Curriculum Maps Page)
Reading: Phonemic
Where to find materials
Level 1/2 Level 3/4
10 Minutes 15 Minutes
 Morning Message (Primary) Located in the Green section Preparing to Read
 Word Structure (Primary) Located in the Green section Preparing to Read
 Word Structure (Elementary) Located in the Green section Preparing to Read
 Sound Spelling Cards Found on the GSD Intranet (Shared Documents Link)
 Imagine It! stories on CDs
 Reciprocal Teaching Found on the GSD Intranet (Reciprocal Teaching Cards) (Reciprocal Teaching Videos)
 Handing-Off procedure Routine Card C Found on the GSD Intranet (Handing-Off Videos)
 Shared Reading/ Fluency Practice
 e-Handbook CCSS Found in the GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps (Curriculum Maps Page)
Vocabulary Where to find materials
Level 1/2 Level 3/4
5 Minutes 5 Minutes
 Word Structure Located in the Green section Preparing to Read
 Vocabulary Power Points Found on the GSD Intranet by grade level (Literacy Documents Link)
 Vocabulary Warm-up Skills Page
 Vocabulary Procedure Located in the ESL Guide Appendix
 Student Journals/Dictionaries
 Writers Notebook Found on the GSD Intranet (Writers Notebook Covers)
 e-Handbook CCSS Found in the GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps (Curriculum Maps Page)
Writing Where to find materials
Level 1/2 Level 3/4
5 Minutes 10 Minutes
 Inquiry Found on the GSD Intranet by grade level (Literacy Documents Link)
 Writers Notebook Found on the GSD Intranet (Writers Notebook Covers)
 Writing Process/ Writing Traits
 Write About It!
Section 4: Procedural List for ELD Time using Go Math!
GSD 5/29/13
Elementary Math Lesson Plan Format
Granite School District policy requires elementary mathematics instruction to be 村 of the day or 90 minutes per day.
Daily Math Routines
(15 minutes for all students.)
Spiral Review Problems
Every Day Counts Calendar Activities
Problem of the Day
How will students demonstrate understanding?
ELL Supports
Give student the problem(s) the night before with
multiple choices.
Use sentence stems. (e.g., ______is a factor
Give problems as a multiple choice with only 2
options, but require work to be shown.
Whole Group Instruction
(45 minutes for all students.)
Steps for teaching a new core concept:
1. Setting the Stage
Use Content Objectives and Language Objectives.
(Posted on board, explained to students, restated
during lesson.)
Ask questions to access prior knowledge.
State relevance of concept to real world.
Review prerequisite skills for new concept.
How will students demonstrate understanding?
2. Teach Whole Group
Help students make connections from concrete
pictorial to abstract symbolic representations.
o Literature
o Vocabulary
o Journals
o Graphic Organizers
o Technology
o Manipulatives
o Math Talk
o MathBoards
Use Guided Practice
o I do.(Teacher demonstrates.)
o We do.(Teacher and students practice
o You do..(Students practice in cooperative
groups, in partners, or individually.)
How will students demonstrate understanding?
Note: Observe students to determine what additional on level
practice, interventions or academic extensions are needed during
Small Group.
3. Review and Discuss
Review content and language objectives.
Discuss homework/assign intended work for small
How will students demonstrate understanding?
1. Setting the Stage
Have student repeat objective orally or highlight
a frequently used vocabulary word.
(e.g., reduce, multiple)
Use sentence stems to help with student
responses to questions. Gradually stop using
the sentence stems over time. It is a good
practice to post sentence stems on the wall for
easy referral.
Use real world videos or photographs to help
build prior knowledge rather than only
talking about it. (Use Safari Montage and
search by topic to find videos on rounding,
decimals, and more.)
Review with math journals to help link
understanding of prior concepts.
2. Teach Whole Group
Use peer translators.
Use the online glossary or student edition to
model vocabulary with pictures and definitions.
Use GSD Vocabulary cards and activities found
on the GSD website.
Use Guided Practice
o I do.(Teacher demonstrates.)
o We do.(Teacher and students practice
o You do..(Students practice in cooperative
groups, in partners, or individually.)
Section 4: Procedural List for ELD Time using Go Math!
GSD 5/29/13
Differentiated Small Group Instruction
(30 minutes for all students.)
Students may need:
On Level Practice.
Academic Extensions. (Depth and complexity of
grade level content)
Small Group with Teacher
Math Centers
Vocabulary Activities
Partner Games
Independent Math Practice
Math Projects (e.g., art, songs)
Math Writing (e.g., journals)
How will students demonstrate understanding?
o Use the Go Math! Teachers Edition for
ELL interventions that target vocabulary
Math Centers on the Computer
Use websites on GSD maps.
match.html (Games in Spanish and English)
Supplemental Intervention Instruction
(Additional 30 minutes for targeted students.)
Students may need additional explicit, intense, targeted
instruction on specific conceptual components. (Additional
supports may be required.)
How will students demonstrate understanding?
Final Questions
Week of:_________________ Section 5: ELD Documentation Form Example Teacher: ___________________________
Last Name First Name Grade
Current LEP
Prof. Level
Small group
with ESL
Small group
with para
Imagine It! ESL
Teaching Other
Eample: Doe John 1 2 X X X X
Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
Section 6: Using WIDA MPIs to Make Content and Language Objectives
Grade Imagine It! Unit 1
Granite School District Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
*Content Stems GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps retrieved from
Content Stem
Language Functions Level 1 & 2 Content Stems
Imagine It! Curriculum Maps
Student Supports
Level 1 & 2 Listen/Speak
Answer questions
Follow one- step
Identify _____
Match _____
Point to _______
Produce phrases/ words
Repeat ______
Respond to questions
Seek information
Level 1 & 2 Read/Write
Answer questions
Find objects
Produce words
Respond to
Brainstorming techniques
Captions when reading expository text
Central message is conveyed through
key details
Chapters and scenes
Characters traits and how they lead to
Concluding statement
Facts and details
Informative text
Irregularly spelled words
Key ideas
Literal and nonliteral words/phrases
Antonyms and synonyms.
Notes from sources
Purpose of a text and audiences
Real-life connections
Shades of meaning
Supporting details of a story
Task and purpose
Text features to locate information
Themes and plots from 2 similar
o Audio Books
o Bilingual dictionaries
o Charts/ Tables/ Graphs/
o Class models
o Cooperative groups
o Graphic organizer
o Graphically supported
o Group/partner reading
o Highlighted text
o Illustrated models/ scenes/text
o In L1 or L2
o Internet/ Software programs
o Leveled books
o Manipulatives
o Models/ Figures
o Multimedia
o Number Lines/ Timelines
o Oral discourse/ statements
o Pairs/ Partners/ Triads
o Photographs/ Pictures
o Physical Activities/ TPR
o Read aloud
o Realia
o Sentence Frames
o Songs/ Chants
o Technology
o Using prior knowledge
o Videos Clips/ Films
o Visuals
o Word Banks
o Word/ phrase/chart walls
Section 6: Using WIDA MPIs to Make Content and Language Objectives
Grade Imagine It! Unit 1
Granite School District Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
*Content Stems GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps retrieved from
Content Stem
Language Functions Level 3 & 4 Content Stems
Imagine It! Curriculum Maps
Student Supports
Level 3 & 4 Listen/Speak
Ask questions
Clarify information
Connect information
Express connected
Follow multi-step directions
Indicate opposite
Make predictions
Provide details/ examples
Tell how
Level 3 & 4 Read/Write
Compare/ contrast
Confirm predictions
Edit and revise
Explain/tell how
Make up
Match/ Sort
Provide details/ examples
Brainstorming techniques
Captions when reading expository text
Central message is conveyed through
key details
Chapters and scenes
Characters traits and how they lead to
Concluding statement
Facts and details
Informative text
Irregularly spelled words
Key ideas
Literal and nonliteral words/phrases
Antonyms and synonyms.
Notes from sources
Purpose of a text and audiences
Real-life connections
Shades of meaning
Supporting details of a story
Task and purpose
Text features to locate information
Themes and plots from 2 similar stories
o Audio Books
o Bilingual dictionaries
o Charts/ Tables/ Graphs/
o Class models
o Cooperative groups
o Graphic organizer
o Graphically supported
o Group/partner reading
o Highlighted text
o Illustrated models/ scenes/text
o In L1 or L2
o Internet/ Software programs
o Leveled books
o Manipulatives
o Models/ Figures
o Multimedia
o Number Lines/ Timelines
o Oral discourse/ statements
o Pairs/ Partners/ Triads
o Photographs/ Pictures
o Physical Activities/ TPR
o Read aloud
o Realia
o Sentence Frames
o Songs/ Chants
o Technology
o Using prior knowledge
o Videos Clips/ Films
o Visuals
o Word Banks
o Word/ phrase/chart walls
Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
1. August, D., & Shanahan, T. (2008). Developing reading and writing in second-language learners:
Lessons from the report of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth. Taylor
& Francis.
2. Calder坦n, M., Slavin, R., & S叩nchez, M. (2011). Effective instruction for English learners. The Future of
Children, 21(1), 103-127.
3. Genesee, F., Lindholm-Leary, K., Saunders, B., & Christian, D. (2006).Educating English language
learners: A synthesis of research evidence. Cambridge University Press.
4. Saunders, W., & Goldenberg,C. (2008). Research to guide English Language Development
instruction. In D. Dolson & L. Burnham-Massey (Eds.) Improving education for English
Learners: Research-based approaches. Sacramento, CA: CDE Press.

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ELD PDF 8.2.13

  • 1. Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013 English Language Development (ELD) Resource Guide for Elementary Schools 2013 Language Arts Oral Language Grammar Reading Vocabulary Writing Math Oral Language Grammar Reading Vocabulary Writing Science Oral Language Grammar Reading Vocabulary Writing Social Studies Oral Language Grammar Reading Vocabulary Writing ELD Model 45 Minutes Daily Language Instruction
  • 2. English Language Development (ELD) Table of Contents Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013 Section 1: Introduction to English Language Development Section 2: ELD Steps of Implementation Section 3: Procedural Checklist for ELD time using Imagine It! Section 4: Procedural List for ELD time using Go Math! Section 5: ELD Documentation Forms Section 6: Using WIDA MPIs to make Content and Language Objectives
  • 3. Section 1: English Language Development (ELD) Introduction Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013 English Language Development (ELD) ELs are entitled to receive English Language Development instruction in order to ensure that: ELs attain English to high levels of proficiency enabling them to meet the same state academic Core Standards as all students are expected to meet. Students meet both English Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills (CALPS) as well as Social Basic Interpersonal Cognitive Skills (BICS). English Language Development (ELD) Description ELD is a daily 45-minute block of time providing explicit language instruction targeted in each language domain: reading, writing, speaking, and listening (Genesee, Lindholm-Leary, Saunders & Christian, 2006) ELD is provided to all EL students scoring 1-4 on the Utah Academic Language Proficiency Assessment (UALPA) ELD provides oral language, grammar, literacy, vocabulary, and writing development that can cross other content areas such as science and social studies (National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth, 2008) ELD occurs in Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction ELD time is taught by a highly qualified ESL endorsed teacher ELD instruction is driven by on-going language assessment (Calder坦n, Salvin, & Sanchez, 2011) English Language Development (ELD) Grouping Group students with like proficiencies (Saunders & Goldenberg, 2008) Do not group more than two consecutive levels (Example Do not group Level 1 with Level 3 students) Consider grouping across classes Use small group language instruction with designed tasks requiring students to stretch into the next proficiency level Specifically target instruction to each proficiency level ELD Grouping Options for EL Students with like-proficiency Low Population of EL Students (100 or fewer) Option #1 Consider grouping students across classes Option #2 Consider grouping students across grade level clusers (K, 1-3,4-5,6) Option #3 Use small group with targeted language instruction Option #4 School-based decision High Population of EL Students (100 or more) Option #1 Group students in classes with like proficiencies Option #2 Use small group with targeted language instruction Option #3 School-based decision (Figure 1.2 ELD Grouping Options for EL Students with like-proficiency)
  • 4. Section 2: English Language Development (ELD) Steps of Implementation Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013 Step 1: Grouping ELs by proficiency level Identify all EL students proficiency levels (refer to Section 5 for an example) Select a grouping option to meet the needs of your school Schedule 45-minutes daily of targeted language instruction in content areas of choice including Language Arts, Math, Science, or Social Studies with an ESL endorsed Teacher (see table 2.1 and 2.2) Step 2: Designing Effective Instructional Time Program and Instructional Practices to use in ELD Imagine Learning English Computer Program Imagine It! ESL Support Go Math! ELL Interventions Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Instructional Components of ELD Target instruction for each students proficiency level Provide a variety of opportunities for students to interact using English language in listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Saunders & Goldenberg, 2008) Recognize the role of using students primary language to develop academic English language skills Align with grade level Core Standards and WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards Provide on-going English language assessments Create a supportive learning environment Advance students language proficiency levels using task requiring students to stretch their English language skills (Saunders & Goldenberg, 2008) ELD Model 45 Minutes Daily Language Instruction ELD Suggested Times by Proficency Level Level 1 and 2 Oral Language 20 minutes Grammar 5 minutes Reading 10 minutes Vocabulary 5 minutes Writing 5 minutes Level 3 and 4 Oral Language 10 minutes Grammar 5 minutes Reading 15 minutes Vocabulary 5 minutes Writing 10 minutes Social Studies Oral Language Grammar Reading Vocabulary Writing Science Oral Language Grammar Reading Vocabulary Writing Math Oral Language Grammar Reading Vocabulary Writing Language Arts Oral Language Grammar Reading Vocabulary Writing (Figure 2.1 ELD Model) (Figure 2.2 EDL Suggest Times by Proficiency Level)
  • 5. Section 3: Procedural Checklist for ELD Imagine It! Program Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013 Step 1: Login to the GSD Intranet to open hyperlinks: https://gsdsites.graniteschools.org/Pages/Default.aspx Step 2: Check Imagine It! program components used for ELD Time ELD Recommended Instructional Times Oral Language Where to find materials Level 1/2 Level 3/4 20 Minutes 10 Minutes Morning Message Primary Grade K-2 nd Building Background Found in the Red section Reading and Responding (Routine 12) Gallery Walks Log into the Intranet by grade level (Literacy Documents Link) Reciprocal Teaching Found on the GSD Intranet (Reciprocal Teaching Cards) (Reciprocal Teaching Videos) Handing- Off whole group procedure Routine Card C Found on the GSD Intranet (Handing-Off Videos) Discussion Starters (with bookmark) Found on the GSD Intranet (Bookmarks) e-Handbook CCSS Found in the GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps (Curriculum Maps Page) Grammar Where to find materials Level 1/2 Level 3/4 5 Minutes 5 Minutes Word Structure Located in the Green section Preparing to Read Grammar skills page Morning Message Located in the Green section Preparing to Read L.A. Big Book/ L.A. Handbook e-Handbook CCSS Found in the GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps (Curriculum Maps Page) Reading: Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Fluency/Comprehension Where to find materials Level 1/2 Level 3/4 10 Minutes 15 Minutes Morning Message (Primary) Located in the Green section Preparing to Read Word Structure (Primary) Located in the Green section Preparing to Read Word Structure (Elementary) Located in the Green section Preparing to Read Sound Spelling Cards Found on the GSD Intranet (Shared Documents Link) Imagine It! stories on CDs Reciprocal Teaching Found on the GSD Intranet (Reciprocal Teaching Cards) (Reciprocal Teaching Videos) Handing-Off procedure Routine Card C Found on the GSD Intranet (Handing-Off Videos) Shared Reading/ Fluency Practice e-Handbook CCSS Found in the GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps (Curriculum Maps Page) Vocabulary Where to find materials Level 1/2 Level 3/4 5 Minutes 5 Minutes Word Structure Located in the Green section Preparing to Read Vocabulary Power Points Found on the GSD Intranet by grade level (Literacy Documents Link) Vocabulary Warm-up Skills Page Vocabulary Procedure Located in the ESL Guide Appendix Student Journals/Dictionaries Writers Notebook Found on the GSD Intranet (Writers Notebook Covers) e-Handbook CCSS Found in the GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps (Curriculum Maps Page) Writing Where to find materials Level 1/2 Level 3/4 5 Minutes 10 Minutes Inquiry Found on the GSD Intranet by grade level (Literacy Documents Link) Writers Notebook Found on the GSD Intranet (Writers Notebook Covers) Writing Process/ Writing Traits Write About It!
  • 6. Section 4: Procedural List for ELD Time using Go Math! GSD 5/29/13 Elementary Math Lesson Plan Format Granite School District policy requires elementary mathematics instruction to be 村 of the day or 90 minutes per day. Daily Math Routines (15 minutes for all students.) Spiral Review Problems Every Day Counts Calendar Activities Problem of the Day How will students demonstrate understanding? ELL Supports Give student the problem(s) the night before with multiple choices. Use sentence stems. (e.g., ______is a factor of_____.) Give problems as a multiple choice with only 2 options, but require work to be shown. Whole Group Instruction (45 minutes for all students.) Steps for teaching a new core concept: 1. Setting the Stage Use Content Objectives and Language Objectives. (Posted on board, explained to students, restated during lesson.) Ask questions to access prior knowledge. State relevance of concept to real world. Review prerequisite skills for new concept. How will students demonstrate understanding? 2. Teach Whole Group Help students make connections from concrete pictorial to abstract symbolic representations. Include: o Literature o Vocabulary o Journals o Graphic Organizers o Technology o Manipulatives o Math Talk o MathBoards Use Guided Practice o I do.(Teacher demonstrates.) o We do.(Teacher and students practice together.) o You do..(Students practice in cooperative groups, in partners, or individually.) How will students demonstrate understanding? Note: Observe students to determine what additional on level practice, interventions or academic extensions are needed during Small Group. 3. Review and Discuss Review content and language objectives. Discuss homework/assign intended work for small group. How will students demonstrate understanding? 1. Setting the Stage Have student repeat objective orally or highlight a frequently used vocabulary word. (e.g., reduce, multiple) Use sentence stems to help with student responses to questions. Gradually stop using the sentence stems over time. It is a good practice to post sentence stems on the wall for easy referral. Use real world videos or photographs to help build prior knowledge rather than only talking about it. (Use Safari Montage and search by topic to find videos on rounding, decimals, and more.) Review with math journals to help link understanding of prior concepts. 2. Teach Whole Group Use peer translators. Use the online glossary or student edition to model vocabulary with pictures and definitions. Use GSD Vocabulary cards and activities found on the GSD website. Use Guided Practice o I do.(Teacher demonstrates.) o We do.(Teacher and students practice together.) o You do..(Students practice in cooperative groups, in partners, or individually.)
  • 7. Section 4: Procedural List for ELD Time using Go Math! GSD 5/29/13 Differentiated Small Group Instruction (30 minutes for all students.) Students may need: On Level Practice. Interventions. Academic Extensions. (Depth and complexity of grade level content) Ideas: Small Group with Teacher Math Centers Vocabulary Activities Partner Games Independent Math Practice Math Projects (e.g., art, songs) Math Writing (e.g., journals) How will students demonstrate understanding? Interventions o Use the Go Math! Teachers Edition for ELL interventions that target vocabulary instruction. Math Centers on the Computer Use websites on GSD maps. http://www.ixl.com/math/grades http://www.mathplayground.com/common_core_state_ standards_for_mathematics.html http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/vocabulary- games/foreign-languages/spanish-and-english-math- match.html (Games in Spanish and English) Supplemental Intervention Instruction (Additional 30 minutes for targeted students.) Students may need additional explicit, intense, targeted instruction on specific conceptual components. (Additional supports may be required.) How will students demonstrate understanding? Closure Review Final Questions
  • 8. Week of:_________________ Section 5: ELD Documentation Form Example Teacher: ___________________________ Last Name First Name Grade Current LEP Prof. Level Small group with ESL endorsed teacher Small group with para Imagine Learning English Imagine It! ESL Guide SIOP Strategies Preview/ Review Teaching Other Eample: Doe John 1 2 X X X X Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013
  • 9. Section 6: Using WIDA MPIs to Make Content and Language Objectives 3rd Grade Imagine It! Unit 1 Granite School District Educational Equity Revised 6/2013 *Content Stems GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps retrieved from http://www.graniteschools.org/depart/teachinglearning/curriculuminstruction/languageartsk6/Pages/default.aspx Language Function Content Stem Student Support Model Performance Indicator Language Functions Level 1 & 2 Content Stems Imagine It! Curriculum Maps Student Supports Level 1 & 2 Listen/Speak Answer questions Determine Find Follow one- step commands Gestures Identify _____ Match _____ Mimic Point to _______ Produce phrases/ words Repeat ______ Respond to questions Seek information Select Sequence Level 1 & 2 Read/Write Answer questions Compare Create Describe Differentiate Draw Find objects Identify Label List Locate Name Predict Produce words Respond to Select Sequence Sort Brainstorming techniques Capitalization Captions when reading expository text Central message is conveyed through key details Chapters and scenes Characters traits and how they lead to action. Concluding statement Facts and details Informative text Irregularly spelled words Key ideas Literal and nonliteral words/phrases Antonyms and synonyms. Notes from sources Noun Punctuation Purpose of a text and audiences Questions Real-life connections Shades of meaning Supporting details of a story Task and purpose Text features to locate information Themes and plots from 2 similar stories Topic o Audio Books o Bilingual dictionaries o Charts/ Tables/ Graphs/ o Class models o Cooperative groups o Graphic organizer o Graphically supported o Group/partner reading o Highlighted text o Illustrated models/ scenes/text o In L1 or L2 o Internet/ Software programs o Leveled books o Manipulatives o Models/ Figures o Multimedia o Number Lines/ Timelines o Oral discourse/ statements o Pairs/ Partners/ Triads o Photographs/ Pictures o Physical Activities/ TPR o Read aloud o Realia o Sentence Frames o Songs/ Chants o Technology o Using prior knowledge o Videos Clips/ Films o Visuals o Word Banks o Word/ phrase/chart walls
  • 10. Section 6: Using WIDA MPIs to Make Content and Language Objectives 3rd Grade Imagine It! Unit 1 Granite School District Educational Equity Revised 6/2013 *Content Stems GSD Literacy Curriculum Maps retrieved from http://www.graniteschools.org/depart/teachinglearning/curriculuminstruction/languageartsk6/Pages/default.aspx Language Function Content Stem Student Support Model Performance Indicator Language Functions Level 3 & 4 Content Stems Imagine It! Curriculum Maps Student Supports Level 3 & 4 Listen/Speak Apply Ask questions Clarify information Connect information Express connected Follow multi-step directions Indicate opposite Interpret Make predictions Match/Sort Narrate Project Propose Provide details/ examples Relate Respond Revise Sequence Show Summarize Tell how Level 3 & 4 Read/Write Compare/ contrast Confirm predictions Connect Illustrate/show Describe Differentiate Edit and revise Explain/tell how Identify Interpret Make up Match/ Sort Narrate Propose Provide details/ examples Relate Sequence/Summarize Brainstorming techniques Capitalization Captions when reading expository text Central message is conveyed through key details Chapters and scenes Characters traits and how they lead to action. Concluding statement Facts and details Informative text Irregularly spelled words Key ideas Literal and nonliteral words/phrases Antonyms and synonyms. Notes from sources Noun Punctuation Purpose of a text and audiences Questions Real-life connections Shades of meaning Supporting details of a story Task and purpose Text features to locate information Themes and plots from 2 similar stories Topic o Audio Books o Bilingual dictionaries o Charts/ Tables/ Graphs/ o Class models o Cooperative groups o Graphic organizer o Graphically supported o Group/partner reading o Highlighted text o Illustrated models/ scenes/text o In L1 or L2 o Internet/ Software programs o Leveled books o Manipulatives o Models/ Figures o Multimedia o Number Lines/ Timelines o Oral discourse/ statements o Pairs/ Partners/ Triads o Photographs/ Pictures o Physical Activities/ TPR o Read aloud o Realia o Sentence Frames o Songs/ Chants o Technology o Using prior knowledge o Videos Clips/ Films o Visuals o Word Banks o Word/ phrase/chart walls
  • 11. References Granite School District Department of Educational Equity Revised 6/2013 1. August, D., & Shanahan, T. (2008). Developing reading and writing in second-language learners: Lessons from the report of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth. Taylor & Francis. 2. Calder坦n, M., Slavin, R., & S叩nchez, M. (2011). Effective instruction for English learners. The Future of Children, 21(1), 103-127. 3. Genesee, F., Lindholm-Leary, K., Saunders, B., & Christian, D. (2006).Educating English language learners: A synthesis of research evidence. Cambridge University Press. 4. Saunders, W., & Goldenberg,C. (2008). Research to guide English Language Development instruction. In D. Dolson & L. Burnham-Massey (Eds.) Improving education for English Learners: Research-based approaches. Sacramento, CA: CDE Press.