This document contains a series of multiple choice questions about ecology and ecosystems. The questions cover topics such as food webs, ecological levels of organization, stability in ecosystems, and the effects of biotic and abiotic factors. Many questions include diagrams, graphs or illustrations to accompany the text.
The document is a practice exam for an environmental science course. It contains 50 multiple choice questions covering various topics in environmental science, including the scientific method, ecosystems, population growth, energy sources, water resources, air pollution, climate change, and environmental economics. The questions assess understanding of key concepts and issues addressed in the course textbook. An answer key is provided to check responses to the exam questions.
The document is a practice exam for an environmental science course. It contains 50 multiple choice questions covering various topics in environmental science, including the scientific method, ecosystems, population growth, energy sources, water resources, air pollution, climate change, and environmental economics. The questions assess understanding of key concepts and theories presented in an environmental science textbook. An answer key is provided to check responses to the exam questions.
BIOL 143
Exam 3 (ch13, 18, 28)
Chapter 13
1) Natural selection can be defined as ______.
A) the evolution of a population of organisms
B) a process in which changes in gene frequencies result from evolution
C) the production of more offspring than can survive in a given environment
D) a process in which organisms with certain inherited traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than individuals with other traits
2) What did Darwin find in South America that suggested that the Andes mountains had been gradually lifted up over millions of years?
A) bird fossils at the top of mountains in Argentina
B) dinosaur bones in the Amazon basin
C) marine snail fossils high up in the Andes mountains
D) impressions of ocean waves at the top of a mountain
3) Which of the following is a component of the fossil record?
A) the distribution of murid rodents in Australia and Asia
B) the similarity of the forelimbs of cats and bats
C) molecular sequences
D) bones of extinct whales
4) The oldest known fossils are from about ______ years ago.
A) 3.5 billion
B) 6,000
C) 4.0 million
D) 1.0 billion
5) Homology is evidence of ______.
A) biogeography
B) convergent evolution
C) natural selection
D) common ancestry
6) Which of the following is a population?
A) the termites infesting your house along with the microorganisms living in their guts
B) all of the termites that have ever lived
C) all organisms living in your house
D) the termites infesting your house
7) Which of the following is likely to be the result of polygenic inheritance?
A) freckles
B) an extra finger
C) human height
D) ABO blood type
8) Genetic drift is the result of ______.
A) natural selection
B) chance
C) a large gene pool
D) environmental variation
9) Gene flow is accomplished by ______.
A) migration
B) sexual recombination
C) mutation
D) natural selection
10) What does evolutionary fitness measure?
A) physical health
B) longevity
C) relative reproductive success
D) population size
11) Which of the following is an example of directional selection?
A) The birth weight at which newborn humans are most likely to survive and the average weight of newborn humans are about the same.
B) There is an increase in antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
C) There is an increase in the number of different breeds of dog.
D) Garter snakes with different coloration patterns behave differently when threatened.
12) Which of the following is an example of disruptive selection?
A) The birth weight at which newborn humans are most likely to survive and the average weight of newborn humans are about the same.
B) There is an increase in antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
C) There is an increase in the number of different breeds of dog.
D) Garter snakes with different coloration patterns behave differently when threatened.
13) Which of the following is most likely to decrease genetic variation?
A) directional selection
B) mutation
C) stabilizing ...
ECS111 P SEALEY EXAM 2 STUDY QUESTIONS 2019 1 .docxtidwellveronique
EXAM 2 is worth 15 POINTS
1. Which of the following statements is an example of climate?
a. The temperature today is unusually cold for this time of year.
b. Heavy local rains caused flooding in low-lying areas.
c. Long winters and hot, humid summers are typical of the upper Midwest.
d. If the drought in Oklahoma continues next year, it will be the worst since the Dust Bowl.
e. High humidity intensifies the oppressive heat.
2. The evolution of the average behavior of the Earths atmosphere over time is called
a. weather. b. climate.
c. climate change. d. hurricanes.
e. stratospheric migration.
3. Components of the climate system do not include
a. the sun. b. oceans.
c. glaciers. d. the atmosphere.
e. cosmic rays.
4. What is e-waste and why is it a concern?
5. Which of the following is not a driver in Earths climate?
a. The gravitational pull of the moon b. The sun
c. Ocean currents d. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
e. Clouds
6. Which of the following statements concerning the composition of the atmosphere is true?
a. Water consistently is the gas present in the highest concentrations.
b. N2 and O2 concentrations tend to be variable.
c. CO2 is present in the lowest concentration of all gases.
d. Methane concentration is about 17 parts per million by volume.
e. Carbon monoxide concentration is 388 parts per million.
7. What is the difference between a sanitary land fill and an open dump? Does garbage decompose more quickly in a
sanitary landfill?
8. If you were to measure the composition of the atmosphere across the globe, the composition would be relatively
constant except for
a. nitrogen and oxygen.
b. oxygen and helium.
c. helium and carbon dioxide.
d. carbon dioxide and water vapor.
e. water vapor and ozone.
9. Ozone exists mostly
a. in the stratosphere. b. underground in reservoirs.
c. dissolved in water. d. in the cryosphere.
e. None of the above
10. Incident ultraviolet radiation from the sun is blocked by
a. clouds. b. sulfur dioxide.
c. chlorofluorocarbons. d. methane.
e. ozone.
11. Are most plastics degradable, biodegradable or non-degradable waste? How well do plastics break down?
12. The greatest quantity of fresh water is held in
a. rivers. b. lakes. c. ground water. d. oceans. e. glaciers and ice caps.
13. Which of the following does not play a role in reflecting incident sunlight back into space?
a. Methane b. Ice
c. Clouds d. Sulfur oxides
e. Particulate matter suspended in the atmosphere
14. Other than CO2, what greenhouse gas has the longest lifetime in the atmosphere?
a. Nitrous oxide b. Ozone
c. CFCs d. Methane
e. Both a and c
15. Without the greenhouse effect, the atm.
The document provides an overview of key concepts in ecology, including:
1) The biosphere encompasses all parts of Earth inhabited by life, including interactions between biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors.
2) Climate is shaped by temperature, sunlight, water, wind, and landmasses, and organisms have adapted to their specific climates.
3) Earth's six major biomes each have characteristic abiotic conditions and ecosystems. Biomes include tropical rainforests, grasslands, deserts, temperate forests, taiga, and tundra.
4) Ecosystems exist not just on land but also in the oceans, estuaries, fresh
This document contains a multiple choice quiz with questions about environmental science topics like natural resources, ecosystems, biodiversity, and more. It includes 25 questions about topics like soil profiles, water resources, producers and consumers in ecosystems, types of biodiversity, reasons for species endangerment, and methods of ex-situ and in-situ conservation. The questions are in multiple choice format with answers highlighted in red.
Please write your answers in the spaces following the questions. .docxLeilaniPoolsy
Please write your answers in the spaces following the questions.
You may use your text book for this exam. But please work individually.
It is due on Monday the last day of class.
1) According to the Environmental Science text, the underlying issue underlying all environmental problems is:
a) the rapid growth in human population
b) the refusal of developing nations to stop using CFCs
c) the Greenhouse Effect
d) contaminated soil and drinking water
e) our generation does not have a global perspective on environmental problems and how to solve them
2) List the six unifying themes in environmental science introduced in the first chapter of the textbook.
3) One distinction between (A) science and (B) religion, ethics, and morals is that scientific statements are:
a) disprovable
b) universally accepted
c) inference
d) deductive
e) numerical
4) Like the Scientific Method, the process of making decisions can be presented as a series of steps. List these steps, as enumerated in the textbook.
The flooding disaster of the Missouri River is a good example of
a) a materially closed system
b) a human attempt to control a natural ecological system
c) misuse of the carrying capacity of the environment
d) overpopulation of an environment
e) a natural fixed ecological system
6) The growth rate at which the amount increases at a constant rate for a fixed unit of time is called:
a) linear growth
b) negative feedback
c) exponential growth
d) positive feedback
e) equilibrium
7) Which of the following examples describes the maximum number of a particular species that an environment can support without degrading the environment?
a) demographic transition
b) replacement fertility curve
c) logistic growth curve
d) sustainability
e) carrying capacity
8) Which of the following examples describes the movement of a nation from a high population growth to a low population growth?
a) demographic transition
b) replacement fertility curve
c) logistic growth curve
d) sustainability
e) carrying capacity
9) An ecological community is:
a) a set of interacting species that occur in the same place
b) a system of interdependent living and nonliving components in a given area over a given period of time
c) a system based on the living environment
d) the smallest group that has all characteristics necessary to sustain life
e) the total physical and chemical environment of a continent
The most basic processes in an ecosystem are:
a) photosynthesis and respiration
b) transport and storage of food
c) trophic chains and storage of food
d) flow of energy and cycling of chemical elements
e) waste decomposition and cycling of energy
11) The reservoirs and pathways that any chemical element follows through the Earths system is called the:
a) carbon cycle
b) nitrogen cycle
c) hydrologic cycle
d) geological cycle
e) biogeochemical cycle
This document discusses ecosystems and their components. It defines key terms like ecosystem, ecological niche, food chain, food web, trophic levels, and ecological pyramids. It also briefly outlines different types of ecosystems like terrestrial, estuarine, ocean, and freshwater. Finally, it presents some sample multiple choice questions and answers about ecosystems, food chains, and biogeochemical cycles.
1) If atmospheric carbon dioxide was eliminated from our atmospher.docxhirstcruz
1) If atmospheric carbon dioxide was eliminated from our atmosphere, we would expect that the
Earth would:
A) cool considerably and photosynthesis would dramatically increase
B) cool considerably and photosynthesis would dramatically decrease
C) heat up considerably and photosynthesis would dramatically increase
D) heat up considerably and photosynthesis would dramatically decrease
2) Which of the following is a correlation that is causing widespread concern?
A) As atmospheric oxygen levels decline, the ozone layer is being destroyed.
B) As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels decline, the ozone layer is being destroyed.
C) As levels of methane decline, average global temperatures are increasing.
D) As levels of carbon dioxide increase, average global temperatures are increasing.
3) Which of the following is part of natural capital but not ecosystem capital?
A) solar energy used to drive photosynthesis throughout the biosphere
B) coal and oil reserves
C) the production of electrical energy from wind turbines and dams
D) the genetic diversity of all plants and animals used in modern agriculture
4) From an ecological economists perspective, without sustainability, as economies grow:
A) gross national product grows too
B) natural resources are renewed
C) the natural world is depleted
D) natural ecosystems are replenished
5) Natural capital includes ecosystem capital plus:
A) natural forms of energy, such as solar, wind, and flowing water
B) nonrenewable resources such as fossil fuels
C) money available to invest in growing industry
D) all of the products of photosynthesis in the biosphere
6) The concept of sustainability requires that:
A) economic growth does not exceed the renewal of natural capital
B) all sources of energy used in an economy must come from the sun
C) global economic systems are based on the harvesting of natural products
D) economies use equal portions of land, labor, and capital
7) Uncertain about the best way to keep his new lizard alive, Jerome places a heat lamp at one
end of the long lizard cage. Over several days, Jerome notices that the lizard tends to sit in a
certain place when the lamp is on. The lizards selection of a particular place to stay
represents its:
A) range of tolerance
B) temperature optimum
C) biotic conditioning
D) use of a limited resource
8) As global climate change warms certain mountain ranges, the temperature optima for the insect
species living on the mountain is causing these insects to:
A) move higher up the mountain
B) move down the mountain
C) move to a new biome
D) become parasitic
9) Energy is lost as it moves from one trophic level to the next because:
A) one trophic level does not consume the entire trophic level below it
B) some of the calories consumed drive cellular activities and do not add mass
C) some ingested materials are undigested and eliminated
D) All of the above.
10) In general, biomes at.
This document contains 50 multiple choice questions related to ecology and environmental science. The questions cover a wide range of topics including biotic and abiotic factors, food webs and energy transfer between trophic levels, population dynamics, ecosystem structure and interactions, and species adaptations. Correct answers are provided for each question to test understanding of key concepts.
This document contains 71 multiple choice questions related to environmental science. The questions cover topics such as atmospheric layers, air pollutants, greenhouse gases, waste management practices, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, ecosystems, biodiversity, and environmental protection laws. The questions are intended to assess understanding of key concepts in environmental science for first semester biology students.
The growing human population threatens biodiversity by causing habitat loss and fragmentation. This leads to the extinction of species and loss of ecosystem stability. Habitat corridors provide a solution by allowing species to access different habitat areas. Invasive species also disrupt ecosystems by pushing out native species. Conservation methods aim to protect biodiversity through sustainable development, legislation, and the management of public lands and natural resources.
The document is a study guide for Exam 1 that covers lectures up to 26 Feb and textbook chapters through Module 4.1 (Human Populations). It includes 52 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key concepts like biodiversity, population growth, carrying capacity, keystone species, and human impacts on the environment. Students are asked to define terms, analyze case studies, interpret graphs/figures, and explain relationships between abiotic and biotic factors that shape ecosystems.
The document contains a 20 question formative test on topics related to the environment, conservation, and biodiversity. The questions cover topics such as the definition of endangered species, causes of species extinction, reasons for protecting endangered animals, impacts of forest fires and habitat loss, renewable vs non-renewable energy sources, and causes of climate change and pollution. The test aims to assess understanding of key environmental concepts.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
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The document is a practice exam for an environmental science course. It contains 50 multiple choice questions covering various topics in environmental science, including the scientific method, ecosystems, population growth, energy sources, water resources, air pollution, climate change, and environmental economics. The questions assess understanding of key concepts and theories presented in an environmental science textbook. An answer key is provided to check responses to the exam questions.
BIOL 143
Exam 3 (ch13, 18, 28)
Chapter 13
1) Natural selection can be defined as ______.
A) the evolution of a population of organisms
B) a process in which changes in gene frequencies result from evolution
C) the production of more offspring than can survive in a given environment
D) a process in which organisms with certain inherited traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than individuals with other traits
2) What did Darwin find in South America that suggested that the Andes mountains had been gradually lifted up over millions of years?
A) bird fossils at the top of mountains in Argentina
B) dinosaur bones in the Amazon basin
C) marine snail fossils high up in the Andes mountains
D) impressions of ocean waves at the top of a mountain
3) Which of the following is a component of the fossil record?
A) the distribution of murid rodents in Australia and Asia
B) the similarity of the forelimbs of cats and bats
C) molecular sequences
D) bones of extinct whales
4) The oldest known fossils are from about ______ years ago.
A) 3.5 billion
B) 6,000
C) 4.0 million
D) 1.0 billion
5) Homology is evidence of ______.
A) biogeography
B) convergent evolution
C) natural selection
D) common ancestry
6) Which of the following is a population?
A) the termites infesting your house along with the microorganisms living in their guts
B) all of the termites that have ever lived
C) all organisms living in your house
D) the termites infesting your house
7) Which of the following is likely to be the result of polygenic inheritance?
A) freckles
B) an extra finger
C) human height
D) ABO blood type
8) Genetic drift is the result of ______.
A) natural selection
B) chance
C) a large gene pool
D) environmental variation
9) Gene flow is accomplished by ______.
A) migration
B) sexual recombination
C) mutation
D) natural selection
10) What does evolutionary fitness measure?
A) physical health
B) longevity
C) relative reproductive success
D) population size
11) Which of the following is an example of directional selection?
A) The birth weight at which newborn humans are most likely to survive and the average weight of newborn humans are about the same.
B) There is an increase in antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
C) There is an increase in the number of different breeds of dog.
D) Garter snakes with different coloration patterns behave differently when threatened.
12) Which of the following is an example of disruptive selection?
A) The birth weight at which newborn humans are most likely to survive and the average weight of newborn humans are about the same.
B) There is an increase in antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
C) There is an increase in the number of different breeds of dog.
D) Garter snakes with different coloration patterns behave differently when threatened.
13) Which of the following is most likely to decrease genetic variation?
A) directional selection
B) mutation
C) stabilizing ...
ECS111 P SEALEY EXAM 2 STUDY QUESTIONS 2019 1 .docxtidwellveronique
EXAM 2 is worth 15 POINTS
1. Which of the following statements is an example of climate?
a. The temperature today is unusually cold for this time of year.
b. Heavy local rains caused flooding in low-lying areas.
c. Long winters and hot, humid summers are typical of the upper Midwest.
d. If the drought in Oklahoma continues next year, it will be the worst since the Dust Bowl.
e. High humidity intensifies the oppressive heat.
2. The evolution of the average behavior of the Earths atmosphere over time is called
a. weather. b. climate.
c. climate change. d. hurricanes.
e. stratospheric migration.
3. Components of the climate system do not include
a. the sun. b. oceans.
c. glaciers. d. the atmosphere.
e. cosmic rays.
4. What is e-waste and why is it a concern?
5. Which of the following is not a driver in Earths climate?
a. The gravitational pull of the moon b. The sun
c. Ocean currents d. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
e. Clouds
6. Which of the following statements concerning the composition of the atmosphere is true?
a. Water consistently is the gas present in the highest concentrations.
b. N2 and O2 concentrations tend to be variable.
c. CO2 is present in the lowest concentration of all gases.
d. Methane concentration is about 17 parts per million by volume.
e. Carbon monoxide concentration is 388 parts per million.
7. What is the difference between a sanitary land fill and an open dump? Does garbage decompose more quickly in a
sanitary landfill?
8. If you were to measure the composition of the atmosphere across the globe, the composition would be relatively
constant except for
a. nitrogen and oxygen.
b. oxygen and helium.
c. helium and carbon dioxide.
d. carbon dioxide and water vapor.
e. water vapor and ozone.
9. Ozone exists mostly
a. in the stratosphere. b. underground in reservoirs.
c. dissolved in water. d. in the cryosphere.
e. None of the above
10. Incident ultraviolet radiation from the sun is blocked by
a. clouds. b. sulfur dioxide.
c. chlorofluorocarbons. d. methane.
e. ozone.
11. Are most plastics degradable, biodegradable or non-degradable waste? How well do plastics break down?
12. The greatest quantity of fresh water is held in
a. rivers. b. lakes. c. ground water. d. oceans. e. glaciers and ice caps.
13. Which of the following does not play a role in reflecting incident sunlight back into space?
a. Methane b. Ice
c. Clouds d. Sulfur oxides
e. Particulate matter suspended in the atmosphere
14. Other than CO2, what greenhouse gas has the longest lifetime in the atmosphere?
a. Nitrous oxide b. Ozone
c. CFCs d. Methane
e. Both a and c
15. Without the greenhouse effect, the atm.
The document provides an overview of key concepts in ecology, including:
1) The biosphere encompasses all parts of Earth inhabited by life, including interactions between biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors.
2) Climate is shaped by temperature, sunlight, water, wind, and landmasses, and organisms have adapted to their specific climates.
3) Earth's six major biomes each have characteristic abiotic conditions and ecosystems. Biomes include tropical rainforests, grasslands, deserts, temperate forests, taiga, and tundra.
4) Ecosystems exist not just on land but also in the oceans, estuaries, fresh
This document contains a multiple choice quiz with questions about environmental science topics like natural resources, ecosystems, biodiversity, and more. It includes 25 questions about topics like soil profiles, water resources, producers and consumers in ecosystems, types of biodiversity, reasons for species endangerment, and methods of ex-situ and in-situ conservation. The questions are in multiple choice format with answers highlighted in red.
Please write your answers in the spaces following the questions. .docxLeilaniPoolsy
Please write your answers in the spaces following the questions.
You may use your text book for this exam. But please work individually.
It is due on Monday the last day of class.
1) According to the Environmental Science text, the underlying issue underlying all environmental problems is:
a) the rapid growth in human population
b) the refusal of developing nations to stop using CFCs
c) the Greenhouse Effect
d) contaminated soil and drinking water
e) our generation does not have a global perspective on environmental problems and how to solve them
2) List the six unifying themes in environmental science introduced in the first chapter of the textbook.
3) One distinction between (A) science and (B) religion, ethics, and morals is that scientific statements are:
a) disprovable
b) universally accepted
c) inference
d) deductive
e) numerical
4) Like the Scientific Method, the process of making decisions can be presented as a series of steps. List these steps, as enumerated in the textbook.
The flooding disaster of the Missouri River is a good example of
a) a materially closed system
b) a human attempt to control a natural ecological system
c) misuse of the carrying capacity of the environment
d) overpopulation of an environment
e) a natural fixed ecological system
6) The growth rate at which the amount increases at a constant rate for a fixed unit of time is called:
a) linear growth
b) negative feedback
c) exponential growth
d) positive feedback
e) equilibrium
7) Which of the following examples describes the maximum number of a particular species that an environment can support without degrading the environment?
a) demographic transition
b) replacement fertility curve
c) logistic growth curve
d) sustainability
e) carrying capacity
8) Which of the following examples describes the movement of a nation from a high population growth to a low population growth?
a) demographic transition
b) replacement fertility curve
c) logistic growth curve
d) sustainability
e) carrying capacity
9) An ecological community is:
a) a set of interacting species that occur in the same place
b) a system of interdependent living and nonliving components in a given area over a given period of time
c) a system based on the living environment
d) the smallest group that has all characteristics necessary to sustain life
e) the total physical and chemical environment of a continent
The most basic processes in an ecosystem are:
a) photosynthesis and respiration
b) transport and storage of food
c) trophic chains and storage of food
d) flow of energy and cycling of chemical elements
e) waste decomposition and cycling of energy
11) The reservoirs and pathways that any chemical element follows through the Earths system is called the:
a) carbon cycle
b) nitrogen cycle
c) hydrologic cycle
d) geological cycle
e) biogeochemical cycle
This document discusses ecosystems and their components. It defines key terms like ecosystem, ecological niche, food chain, food web, trophic levels, and ecological pyramids. It also briefly outlines different types of ecosystems like terrestrial, estuarine, ocean, and freshwater. Finally, it presents some sample multiple choice questions and answers about ecosystems, food chains, and biogeochemical cycles.
1) If atmospheric carbon dioxide was eliminated from our atmospher.docxhirstcruz
1) If atmospheric carbon dioxide was eliminated from our atmosphere, we would expect that the
Earth would:
A) cool considerably and photosynthesis would dramatically increase
B) cool considerably and photosynthesis would dramatically decrease
C) heat up considerably and photosynthesis would dramatically increase
D) heat up considerably and photosynthesis would dramatically decrease
2) Which of the following is a correlation that is causing widespread concern?
A) As atmospheric oxygen levels decline, the ozone layer is being destroyed.
B) As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels decline, the ozone layer is being destroyed.
C) As levels of methane decline, average global temperatures are increasing.
D) As levels of carbon dioxide increase, average global temperatures are increasing.
3) Which of the following is part of natural capital but not ecosystem capital?
A) solar energy used to drive photosynthesis throughout the biosphere
B) coal and oil reserves
C) the production of electrical energy from wind turbines and dams
D) the genetic diversity of all plants and animals used in modern agriculture
4) From an ecological economists perspective, without sustainability, as economies grow:
A) gross national product grows too
B) natural resources are renewed
C) the natural world is depleted
D) natural ecosystems are replenished
5) Natural capital includes ecosystem capital plus:
A) natural forms of energy, such as solar, wind, and flowing water
B) nonrenewable resources such as fossil fuels
C) money available to invest in growing industry
D) all of the products of photosynthesis in the biosphere
6) The concept of sustainability requires that:
A) economic growth does not exceed the renewal of natural capital
B) all sources of energy used in an economy must come from the sun
C) global economic systems are based on the harvesting of natural products
D) economies use equal portions of land, labor, and capital
7) Uncertain about the best way to keep his new lizard alive, Jerome places a heat lamp at one
end of the long lizard cage. Over several days, Jerome notices that the lizard tends to sit in a
certain place when the lamp is on. The lizards selection of a particular place to stay
represents its:
A) range of tolerance
B) temperature optimum
C) biotic conditioning
D) use of a limited resource
8) As global climate change warms certain mountain ranges, the temperature optima for the insect
species living on the mountain is causing these insects to:
A) move higher up the mountain
B) move down the mountain
C) move to a new biome
D) become parasitic
9) Energy is lost as it moves from one trophic level to the next because:
A) one trophic level does not consume the entire trophic level below it
B) some of the calories consumed drive cellular activities and do not add mass
C) some ingested materials are undigested and eliminated
D) All of the above.
10) In general, biomes at.
This document contains 50 multiple choice questions related to ecology and environmental science. The questions cover a wide range of topics including biotic and abiotic factors, food webs and energy transfer between trophic levels, population dynamics, ecosystem structure and interactions, and species adaptations. Correct answers are provided for each question to test understanding of key concepts.
This document contains 71 multiple choice questions related to environmental science. The questions cover topics such as atmospheric layers, air pollutants, greenhouse gases, waste management practices, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, ecosystems, biodiversity, and environmental protection laws. The questions are intended to assess understanding of key concepts in environmental science for first semester biology students.
The growing human population threatens biodiversity by causing habitat loss and fragmentation. This leads to the extinction of species and loss of ecosystem stability. Habitat corridors provide a solution by allowing species to access different habitat areas. Invasive species also disrupt ecosystems by pushing out native species. Conservation methods aim to protect biodiversity through sustainable development, legislation, and the management of public lands and natural resources.
The document is a study guide for Exam 1 that covers lectures up to 26 Feb and textbook chapters through Module 4.1 (Human Populations). It includes 52 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key concepts like biodiversity, population growth, carrying capacity, keystone species, and human impacts on the environment. Students are asked to define terms, analyze case studies, interpret graphs/figures, and explain relationships between abiotic and biotic factors that shape ecosystems.
The document contains a 20 question formative test on topics related to the environment, conservation, and biodiversity. The questions cover topics such as the definition of endangered species, causes of species extinction, reasons for protecting endangered animals, impacts of forest fires and habitat loss, renewable vs non-renewable energy sources, and causes of climate change and pollution. The test aims to assess understanding of key environmental concepts.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Fuel part 1.pptx........................ksbhattadcm
ELS Lesson 5 Four Subsyetems of the Earth - Hydrsphere and Biosphere.pptx
31. Analyze the questions and choose the letter of the
correct answer.
1. What percentage of Earth's water is found
in the oceans as saltwater?
a) 97%
b) 75%
c) 50%
d) 10%
32. 2. Which of the following is the
lowest level of biological
a) Population
b) Community
c) Ecosystem
d) Organism
33. 3. Why is the hydrosphere important for
Earth's climate regulation?
a) It produces all the Earth's oxygen.
b) It absorbs and redistributes heat around
the planet.
c) It is the main source of volcanic activity.
d) It reflects sunlight back into space.
34. 4. What is the main difference between
terrestrial biomes and aquatic biomes?
a) Terrestrial biomes are found in water, while
aquatic biomes are on land.
b) Terrestrial biomes are characterized by
temperature and precipitation, while aquatic
biomes are characterized by salinity and depth.
c) Terrestrial biomes have no plant life, while aquatic
biomes have abundant plant life.
d) Terrestrial biomes consist of only forests, while
aquatic biomes consist of deserts.
35. 5. If a freshwater source is
contaminated by pollutants, which
part of the hydrosphere is directly
a) Groundwater
b) Ocean water
c) Saltwater lakes
d) Ice caps
36. 6. Which of the following scenarios
demonstrates the interaction between the
hydrosphere and the biosphere?
a) A volcanic eruption releasing ash into the
b) Rainfall creating a habitat for amphibians in
a wetland
c) A mountain range blocking the path of
migratory birds
d) Earthquake activity creating new landforms
37. 7. Analyze the role of the
hydrosphere in the water cycle.
Which of the following processes
directly involves the hydrosphere?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Evaporation from oceans and lakes
c) Decomposition of organic matter
d) Rock formation
38. differ from that of a community in the
a) A population includes multiple species, while
a community consists of individuals of a single
b) A population consists of individuals of a
single species, while a community includes
multiple species interacting in a specific area.
c) A population is larger than a community.
d) A community is part of a population.
39. 9. Propose a scenario where changes in the
hydrosphere could impact the biosphere. Which
scenario fits this proposal?a) A decrease in ocean
salinity leading to the extinction of saltwater fish
b) An increase in freshwater availability leading to the
expansion of desert ecosystems
c) A decrease in global temperatures leading to
increased evaporation from the oceans
d) A reduction in greenhouse gases leading to more
abundant plant life in aquatic biomes
40. 10. Evaluate the significance of the three domains of life
(Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya) in the biosphere. Which
domain plays the most critical role in maintaining
ecological balance, and why?
a) Archaea, because they are found in extreme
environments and contribute to the recycling of nutrients.
b) Bacteria, because they are involved in processes such as
decomposition and nitrogen fixation.
c) Eukarya, because they include plants, animals, and fungi,
which are essential for food chains.
d) All three domains are equally important, as they interact
to support the biosphere.
41. Analyze the questions and choose the letter of the
correct answer.
1. What percentage of Earth's water is found
in the oceans as saltwater?
a) 97%
b) 75%
c) 50%
d) 10%
42. Analyze the questions and choose the letter of the
correct answer.
1. What percentage of Earth's water is found
in the oceans as saltwater?
a) 97%
b) 75%
c) 50%
d) 10%
43. 2. Which of the following is the
lowest level of biological
a) Population
b) Community
c) Ecosystem
d) Organism
44. 2. Which of the following is the
lowest level of biological
a) Population
b) Community
c) Ecosystem
d) Organism
45. 3. Why is the hydrosphere important for
Earth's climate regulation?
a) It produces all the Earth's oxygen.
b) It absorbs and redistributes heat around
the planet.
c) It is the main source of volcanic activity.
d) It reflects sunlight back into space.
46. 3. Why is the hydrosphere important for
Earth's climate regulation?
a) It produces all the Earth's oxygen.
b) It absorbs and redistributes heat around
the planet.
c) It is the main source of volcanic activity.
d) It reflects sunlight back into space.
47. 4. What is the main difference between
terrestrial biomes and aquatic biomes?
a) Terrestrial biomes are found in water, while
aquatic biomes are on land.
b) Terrestrial biomes are characterized by
temperature and precipitation, while aquatic
biomes are characterized by salinity and depth.
c) Terrestrial biomes have no plant life, while aquatic
biomes have abundant plant life.
d) Terrestrial biomes consist of only forests, while
aquatic biomes consist of deserts.
48. 4. What is the main difference between
terrestrial biomes and aquatic biomes?
a) Terrestrial biomes are found in water, while
aquatic biomes are on land.
b) Terrestrial biomes are characterized by
temperature and precipitation, while aquatic
biomes are characterized by salinity and depth.
c) Terrestrial biomes have no plant life, while aquatic
biomes have abundant plant life.
d) Terrestrial biomes consist of only forests, while
aquatic biomes consist of deserts.
49. 5. If a freshwater source is
contaminated by pollutants, which
part of the hydrosphere is directly
a) Groundwater
b) Ocean water
c) Saltwater lakes
d) Ice caps
50. 5. If a freshwater source is
contaminated by pollutants, which
part of the hydrosphere is directly
a) Groundwater
b) Ocean water
c) Saltwater lakes
d) Ice caps
51. 6. Which of the following scenarios
demonstrates the interaction between the
hydrosphere and the biosphere?
a) A volcanic eruption releasing ash into the
b) Rainfall creating a habitat for amphibians in
a wetland
c) A mountain range blocking the path of
migratory birds
d) Earthquake activity creating new landforms
52. 6. Which of the following scenarios
demonstrates the interaction between the
hydrosphere and the biosphere?
a) A volcanic eruption releasing ash into the
b) Rainfall creating a habitat for amphibians in
a wetland
c) A mountain range blocking the path of
migratory birds
d) Earthquake activity creating new landforms
53. 7. Analyze the role of the
hydrosphere in the water cycle.
Which of the following processes
directly involves the hydrosphere?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Evaporation from oceans and lakes
c) Decomposition of organic matter
d) Rock formation
54. 7. Analyze the role of the
hydrosphere in the water cycle.
Which of the following processes
directly involves the hydrosphere?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Evaporation from oceans and lakes
c) Decomposition of organic matter
d) Rock formation
55. differ from that of a community in the
a) A population includes multiple species, while
a community consists of individuals of a single
b) A population consists of individuals of a
single species, while a community includes
multiple species interacting in a specific area.
c) A population is larger than a community.
d) A community is part of a population.
56. differ from that of a community in the
a) A population includes multiple species, while
a community consists of individuals of a single
b) A population consists of individuals of a
single species, while a community includes
multiple species interacting in a specific area.
c) A population is larger than a community.
d) A community is part of a population.
57. 9. Propose a scenario where changes in the hydrosphere
could impact the biosphere. Which scenario fits this
a) A decrease in ocean salinity leading to the extinction of
saltwater fish species
b) An increase in freshwater availability leading to the
expansion of desert ecosystems
c) A decrease in global temperatures leading to increased
evaporation from the oceans
d) A reduction in greenhouse gases leading to more
abundant plant life in aquatic biomes
58. 9. Propose a scenario where changes in the hydrosphere
could impact the biosphere. Which scenario fits this
a) A decrease in ocean salinity leading to the extinction of
saltwater fish species
b) An increase in freshwater availability leading to the
expansion of desert ecosystems
c) A decrease in global temperatures leading to increased
evaporation from the oceans
d) A reduction in greenhouse gases leading to more
abundant plant life in aquatic biomes
59. 10. Evaluate the significance of the three domains of life
(Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya) in the biosphere. Which
domain plays the most critical role in maintaining
ecological balance, and why?
a) Archaea, because they are found in extreme
environments and contribute to the recycling of nutrients.
b) Bacteria, because they are involved in processes such as
decomposition and nitrogen fixation.
c) Eukarya, because they include plants, animals, and fungi,
which are essential for food chains.
d) All three domains are equally important, as they interact
to support the biosphere.
60. 10. Evaluate the significance of the three domains of life
(Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya) in the biosphere. Which
domain plays the most critical role in maintaining
ecological balance, and why?
a) Archaea, because they are found in extreme
environments and contribute to the recycling of nutrients.
b) Bacteria, because they are involved in processes such as
decomposition and nitrogen fixation.
c) Eukarya, because they include plants, animals, and fungi,
which are essential for food chains.
d) All three domains are equally important, as they interact
to support the biosphere.
61. Answers:
1.a) 97%
2.d) Organism
3.b) It absorbs and redistributes heat around the planet.
4.b) Terrestrial biomes are characterized by temperature and precipitation, while
aquatic biomes are characterized by salinity and depth.
5.a) Groundwater
6.b) Rainfall creating a habitat for amphibians in a wetland
7.b) Evaporation from oceans and lakes
8.b) A population consists of individuals of a single species, while a community
includes multiple species interacting in a specific area.
9.a) A decrease in ocean salinity leading to the extinction of saltwater fish species
d) All three domains are equally important, as they interact to support the