Eman Ahmed Oriby is an Egyptian GIS Director seeking an IT position. She has over 17 years of experience working with GIS and databases at CAPMAS, Egypt's central agency for statistics. She has extensive skills in programming languages, GIS software, and data analysis tools. She holds a computer science degree and GIS diploma, and has participated in many mapping and census projects in Egypt.
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Eman Oriby CV
1. Contact
Eman Ahmed Oriby Tel : 002-0100-8951990
Citizenship : Egypt Date of birth : 05 Oct 1971 e-mail : emanorieby@gmail.com
Estad, 5 Ahmed Oriby st, Tanta, Egypt.
Objective I am seeking a position within the Information Technology department ,in the field of GIS
Availability From September, 2012
Key Skills
Proficient or familiar with a vast array of programming languages, concepts and technologies, including:
NET Framework Database Operating systems GIS &CAD& image processing Data mining
(C#) Postgre SQL, ARC INFO, Genamap , SPSS,
Oracle, Windows, UNIX, Autocad, Sipina ,
Html ,PHP, SQL Server, Erdas ,Google earth,
JavaScript MySQL Photoshop
2010 to 2011 Dipl担me Inter-Universitaire GIS4D (October 2011)
EPHE Ecole Pratique de Hautes Etudes-Sorbonne &Universit辿 Claude Bernard Lyon1,
Paris ,France
1999 to 2000 Pre Master On Information Technology
Faculty of engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
1989 to 1994 Bachelor of computer science and automatic control engineering
Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Work Experience
CAPMAS Central Agency for public mobilization and statistics , Tanta, Egypt
GIS Director of Gharbia office
I participated on the following projects and activities
April 1995 to present
Geographic information system of census 2006 .
Geographic information system of Health Map of Egypt.
Census 2006 Digital demographic Atlas.
Slums GIS project.
Administrative boundaries GIS projects.
Geographical names Geodatabase.
Converting Cad Maps to Geodatabases.
Georefrencing raster maps .
Field surveys for updating information on maps.
Publishing maps for regional and international uses.
Developing the website of the GIS department.
Integrating raster and digital maps from different sources and scales .
MASCO (Director of Information technology department) August 1994 to March 1995
Data base administrator (Oracle );
Network administrator (Unix)
2. Languages
Arabic (native) English (fluent) French (basic)
UNGEGN United Nation Group of experts on geographical names
ADEGN Arab Division On Geographical Names
IGU/ICA Toponymy commission International Geography Union /International Cartographic association
Task team of Africa UNGEGN Task force for Africa
Country names working group UNGEGN working group for country names
Khwarzmy ISI Group International statistics Institute Working group for Arab
Women ISI commission International statistics Institute working group for women
Certificates &Trainings
Introduction to Arc INFO . ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute ) 7-11 Nov 1999
Introduction to Programming Map ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute ) 03-15 May 2003
objects with Visual Basic.
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
ICDL EGY000166418
Certificate on Developing advanced
Management supervisory skills CAPMAS Statistics training centre 2010
Advanced Data Mining& Statistics
CAPMAS-Training Centre Jun September 2010
Advanced English course
CAPMAS-Training Centre September 2010
Basic French course
CAPMAS-Training Centre September 2010
Time series Analysis
SPSS training course CAPMAS-Training Centre September 2010
Certificate of Advanced Egyptian Authority for management and administration .
Management Skills
Winner of UNGEGN African Toponymy contest UNGEGN 25th session-Kenya 2009
The best employee -CAPMAS
3. Publications & Papers
W.B.52 GIS applications in the 2006 population ,housing and building census ) UNGEGN 25th
session Nairobi May 2009.
Annex no 1 of Technical paper W.B.53 (Report on Egyptian geographic names Activities).
UNGEGN 25th session Nairobi- May 2009.
Awarded Essay Present challenges and Future Hopes Towards Standardization of geographical
names of Egypt UNGEGN African Toponymy Contest-UNGEGN 25 Session Kenya 2009.
News from Egypt UNGEGN 37th bulletin September 2009.
Exonym use on Egypt ,Trends in Exonym Use Proceeding of the 10 UNGEGN working group on
exonym meeting Tainach 28-30 May 2010 .
W.B. 6 Geographical names as A part of Egyptian heritage UNGEGN 26 Session Vienna -Austria
Spatial analysis of access to safe water on Egypt ISI (International Statistics Institute) 58th congress
Dublin Ireland August 2011.
Participation in international conferences
The free flow of information conference in Alexandria library- Egypt February 2008 .
Conference on artificial Intelligence on Menoufiya province Egypt March 2008 .
The Second International Environment forum: New Environmental Horizons of Sustainable development -November
2008 Tanta University .
The Workshop on standardization of geographical names March 2009 with CULNAT (Center for Cultural and
Natural heritage) Cairo Egypt 2009.
UNGEGN (United Nations Group Of Experts on Geographical Names) 25 session Nairobi Kenya May 2009.
ADEGN (Arab Division on Geographical Names) 5 session Beirut Lebanon May 2010.
UNGEGN-Exonym working group meeting Austria May 2010.
UNGEGN (United Nations Group Of Experts on Geographical Names) 26 Vienna Austria May 2011.
ISI (International Statistics Institute) 58th congress Dublin Ireland August 2011.