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Email Marketing:
Elements of Stellar
Helpful hints for public relations
and marketing professionals
1. Entice readers with an attention-
grabbing subject line
Distinguish your email from spam and capture your targets attention
Make the purpose of your email clear and concise
Use action words to encourage readers to click on your links
2. Make the sender an actual person
People are more apt to open an email that is from a Joy Brown or a
Ben Harvey than Company X
Maintain a consistent brand image, language and tone to
convey professionalism
Create different email templates and do not bog down emails
with too many design elements
3. Brand your company
4. Personalize
 Include the recipients first name
 Create lists based on your readers interests and tailor messages for
each list
5. Speak to your offer
Explain what your offer is immediately  preferably in the first line
of your message
Clearly illuminate what readers will get from accepting your offer
Include data to show that your offer is solving a problem
Position links in prominent locations and make them stand
Explain to your reader why they are receiving the email
6. Provide a call-to-action (CTA)
 Ensure your CTA is prominently displayed and visually distinct from
the rest of the email
 Put the link in the top third of the email
 Be concise with the description of the call-to-action and avoid vague
7. Incorporate an image
People prefer to see emails with mostly images as opposed to emails
with mostly text, and therefore will be more inclined to respond
8. Include links to your social media
Drive traffic to your social media platforms with social sharing buttons
Hint: When readers can easily visit your other platforms, they will be more
likely to share your content
9. Add a second call-to-action
 Include a P.S.  a secondary call-to-action  at the bottom of the
 Make it complement the primary objective while it also serves to
allow readers to delve further into your content
Include the link to your privacy policy to reassure readers of safety and
privacy of their personal information
Explain exactly how you will use their information in the policy
10. Include privacy policy link
11. Provide an unsubscribe link
Failure to provide an unsubscribe link violates CAN-SPAM regulations
and can help prevent readers from flagging your message as spam
To learn more about McKinney & Associates, visit www.mckpr.com
McKinney & Associates was founded in 1990 with a commitment to
social justice that has prevailed for nearly 25 years. From the
beginning, McKinney has passionately and skillfully practiced public relations
with a conscience for local, national and international organizations.

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Elements of a Stellar Email

  • 1. Email Marketing: Elements of Stellar Emails Helpful hints for public relations and marketing professionals
  • 2. 1. Entice readers with an attention- grabbing subject line Distinguish your email from spam and capture your targets attention Make the purpose of your email clear and concise Use action words to encourage readers to click on your links
  • 3. 2. Make the sender an actual person People are more apt to open an email that is from a Joy Brown or a Ben Harvey than Company X
  • 4. Maintain a consistent brand image, language and tone to convey professionalism Create different email templates and do not bog down emails with too many design elements 3. Brand your company
  • 5. 4. Personalize Include the recipients first name Create lists based on your readers interests and tailor messages for each list
  • 6. 5. Speak to your offer Explain what your offer is immediately preferably in the first line of your message Clearly illuminate what readers will get from accepting your offer
  • 7. Include data to show that your offer is solving a problem Position links in prominent locations and make them stand out Explain to your reader why they are receiving the email
  • 8. 6. Provide a call-to-action (CTA) Ensure your CTA is prominently displayed and visually distinct from the rest of the email Put the link in the top third of the email Be concise with the description of the call-to-action and avoid vague language
  • 9. 7. Incorporate an image People prefer to see emails with mostly images as opposed to emails with mostly text, and therefore will be more inclined to respond
  • 10. 8. Include links to your social media platforms Drive traffic to your social media platforms with social sharing buttons Hint: When readers can easily visit your other platforms, they will be more likely to share your content
  • 11. 9. Add a second call-to-action Include a P.S. a secondary call-to-action at the bottom of the email Make it complement the primary objective while it also serves to allow readers to delve further into your content
  • 12. Include the link to your privacy policy to reassure readers of safety and privacy of their personal information Explain exactly how you will use their information in the policy 10. Include privacy policy link
  • 13. 11. Provide an unsubscribe link Failure to provide an unsubscribe link violates CAN-SPAM regulations and can help prevent readers from flagging your message as spam
  • 14. To learn more about McKinney & Associates, visit www.mckpr.com McKinney & Associates was founded in 1990 with a commitment to social justice that has prevailed for nearly 25 years. From the beginning, McKinney has passionately and skillfully practiced public relations with a conscience for local, national and international organizations. @mckpr facebook.com/mckpr youtube.com/mckinneypr http://www.pinterest.com/mckpr/ http://www.slideshare.net/Duncanry https://plus.google.com/u/0/116297499833607061286/about