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Electronic Career PortfolioJoLee ZabiakaHoquiam High SchoolHoquiam, WA
Career Summary Career Choice: Registered NurseDescription: Registered Nurses work to promote health, prevent disease, and help patients cope with illness. They are advocates and health educators. Nurses collaborate with physicians in the performance of treatments and examinations, the administration of medications, and the provision of direct patient care in convalescence and rehabilitationSpecialty Areas: Cardiac, Critical Care, Emergency Care, Medical/Surgical, Oncology, Orthopedic, Preoperative, Primary Care, Psychiatric Care, Rehabilitation, Women and Infants
Personal InformationContact Information- First Name: JoLee Last Name: ZabiakaDOB: February 19th 1993Address: 720 6th Street, Hoquiam WAPhone Number: 555-123-4567E-Mail: joleez2011@hotmail.com
Education Hoquiam High SchoolSeptember 2007-June 2011Courses CompletedAP Biology 			ChemistryHealthPhysical Science
Groups Active member of FBLA 2008-2011Historian of FBLA Active member of National Honor Society- 2008-2010Member of Leadership Club
AccomplishmentsState qualifier in FBLA- 3 years Honor Society MemberHabitat for Humanity Volunteer3.47 GPA
Work ExampleSenior Research Paper 2011
GoalsMy goals are to diversify my education and experience life. After completing all my prerequisites, I want to get into a Nursing Program. While in college I want to achieve my goal of being a fluent Spanish speaker
About MyselfI enjoy helping others and getting involved in my school and community. I stand out as a leader in my school by heading projects and committees to improve my school and help those in my community. I am a hard worker and do whatever I can to help others. I am a kind person with a good heart. While working with others I aspire to give it my all and strive to be a valuable asset to my employer and community.
ReviewRNs teach patients and their families how to manage their illnesses or injuries, explaining post-treatment home care needs; diet, nutrition, and exercise programs; and self-administration of medication and physical therapy. Some RNs may work to promote general health by educating the public on warning signs and symptoms of disease. RNs also might run general health screening or immunization clinics, blood drives, and public seminars on various conditions.I have worked hard in school and life to develop the credentials to go above and beyond. It is my goal to be a valuable and respected employee through hard work and dedication to my job and the people around me.
Getting QualifiedTraining: Students must graduate from an approved nursing program and pass a national licensing examination, known as the NCLEX-RN, in order to obtain a nursing license.ExperienceLPNs begin their practice quickly as they monitor patients and assist in patient care during their training. After completing a year of study, LPNs are able to start working. Graduates of LPN training must take the National Council Licensure Examination. LPNs can also pursue a program that will eventually make them registered nurses, or RNs. LPN to RN training programs are mostly offered at vocational institutions.
Job Locations Whos Employing? Just about anywhere doctors work, nurses do too, including but not limited to hospitals, doctors offices, clinics, hospice, emergency rooms, intensive care, government agencies, corporations, and more. In fact, nurses also work in other areas where physicians typically do not, including home health, and schools. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over half of all nurses work in hospitals.Finding the job: Online resumes and career fairs of Nursing get people hired, career fairs being the most popular choice
ExpansionAdvanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) are those who have fulfilled the general RN requirements, and then continue on to study at the Masters level or beyond. APRN's will typically focus these advanced studies in a particular medical specialty, in which they obtain a deeper level of knowledge and experience, whether it be oncology, anesthesiology, pediatrics, etc. Advanced Practice Nurses are some of the highest paying nurses, and include Clinical Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), which are the most advanced of all nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) and Nurse Practitioners (NP).

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Electronic Career Portfolio

  • 1. Electronic Career PortfolioJoLee ZabiakaHoquiam High SchoolHoquiam, WA
  • 2. Career Summary Career Choice: Registered NurseDescription: Registered Nurses work to promote health, prevent disease, and help patients cope with illness. They are advocates and health educators. Nurses collaborate with physicians in the performance of treatments and examinations, the administration of medications, and the provision of direct patient care in convalescence and rehabilitationSpecialty Areas: Cardiac, Critical Care, Emergency Care, Medical/Surgical, Oncology, Orthopedic, Preoperative, Primary Care, Psychiatric Care, Rehabilitation, Women and Infants
  • 3. Personal InformationContact Information- First Name: JoLee Last Name: ZabiakaDOB: February 19th 1993Address: 720 6th Street, Hoquiam WAPhone Number: 555-123-4567E-Mail: joleez2011@hotmail.com
  • 4. Education Hoquiam High SchoolSeptember 2007-June 2011Courses CompletedAP Biology ChemistryHealthPhysical Science
  • 5. Groups Active member of FBLA 2008-2011Historian of FBLA Active member of National Honor Society- 2008-2010Member of Leadership Club
  • 6. AccomplishmentsState qualifier in FBLA- 3 years Honor Society MemberHabitat for Humanity Volunteer3.47 GPA
  • 9. GoalsMy goals are to diversify my education and experience life. After completing all my prerequisites, I want to get into a Nursing Program. While in college I want to achieve my goal of being a fluent Spanish speaker
  • 10. About MyselfI enjoy helping others and getting involved in my school and community. I stand out as a leader in my school by heading projects and committees to improve my school and help those in my community. I am a hard worker and do whatever I can to help others. I am a kind person with a good heart. While working with others I aspire to give it my all and strive to be a valuable asset to my employer and community.
  • 11. ReviewRNs teach patients and their families how to manage their illnesses or injuries, explaining post-treatment home care needs; diet, nutrition, and exercise programs; and self-administration of medication and physical therapy. Some RNs may work to promote general health by educating the public on warning signs and symptoms of disease. RNs also might run general health screening or immunization clinics, blood drives, and public seminars on various conditions.I have worked hard in school and life to develop the credentials to go above and beyond. It is my goal to be a valuable and respected employee through hard work and dedication to my job and the people around me.
  • 12. Getting QualifiedTraining: Students must graduate from an approved nursing program and pass a national licensing examination, known as the NCLEX-RN, in order to obtain a nursing license.ExperienceLPNs begin their practice quickly as they monitor patients and assist in patient care during their training. After completing a year of study, LPNs are able to start working. Graduates of LPN training must take the National Council Licensure Examination. LPNs can also pursue a program that will eventually make them registered nurses, or RNs. LPN to RN training programs are mostly offered at vocational institutions.
  • 13. Job Locations Whos Employing? Just about anywhere doctors work, nurses do too, including but not limited to hospitals, doctors offices, clinics, hospice, emergency rooms, intensive care, government agencies, corporations, and more. In fact, nurses also work in other areas where physicians typically do not, including home health, and schools. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over half of all nurses work in hospitals.Finding the job: Online resumes and career fairs of Nursing get people hired, career fairs being the most popular choice
  • 14. ExpansionAdvanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) are those who have fulfilled the general RN requirements, and then continue on to study at the Masters level or beyond. APRN's will typically focus these advanced studies in a particular medical specialty, in which they obtain a deeper level of knowledge and experience, whether it be oncology, anesthesiology, pediatrics, etc. Advanced Practice Nurses are some of the highest paying nurses, and include Clinical Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), which are the most advanced of all nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) and Nurse Practitioners (NP).