Ses ga-handbook-molife-fall-2012awais78This document outlines the guidelines and requirements for the Molecular Life Science Graduate Program (MoLife) at Jacobs University. The two-year MoLife program involves coursework, laboratory rotations, and the completion of a Master's thesis or qualifying exam. Students can then pursue a PhD. The program is divided into specialization areas and has strict credit and course requirements to earn an MSc or PhD. Laboratory rotations and thesis research provide hands-on training to prepare students for careers in molecular life sciences.
The Sabido MethodologyBill Ryerson (Immigration)Having worked in the field of reproductive health for more than 40 years, William “Bill” Ryerson is associated with a number of organizations and programs that study population and immigration issues and how they affect the environment. As the founder of the Population Media Center, Bill Ryerson studies a number of research materials, including the Sabido Methodology to find solutions to creating a sustainable environment based on the world’s population.
FeastKevin GrimaThe document discusses the St. Nicholas Feast celebration in Siggiewi, Malta which includes a wooden statue carved in the 1640s, the biggest Catherine wheel in Malta consisting of 112 Catherine wheels, and Maltese firework champions and traditional marches along with some people decorating the village.
Laferla CrossKevin GrimaThe Laferla Cross is a 20th century religious landmark located on a hill near the Chapel of the Annunciation in Siggiewi, Malta. Hundreds of people visit the Laferla Cross annually on Maundy Thursday, where they pray and participate in fjakkoli processions accompanied by local bands playing Good Friday hymns as they walk up the hill to the cross.
Our town Kevin GrimaQormi is a locality in Malta with a population of around 16,770. It has two patron saints, St. George and St. Sebastian, whose feasts are celebrated in late June and mid-July respectively. Qormi is known for its two churches - the sixteenth century Baroque St. George's Church with a dome added in 1684, and St. Sebastian's Church which started as a chapel and was expanded in 1880 and 1937. Qormi is most famous for its traditional style of bread baking using wood-fired ovens.
Qormi - My TownKevin GrimaHal Qormi is the second largest city in Malta, located in the southern region and bordered by Marsa, Luqa, Siggiewi, Zebbug, Hamrun, St Venera, and Birkirkara. It has a population of approximately 18,230 and contains two valleys. Hal Qormi has two parishes, one dedicated to St. George and the other to St. Sebastian, and was formerly known as Hal Fornaro due to its historical fame for bread making and many bakeries.
Is siġġiewiKevin GrimaThe document summarizes several churches and chapels located in Siġġiewi, Malta. It describes the 15th century remains of the old parish church that were restored in 2007. It also discusses the current parish church dedicated to Saint Nicholas that was built between 1676-1693 in the Baroque style. Finally, it briefly mentions four other chapels in the area - St. Mark's chapel from 1608, Ċwejra chapel dedicated to St. Mary from 1742, and the Annunciation chapel from 1420 that has been restored after earthquakes in 1693 and 1856.
Three Ideas for Promoting Gender EquityBill Ryerson (Immigration)As the president of Population Media Center (PMC), Bill Ryerson guides the organization, which produces soap operas and entertainment-educational programming that places a focus on issues like sexual behavior, family planning, population growth, and gender equity. Also knowledgeable about migration (immigration and emigration), Bill (William) Ryerson’s work with PMC has raised awareness of gender equity issues throughout the world. The concern exists everywhere and there are a number of things you can do to promote gender equity.
Places 2Kevin GrimaThis document provides information about interesting places to visit in Siġġiewi, Malta. It describes Girgenti Palace, built in 1625 by Inquisitor Onorto Visconti, which offers impressive views of the countryside and gardens. Ghar Lapsi, a rocky beach close to Siġġiewi village, is popular for swimming and enjoying the scenery. The Laferla Cross memorial was constructed in 1903 under Gianni Mercieca to honor Fr Paul Laferla. Finally, the Siggiewi Church sits in the heart of the village near a statue of Saint Nicholas, and features beautiful architecture on its walls.
Interesting placesKevin GrimaThe document lists 5 interesting places to visit in Siggiewi, Malta: the Siggiewi Church, Ghar Lapsi, Laferla Cross, a Falconry Centre, and sites related to Limestone Heritage.
FeastKevin GrimaThe document discusses the St. Nicholas Feast celebration in Siggiewi, Malta which includes a wooden statue carved in the 1640s, the biggest Catherine wheel in Malta consisting of 112 Catherine wheels, and Maltese firework champions and traditional marches along with some people decorating the village.
Laferla CrossKevin GrimaThe Laferla Cross is a 20th century religious landmark located on a hill near the Chapel of the Annunciation in Siggiewi, Malta. Hundreds of people visit the Laferla Cross annually on Maundy Thursday, where they pray and participate in fjakkoli processions accompanied by local bands playing Good Friday hymns as they walk up the hill to the cross.
Our town Kevin GrimaQormi is a locality in Malta with a population of around 16,770. It has two patron saints, St. George and St. Sebastian, whose feasts are celebrated in late June and mid-July respectively. Qormi is known for its two churches - the sixteenth century Baroque St. George's Church with a dome added in 1684, and St. Sebastian's Church which started as a chapel and was expanded in 1880 and 1937. Qormi is most famous for its traditional style of bread baking using wood-fired ovens.
Qormi - My TownKevin GrimaHal Qormi is the second largest city in Malta, located in the southern region and bordered by Marsa, Luqa, Siggiewi, Zebbug, Hamrun, St Venera, and Birkirkara. It has a population of approximately 18,230 and contains two valleys. Hal Qormi has two parishes, one dedicated to St. George and the other to St. Sebastian, and was formerly known as Hal Fornaro due to its historical fame for bread making and many bakeries.
Is siġġiewiKevin GrimaThe document summarizes several churches and chapels located in Siġġiewi, Malta. It describes the 15th century remains of the old parish church that were restored in 2007. It also discusses the current parish church dedicated to Saint Nicholas that was built between 1676-1693 in the Baroque style. Finally, it briefly mentions four other chapels in the area - St. Mark's chapel from 1608, Ċwejra chapel dedicated to St. Mary from 1742, and the Annunciation chapel from 1420 that has been restored after earthquakes in 1693 and 1856.
Three Ideas for Promoting Gender EquityBill Ryerson (Immigration)As the president of Population Media Center (PMC), Bill Ryerson guides the organization, which produces soap operas and entertainment-educational programming that places a focus on issues like sexual behavior, family planning, population growth, and gender equity. Also knowledgeable about migration (immigration and emigration), Bill (William) Ryerson’s work with PMC has raised awareness of gender equity issues throughout the world. The concern exists everywhere and there are a number of things you can do to promote gender equity.
Places 2Kevin GrimaThis document provides information about interesting places to visit in Siġġiewi, Malta. It describes Girgenti Palace, built in 1625 by Inquisitor Onorto Visconti, which offers impressive views of the countryside and gardens. Ghar Lapsi, a rocky beach close to Siġġiewi village, is popular for swimming and enjoying the scenery. The Laferla Cross memorial was constructed in 1903 under Gianni Mercieca to honor Fr Paul Laferla. Finally, the Siggiewi Church sits in the heart of the village near a statue of Saint Nicholas, and features beautiful architecture on its walls.
Interesting placesKevin GrimaThe document lists 5 interesting places to visit in Siggiewi, Malta: the Siggiewi Church, Ghar Lapsi, Laferla Cross, a Falconry Centre, and sites related to Limestone Heritage.
2. El día 11 de Septembre de 2001, cuatre avions foren seqüestrats, i dos d’ells van
ser voluntàriament accidentats contra les Torres Bessones Aquell va ser el
pitjor atemptat de la història dels Estats Units, amb uns 3000 morts. EE.UU va
respondre començant un atac masiu contra les forçes dels Talibans i d’Al Qaeda
en Afganistan, acabant en la vida de milers de militars i civils sense cap rel·lació
amb el conflicte.
3. Al Qaeda es una organització paramilitar, yihadista, que utilitza pràctiques terroristes y es
planteja como un moviment de resistència islàmica. Ossama Bin Laden fou un multimilionari
saudita i un dels caps principals d‘Al Qaeda, moviment que s'ha atribuït la responsabilitat de
diversos atemptats terroristes arreu del món. L'1 de maig de 2011, diversos mitjans de premsa
van anunciar que Bin Laden havia sigut assesinat per les forces militars dels EE.UU, la
confirmació va ser un missatge del president dels Estats Units, Barack Obama.
Osama Bin Laden
4. La guerra del 2001 a l'Afganistan (també anomenada pel comandament americà "Operació
Llibertat Duradora") esclatà com una resposta dels Estats Units als atemptats terroristes de l’11
de Septembre de 2001. El dia de la invasió, forces especials dels Estats Units i del Regne Unit (el
seu aliat més incondicional) s'infiltraren al territori talibà amb l’objectiu de contraatacar pels
seus atemptats.
Forces navals Estatunidenses i Angleses
començant la invasió.
5. El principal motiu per que els Estats units iniciaren aquest conflicte bélic era obtindre el control
total del suministre de petroli Iraquí, i aixina obtindre una de les majors riquesses del mon.
També se marcaren com a objectius prioritaris el desarmament de les armes nuclears d’Iraq,
tallar el suport de Saddam Hussein al terrorisme, i lograr la llibertat del poble Iraquí.
6. Molta gent va manifestar-se per a parar el conflicte de la guerra d’Iraq. Arran tot el mon, la gent
va manifestar-se per a detindre aquest conflicte (més del 90% de gent en contra a Espanya).
7. Israel i Palestina mantenen un conflicte obert des de 1948. Hui en día, la major causa d’aquest
conflicte la sobiranía en la franja de Gaza i Cisjordània i la formació d’un estat Palestí en
aquestes arees. La resolució d’aquest conflicte es motiu de permanent debat,
Israel i nacions àrabs
8. L’eix del mal fou l’expressió utilitzada per l’antic president George W. Bush per a referir-se a els països
els quals, segons el discurs polític del govern, patrocinarien el terrorisme. Els primers estats van ser
l'Iran, l'Iraq i Korea del Nord.
L'Eix del Mal nordamericà no va estar sempre localitzat als mateixos països, sinó que van anar
canviant depenent del moment polític.
Països de l’eix del mal
9. La guerra contra el narcotràfic és un conflicte armat intern que enfronta l'Estat mexicà contra les
bandes que controlen diverses activitats il·legals, principalment el tràfic il·legal de drogues. Al llarg de
2006 quan es va començar la guerra contra els narcotraficants s'havia comptabilitzat prop de 500
assassinats de membres dels càrtels del narcotràfic.
Els crims lligats al narcotràfic, fan a diversos estats del país figurar entre els més violents a nivell
mundial, situació que ja s'ha tornat reflectida i patent en els mitjans de comunicació nacionals i de
10. L'ONU té tres prioritats principals per a l’Iraq:
- Augmentar la seguretat i el desenvolupament
- Promocionar un procés de reconciliació dirigit pels afganesos
- Guarantir els drets humans per a tots.
En les reunions amb les autoritats afganeses, tots van coincidir que és necessari que es mantingui i
enforteixi la presència de l'ONU a Iraq.