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Electoral College
(psst...its not really a college)
What is the Electoral College thang?
 Each state party (D) or (R) chooses a group
of people (electors) who have pledged their
votes to that partys presidential candidate.
 When you (the voter) casts your vote, it goes
to the electors, NOT the candidates
 In essence...we vote for our group of
electors, then they go vote for the candidate.
So, now, why do we do that??
 Devised by the founders to resolve 2
o To avoid the parliamentary model (that is, so the
majority party in Congress doesnt get to decide who
becomes President)
o To ease the process of counting each popular vote.
Back in time, travelling to a polling center was not
feasible. And it would take forever to get ballots
around the country.
How many electors per state?
 Each state gets as many electors as
senators (2) plus the number of
representatives (depends on population).
 So, for example
o MA has 2 senators + 9 representatives=11 electoral
votes (as of 2012 election)
o Sorry, VT...you only get 3
Electoral college
What does all this math mean?
 A president could win the popular vote, but
lose the electoral vote and STILL LOSE the
presidency (#algore2000)
 IF the electoral votes are split, the H of Reps
casts one vote per state for President, and
the senate determines the VP
 And even more IF the H of R is tied, the
President of the Senate (the VP) decides.
Interesting Tidbit...
-Only half of the states legally require their
electors to vote for their assigned candidate,
which means
-Electors are allowed to change their minds
regarding who they vote for.
-But, this has only happened 5 times in the last
30 years.
Arguments for keeping it this way:
 the way we have always voted
 equals out the number of urban to rural
Arguments against:
 its an outdated system
 why shouldnt every vote count?

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Electoral college

  • 2. What is the Electoral College thang? Each state party (D) or (R) chooses a group of people (electors) who have pledged their votes to that partys presidential candidate. When you (the voter) casts your vote, it goes to the electors, NOT the candidates In essence...we vote for our group of electors, then they go vote for the candidate.
  • 3. So, now, why do we do that?? Devised by the founders to resolve 2 concerns: o To avoid the parliamentary model (that is, so the majority party in Congress doesnt get to decide who becomes President) o To ease the process of counting each popular vote. Back in time, travelling to a polling center was not feasible. And it would take forever to get ballots around the country.
  • 4. How many electors per state? Each state gets as many electors as senators (2) plus the number of representatives (depends on population). So, for example o MA has 2 senators + 9 representatives=11 electoral votes (as of 2012 election) o Sorry, VT...you only get 3
  • 6. What does all this math mean? A president could win the popular vote, but lose the electoral vote and STILL LOSE the presidency (#algore2000) IF the electoral votes are split, the H of Reps casts one vote per state for President, and the senate determines the VP And even more IF the H of R is tied, the President of the Senate (the VP) decides.
  • 7. Interesting Tidbit... -Only half of the states legally require their electors to vote for their assigned candidate, which means -Electors are allowed to change their minds regarding who they vote for. -But, this has only happened 5 times in the last 30 years.
  • 8. Controversy... Arguments for keeping it this way: the way we have always voted equals out the number of urban to rural votes Arguments against: its an outdated system why shouldnt every vote count?

Editor's Notes

  • #3: All the states but 2 use winner take all--win the states popular vote and get all the electors. The exceptions are Nebraska and Maine, who use a proportional system to split up their votes.
  • #7: Also in 1824 (John Q. Adams), 1876 (Rutherford B. Hayes) and 1888 (Benjamin Harrison)
  • #8: Electors who switch their votes are called Faithless Electors and dont get invited to many parties...