RDA implementation, University of St Andrews Cataloguing Department / Iain Ve...CIGScotland
Presented at the RDA for Implementers Conference, 27 May 2015 at the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. Organised by the Cataloguing & Indexing Group in Scotland
The document discusses ways to practice and improve number-image association through everyday activities like counting, telling time, and keeping score. It recommends replacing spoken or written numbers with their corresponding images to help memorization until the images are recalled instantly. Regular practice of number imagery outside of lessons, such as when counting or seeing numbers, will help make the associations feel natural and prevent losing count.
Book bindings and paper sheets fit for RDA? : current practice in the Netherl...CIGScotland
Presented at RDA & Rare Materials Seminar, 6 November 2015 Edinburgh, hosted by the Cataloguing & Indexing Group in Scotland and organised with support from members of RBMS, EURIG, RBSCG, CIG, IFLA and JSC for Development of RDA
Memory holds instructions, data, and results and comes in different types. Volatile memory like RAM loses contents when powered off but allows for fast reading and writing. Nonvolatile memory like ROM retains contents when powered off but does not allow rewriting. Caches like L1, L2, and L3 improve processing speed by storing frequently used instructions and data closer to the processor. Memory can be upgraded by adding modules like SIMMs, DIMMs, or RIMMs.
Projektorientierte Lehre am Campus Gummersbach Benita Rowe
Unser Campus zeichnet sich durch Vielfalt und Bewegung in der Lehr- und Lernkultur aus. Unterschiedlichste Gestaltungen von Lehre erm?glichen den Studierenden die Entwicklung transferf?higen Wissens und fachspezifischer Handlungsstrategien.
Ein Ausschnitt dieser Lehre, wurde Ende des Sommersemesters 2015 am Campus Gummersbach fl?chendeckend ┨ber eine Fragebogenuntersuchung erhoben. Uns interessierte, wieviel projektorientierte Lehre am Campus stattfindet, in welchen F?chern es angeboten wird und wie viele Studierende daran teilnehmen k?nnen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass projektorientiertes Lehren und Lernen (ProfiL2) in den Curricula umfangreich verankert sind.
ProfiL? C Projekte f┨r inspirierendes Lehren und Lernen C schafft durch die projektbasierte, konsequent kompetenzorientierte Ausgestaltung aller Bachelor-Studieng?nge die strukturellen Voraussetzungen, um eine Didaktik der Vielfalt umzusetzen. Gef?rdert wird ProfiL? im Rahmen des gemeinsamen Programms des Bundes und der L?nder f┨r bessere Studienbedingungen und mehr Qualit?t in der Lehre.
Im vollst?ndigen Antragstext erfahren Sie mehr ┨ber die Handlungsfelder und Ma?nahmen des Programms: https://www.th-koeln.de/mam/downloads/deutsch/hochschule/profil/lehre/profil2_antrag_ministerium.pdf
A computer is an electronic device that can accept data as input, process that data according to programmed instructions, produce output in the form of information or results, and store that output for future use. It works by taking in data through various input devices like keyboards, mice, microphones, scanners, digital cameras, and video cameras, processing that data, and producing information or storing results according to its programmed instructions. The main components of a computer are the input devices, central processing unit, memory, storage, and output devices.
RDA development and implementation overview / Gordon DunsireCIGScotland
Presented at the RDA for Implementers Conference, 27 May 2015 at the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. Organised by the Cataloguing & Indexing Group in Scotland
ICT4D - the what, why and how + Digital Principles Pecha Kucha (http://digitalprinciples.org/)
Download to view the citations and references (included in the comments on each slide) as well as the GIFs.
This document describes the career opportunities and fellowship training available in pediatric infectious diseases. It discusses what a career as a pediatric infectious disease specialist entails, including treating various infections and allocating time to patient care, research, and teaching. The fellowship program at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children's Hospital is designed to provide extensive clinical experience over three years, as well as training in research, quality improvement, and professional development. Graduates of this program have diverse career opportunities in pediatric infectious diseases.
This document provides detailed specifications and dimensions for a tracked excavator. It includes information on the excavator's operating weight, engine power, hydraulic system, undercarriage, swing system, cab features, and bucket/attachment compatibility. Dimensional data is provided for the excavator body and various attachments in both metric and imperial units. Performance specs are given for digging reach, digging depth, dumping height, and tearout forces depending on attachment configuration.
Alignment between special material and RDA in German speaking countries / Chr...CIGScotland
The document discusses the implementation of RDA (Resource Description and Access) for special materials in German-speaking countries. It outlines the organizational structure for coordinating RDA among libraries, archives, and museums. Working groups have been formed to provide RDA guidance for specific material types like literary archives, old books, and manuscripts. The challenges of applying RDA to rare and unique items are also examined, such as how to catalog multiple copies of the same work. The document concludes that RDA does not need full integration of special rules, and cultural institutions should collaborate to provide quality metadata across standards.
The document provides information about the Common Written Examination (CWE) that will be conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) for recruitment of officers and office assistants in various Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) across India. It lists the 62 participating RRBs along with their headquarters. It outlines the eligibility criteria including age limits, educational qualifications, and reservations. It states that IBPS will conduct the online examination tentatively in September/October 2013 and provide scores, while the final recruitment will be done individually by each RRB.
El documento presenta los perfiles en redes sociales de Javier Torres Santiago, incluyendo su cuenta de Twitter "@Javitorress" y su perfil de Facebook "Javier Torres Santiago", as┴ como una captura de un tweet.
Step children of printing : toward an integrated standard for the description...CIGScotland
Presented at RDA & Rare Materials Seminar, 6 November 2015 Edinburgh, hosted by the Cataloguing & Indexing Group in Scotland and organised with support from members of RBMS, EURIG, RBSCG, CIG, IFLA and JSC for Development of RDA
A computer is an electronic device that can accept data as input, process that data according to programmed instructions, produce output in the form of information or results, and store that output for future use. It works by taking in data through various input devices like keyboards, mice, microphones, scanners, digital cameras, and video cameras, processing that data, and producing information or storing results according to its programmed instructions. The main components of a computer are the input devices, central processing unit, memory, storage, and output devices.
RDA development and implementation overview / Gordon DunsireCIGScotland
Presented at the RDA for Implementers Conference, 27 May 2015 at the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. Organised by the Cataloguing & Indexing Group in Scotland
ICT4D - the what, why and how + Digital Principles Pecha Kucha (http://digitalprinciples.org/)
Download to view the citations and references (included in the comments on each slide) as well as the GIFs.
This document describes the career opportunities and fellowship training available in pediatric infectious diseases. It discusses what a career as a pediatric infectious disease specialist entails, including treating various infections and allocating time to patient care, research, and teaching. The fellowship program at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children's Hospital is designed to provide extensive clinical experience over three years, as well as training in research, quality improvement, and professional development. Graduates of this program have diverse career opportunities in pediatric infectious diseases.
This document provides detailed specifications and dimensions for a tracked excavator. It includes information on the excavator's operating weight, engine power, hydraulic system, undercarriage, swing system, cab features, and bucket/attachment compatibility. Dimensional data is provided for the excavator body and various attachments in both metric and imperial units. Performance specs are given for digging reach, digging depth, dumping height, and tearout forces depending on attachment configuration.
Alignment between special material and RDA in German speaking countries / Chr...CIGScotland
The document discusses the implementation of RDA (Resource Description and Access) for special materials in German-speaking countries. It outlines the organizational structure for coordinating RDA among libraries, archives, and museums. Working groups have been formed to provide RDA guidance for specific material types like literary archives, old books, and manuscripts. The challenges of applying RDA to rare and unique items are also examined, such as how to catalog multiple copies of the same work. The document concludes that RDA does not need full integration of special rules, and cultural institutions should collaborate to provide quality metadata across standards.
The document provides information about the Common Written Examination (CWE) that will be conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) for recruitment of officers and office assistants in various Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) across India. It lists the 62 participating RRBs along with their headquarters. It outlines the eligibility criteria including age limits, educational qualifications, and reservations. It states that IBPS will conduct the online examination tentatively in September/October 2013 and provide scores, while the final recruitment will be done individually by each RRB.
El documento presenta los perfiles en redes sociales de Javier Torres Santiago, incluyendo su cuenta de Twitter "@Javitorress" y su perfil de Facebook "Javier Torres Santiago", as┴ como una captura de un tweet.
Step children of printing : toward an integrated standard for the description...CIGScotland
Presented at RDA & Rare Materials Seminar, 6 November 2015 Edinburgh, hosted by the Cataloguing & Indexing Group in Scotland and organised with support from members of RBMS, EURIG, RBSCG, CIG, IFLA and JSC for Development of RDA