Our solar system consists of the Sun and objects that orbit it, including eight planets. The four inner planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - are small and rocky. The four outer planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - are much larger and made of gas. Earth is the only known planet capable of supporting life. The inner planets are close to the Sun and have no rings or few moons, while the outer gas giants are farther away, have many moons, and some have rings. The document then provides details on the characteristics of each individual planet.
13. A. Whats in Our Solar System?
Our solar system consists of a central star
(the Sun), planets, dwarf planets, moons,
asteroids, comets, meteors, interplanetary
gas, dust, and all the space in between.
Except for Earth, the planets of the solar
system are named for Greek and Roman
gods and goddesses.
18. B. Planets are categorized
according to size and composition
Small, rocky planets are the inner planets
closest to the sun
gas giants are the outer planets
19. Inner and Outer Planets
Inner Planets:
Outer Planets
20. 1. Characteristics of Inner Planets
They are made up mostly of rock and metal.
They are very heavy.
They move slowly in space.
They have no rings and few moons (if any).
They have a diameter of less than 13,000
21. a. Mercury
Has a revolution period of 88
Has 1000属 temperature
swings from day to night
because there is no
atmosphere to trap heat.
Is about 1/3 of Earths size
Is about 1/3 Earths distance
from the sun (0.39 AU)
22. b. Venus
Has retrograde rotation so
the sun rises in the west and
sets in the east!
Reaches 900F at the surface
due to a strong greenhouse
Venus has no moons and
takes 225 days to complete an
Is about the same size as
Is about 2/3 Earths distance
from the sun (0.72 AU)
23. c. Earth
Is the only planet known to
support life!
Has a surface composed of
71% water.
Water is necessary for life on
Is the basis for the
Astronomical Unit (distance
from sun to Earth = 1 AU)
24. Mars appears red because of
iron oxide, or rust, in its soil.
Mars has two moons and
takes about two years to
complete an orbit.
Is about 遜 of Earths size
Is about 1 遜 times as far from
the sun as Earth (1.52 AU)
d. Mars
26. 2. Characteristics of Gas Giants
They are made up mostly of gases
(primarily hydrogen & helium).
They are very light for their size.
They move quickly in space.
They have rings and many moons.
They have a diameter of 49,000 km or
27. a. Jupiter
Is the largest, most
massive planet.
Takes about 12 years to
orbit the sun.
Jupiter has 17 known
Is about 11 times larger
than Earth.
Is about 5 times farther
from the sun than Earth
(5.19 AU)
28. b. Saturn Has many rings made of ice
that extend about 260,000
miles from the surface but
are less than 1 mile thick.
Has 19 known moons
Takes about 30 years to orbit
the sun.
Is almost10 times larger than
Is nearly ten times farther
from the sun than
Earth (9.5 AU)
29. c. Uranus
Has 21 known moons
Takes 84 years to
complete one orbit.
Is about 4 times
larger than Earth
Is about 19 times
farther from the sun
than Earth (19.1 AU)
30. d. Neptune
Takes 165 years to orbit
the sun
Has 8 moons
Is about 3.8 times larger
than Earth
Is about 30 times farther
from the sun than Earth
(30 AU)