The document discusses the history and basics of email marketing. It provides tips for email success including getting emails into inboxes, making emails interesting through compelling subject lines and calls to action, and tracking email analytics. Mailchimp is also mentioned as an email marketing provider. The entire document is presented as part of a conference or presentation titled "Where Waters Meet" in Swansea on October 17, 2013.
7. March 2013. > 2.5 Trillions of messages daily
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
4/2012 5/2012 6/2012 7/2012 8/2012 9/2012 10/2012 11/2012 12/2012 1/2013 2/1203 3/2013
Legitimate Email Spam
Source: McAfee threats reports 1Q2013
Global Email Volume (in Trillions of message)
8. Steps to Email Success
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
Get to the Inbox
Be Interesting
Put Data / Analytics to Use
9. Email Goals
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
Win Sales
Qualify Leads
Educate Customers
Build Relationship
10. Deliverability
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
In todays email landscape,
only 81% of all permission-based email
makes it to the worlds inboxes.
11. Deliverability Tips
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
Use a Reputable Provider
Avoid Spammy Content
Get Opened / Clicked Regularly
12. Inboxing is Note Enough: Be Interesting
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
14. Subject Lines
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
15. Subject Lines
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
16. Subject Lines
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
17. Effective Subject Lines
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
Write and Re-Write
Keep it Short and to the Point
Mix it up
Sacri鍖ce Clarity for Cleverness
23. Message > Design
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
Subject Line:
Call To Action:
Donate $5 or more
Raised +$2.5 million
25. Call to Action
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
Be Action Packed
Make your Calls-to-Action Just That. Never Click here to...
Dont Disappoint
Only link to worthwhile pages / content
Stand Alone
Keep links obvius. Break them out of body paragraphs
or make them buttons.
26. Link Ideas
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
Landin Pages
Articles on website
Case Studies
White Papers
Sign Up
27. Analytics
WHERE WATERS MEET /// Swansea, 17. october 2013.
Does Not Necessarily Re鍖ect Engagement
Easy to Accurately Track
Best Indicator of Interest
Clickers Should BeYour First Follow-Up