7. ELISA is an antigen antibody reaction
It is a common laboratory technique which is
usually used to measure the concentration of
antibodies or antigens in blood.
9. ELISA is a plate based assay technique which is used
for detecting and quantifying substances such as
peptides, proteins, antibodies and hormones.
ELISA 牀牀牆牀牀む 牀牀萎 牀む牆牀牆 牀牀牀逗牆牀牀牀牀牀逗迦 牀牀む逗牆牀牆牀牆牀牆
牀牆牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆, 牀牀む 牀牀牀牆牀牀牀牆牀伍, 牀牆牀萎む牆牀牀橿,
牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎逗牀橿 牀牀園牀園牀牆 牀項牀萎牀牀牆牀牆牀牀橿 牀牀牆牀牆牀
牀牀牆牀萎牀牆牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀園逗 牀牀園牀園牀牆 牀牆牀朽逗牆 牀む園牀牆牀牆
10. An enzyme conjugated with an antibody
reacts with colorless substrate to generate a
colored product.
Such substrate is called chromogenic
牀牀萎 牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎逗牆牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀牆牀 牀牀萎
牀 牆牀む,牀牀逗園牆牀牀牆牀萎牀橿 牀牀牆牀園逗 牀牀萎 牆牀牆牀
牀牀逗園牀園牀 牀牆牀巌牀牆牀牀牀牀牆牀牀牆 牀牆牀牀迦牀牀牆牀牀逗園む.
牀牀む牀む牀牀 牀牆牀巌牀牆牀牀牀, 牀牆牀牀萎牀牀牆牀牀逗牆
牀牆牀巌牀牆牀牀牀 牀 牀牀牀巌牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牀逗園む.
11. A number of enzymes have been used for ELISA
such as alkaline phosphatase, horse radish
peroxidase and beta galactosidase.
Specific substrates such as
ortho-phenyldiamine dihydrochloride (for
paranitrophenyl phosphate (for alkaline
phosphatase) are used which are hydrolysed by
above enzymes to give colored end product.
12. Principle
ELISAs are typically performed in 96-well polystyrene
ELISA牀牀橿 牀牀牆牀む 牆牀 96 牀む牀牆牀牀橿 牀牀牆牀牆牀
牀牆牀迦牀牆牀牀逗萎逗牀萎逗牆 牀む牀牆牀牀橿逗迦 牀牀逗牀巌牀む牀む牆牀牀牆牀牀逗牆牀 .
The serum is incubated in a well, and each well
contains a different serum.
13. A positive control serum and a negative control
serum would be included among the 96
samples being tested.
牀牀萎 牀 牀萎牀牀牀園牆 牀牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀萎牆 牀牀園牀園牀牆
牀牀萎 牀牀む逗萎牀牀牀 牀牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀萎牆 牀牀牀逗牀 96
牀牆牀む逗萎逗牀橿逗迦 牀牀橿牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆.
Antibodies or antigens present in serum are
captured by corresponding antigen or antibody
coated on to the solid surface.
14. After some time, the plate is washed to remove
serum and unbound antibodies or antigens.
To detect the bound antibodies or antigens, a
secondary antibodies that are attached to an
enzyme are added to each well.
牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀 牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎逗牀橿 牀牀迦牀迦む
牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎逗牆牀牆牀牀逗牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀園逗, 牀牀萎
牀 牆牀む逗牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀橿牆 牀牀萎牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀逗牀
牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎逗牀橿 牀牀朽牀 牆牀牆牀園逗迦牀牆
15. After an incubation period (牀牀牀牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀迦牆),
the unbound secondary antibodies are washed off.
When a suitable substrate (牀牆牀巌牀牆牀牀牀) is added,
the enzyme (牀 牆牀む逗牀牆) reacts with it to produce a
This color produced is measurable as a function or
quantity of antigens or antibodies present in the
given sample.
16. Types of ELISA
Frequently there are 3 types of ELISA on the
basis of binding structure between the
Antibody and Antigen.
Indirect ELISA (牀牀園牀牆牀 ELISA)
Sandwich ELISA (牀牀鉦牆牀牆牀朽逗牆 ELISA)
Competitive ELISA (牀 牀鉦牆牀牀 ELISA)
18. In this technique, antigen is coated on the
microtiter well.
Serum or some other sample containing primary
antibody is added to the microtiter well and
allowed to react with the coated antigen.
Any free primary antibody is washed away and
the bound antibody to the antigen is detected by
adding an enzyme conjugated secondary
antibody that binds to the primary antibody.
19. Unbound secondary antibody is then washed away
and a specific substrate for the enzyme is added.
Enzyme hydrolyzes the substrate to form colored
The amount of colored end product is measured by
spectrophotometric plate readers that can
measure the absorbance of all the wells of 96-well
21. In this technique, antibody is coated on the
microtiter well.
A sample containing antigen is added to the
well and allowed to react with the antibody
attached to the well.
After the well is washed, a second enzyme-
linked antibody is allowed to react with the
bound antigen.
22. Then after unbound secondary antibody
(牀牀萎牆牀牆牀牆牀牀逗牀 牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎) is removed
by washing.
Finally substrate (牀牆牀巌牀牆牀牀牀) is added to the
plate which is hydrolyzed(牀牆牀萎牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆) by
enzyme to form colored products.
23. Competitive ELISA (牀牀牆牀牆牀牀 ELISA)
Antibody (牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎) is first incubated in solution with
a sample containing antigen (牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎逗牆牀牆牀牀)
The antigen-antibody (牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎逗牆牀牆牀牀 -
牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎 )mixture is then added to the microtitre we
which is coated with antigen.
24. The more the antigen present in the sample, the less
free antibody will be available to bind to the antigen-
coated well.
牀牀逗園牀牆牀萎牀牆牀む逗萎逗牆牀牆牀牀逗牀橿 牀牆牀朽 牀牀む逗牀牆牀
牀牆牆牀牆牀牀牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀む ,牀 牀園牀園牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀牆牀 牀牀逗
牀牀牆牀萎牀橿 牀牀む逗萎逗牀橿逗牆 牀牆牀朽 牀牆牀牀 牆牀 牀牆牆牀牆牀牀牆牀牆
After the well is washed, enzyme conjugated secondary
antibody specific the primary antibody is added to
determine the amount of primary antibody bound to
the well.
For competitive ELISA, the higher the sample antigen
concentration, the weaker the eventual signal.
26. Application
Presence of antigen or the presence of antibody in a
sample can be evaluated.
Determination of serum (牀牆牀萎牀む逗牆牀萎牀牆牀牆牀牀牆) antibody
concentrations in a virus test.
Used in food industry when detecting potential
food allergens .
Applied in disease outbreaks- tracking the spread of
disease e.g. HIV, bird flu, common, colds, cholera,
STD etc.