This document provides tips for email fundraising strategies. It emphasizes testing different subject lines and content to see what drives donations. It also recommends growing an email list through various sign-up options on websites and forms. Clear calls to action and custom landing pages tailored for different emails are suggested to guide donors through the fundraising process.
4. Most of the $690 million
Obama raised online came
from fundraising emails.
5. Amelia Showalter, Director of
Digital Analytics for Obama:
¡°We were so bad at predicting
what would win that it only
reinforced the need to
constantly keep testing.¡±
"Most people have a nearly
limitless capacity for email and
won¡¯t unsubscribe no matter
how many they¡¯re sent."
6. Do you have a clear
fundraising strategy?
Is there a sense
of urgency?
11. Google Grant? [bringing 200 visitors per day] $120,000/yr!
Great hosting and a careful eye on page load times
A/B testing, heat map, and scroll map software
Sign-up and donation forms that work well with others
Ready to take off?
Great confirmation emails and auto-responders?