1. The document is an application form for candidates taking the MBA Degree Examination administered by Andhra University's School of Distance Education. It collects information such as the candidate's name, registration number, examination center, subjects being tested, and fees paid.
2. Instructions are provided for candidates regarding rules during the examination like showing their hall ticket, not communicating with others, and leaving the examination hall. The instructions also specify the use of calculators and pens during the exam.
3. The application form is accompanied by hall tickets for the original and duplicate copies. These hall tickets specify the papers the candidate desires to appear for and include a certificate of identity with spaces for photos and signatures.
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1. 1
Examination Register Number
(Form of Application for Registration)
MBA Degree Examination - August 2011 Affix Latest
I/ II YEAR(S) Passport
Identity Card No.
1. Examination Centre
2. Name in Full
3. Date of Birth (in Christian Era)
4. Address for Communication
5. Name of Father/Guardian
6. Specialisation opted A - Marketing B - Finance
(In Case of II Year Candidates)
(Tick P Appropriate Boxes) C - Human Resource Mgt.
7. Examination for which the I YEAR Whole
candidate is now appearing : 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
I/II Year or Submitting Theory
(TickPAppropriate Box/Boxes)
201 202 203 204
Exam 205A 206A 207A 208A205B 206B 207B 208B
205C 206C 207C 208C
8. Examination Fee particulars
(in case of Suppl. Candidates) D.D./SDE Challan No. ...............................Dated ........................
Bank.................................................................Amount Rs. ........................
(Rupees .......................................................................................................)
*Candidates Appearing for the Examinations first time need not pay any examination fees.
2. 2
9. Particulars of Qualifying Exam. Examination Year Reg. No. University
passed, ie.,B.A/B.Sc/B.Com/
B.B.M/B.E/B.Tech / AMIE etc.
(For I Year candidates only)
10. Particular of earlier pass/ appearance (s) :
(Specify month and year of passing of both theory and assignments
I YEAR Whole
Exam 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Exam 201 202 203 204 205A 206A 207A 208A 205B 206B 207B 208B
205C 206C 207C 208C
10. Number of Chances now availing (for improvement candidates only)
(Tick P appropriate Box)
I Chance II Chance III Chance
Station :
Date : Signaute of Candideate School of Distance Education
Centre code Station Examination Centres
1 Srikakulam Govt. College for men
2 Kakinada A.U. MSN P.G. Centre
4 Hyderabad RG Kedia College of Commerce
5 Visakhapatnam Department of commerce and Management Studies, A.U. Campus.
6 Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam. TSR & TBK Degree & P.G. College
7 Bangalore College of Advanced Technology Studies (CATS), 30, II Floor, RBANMS
Post, Centenary Building, Dickenson Road, Bangalore -560 042.
9 Vijayawada Satavahana college Chuttugunta
Fee Particulars :
1. For supplemental candidates : Rs. 300/- per subject paper not exceeding Rs. 600/- for each year.
2. Candidates submitting Assignments or Project reports or appearing for Viva-Voce Exam Exclusively have also to
submit Examination Application for registration along with trhe prescribed fee ie. Rs. 300/- per subject paper not
exceeding Rs. 600/- for each year.
3. Improvement fee : Provision for MBA courses is allowed within a period of three years from the year of passing the
MBA degree examination. Hence the candidates, who passed MBA in 2008 or later are eligible to take whole examination
either previous or final under this provision.
Paper-wise Improvement is also allowed only for one chance,i.e., immediately after passing the MBA degree
examinaiton. Hence the candidates who passed MBA in 2010 are only eligible to avail paper-wise provision.
An Amount of Rs. 1,000/- is to be paid towards improvement fee per year besides the usual examination fee.
4. All payments should be made only by way of DD in favour ofThe Registrar, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam
Fee once paid will neither be refunded nor be adjusted for subsequent examinations under any circumstances.
5. Answer booklet consisting of 32 pages shall be supplied to the candidates. Candidates have to answer all questions
in the booket only. No additional sheets will be supplied.
Enclosures :
1. Xerox copy of Identity Card
2. Xerox copies of marks lists of previous appearances in case of II year candidates
3. Xerox copy of qualifying examination Passed/Provisional Certificate in case of I year Candidates only
4. Three self-addressed envelopes of 11 x 5 size (unstamped).
Special Note : Candidates must obtain their original copy of the Hall-tickets from the Chief Superintendent of the
respective examination centre, three days before the commencement of the examination
3. 3
MBA Degree Examination - August 2011 Register Number
(DUPLICATE) For Office Use only
This is to certify that ................................................................................................................................
Son/ Daughter of ........................................................................................ is a candidate for the MBA
Degree Examination to be held at .................................................................... Centre. He/She desires
to appear for the following papers :
I YEAR Exam 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Exam 201 202 203 204
205A 206A 207A 208A 205B 206B 207B 208B
205C 206C 207C 208C
Visakhapatnam Director
Date : School of Distance Education
Note: 1. The candidate should fill in the above columns except Register Number
2. The candidate should strike off the papers for which he/she is not appearing for
Signature of the Candidate....................................................................................................................
This is to certify that.....................................................................................................................
Son / daughter of..........................................................................is a candidate appearing for the two
year MBA Examination and his/her signature is taken in my presence and he/she bears the following
identification Marks:
1. .........................................................................................
Affix Latest
2. .........................................................................................
Station: Signature of the attesting officer Director
Date: not below the Rank of Gazetted Officer School of Distance Education
Note : 1. The Photos should be affixed and attested by the Attesting Officer both in the Application Form and Certificate of Identity.
2. The Attesting Officers signature should be right across the photo extending over the blank space also
4. 4
Candidates for University Examinations are required to observe, the following Instructins very carefully;
1. It willnto be permissible for candidates to sit for the Examination at a center other than that at which nemes are
registered, without the Special permission of the director, SDE. No permission for change of centre will be granted
after applicaitons are registered.
2. Candidates appearing for Exams at other centres on the Special permission of the Director must be prepared to
satisfy the Chief Superntendent of such centes as to their identity. They shall also sign again on the Identitication
certificates produced by them before the Chief Superintendent of the respecive centes, If requried.
3. Candidate should take their places in the examination hall at least ten minutes before the time fixed for distributing the
papers. Candidates presenting themselves more than half an hour after the appointed time will not be admitted to the
EXamination Hall.
4. Candidates should bring their Hall-Ticket to the Examination Hall each day of the Examinaiton for Inspection by the
Chiefl Superintendent / Invigilator/ Observer.
5. Candidates are prohibited from writing upon their Hall-Tickets or Question Papers. Candidates are also phohibited
from writing their names or any other name unconnected with the answers on any part of their Answer Books. The
Register Numbers should be written very distinctly on the title pages of the Main Answer Book. Failure to Write their
Register Number may involve the Rejection of Answer Papers. Their should fill in the subject and the year on the outer
cover of the main answer book. Register number should not be noted on the additionl answer books.
6. No Candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall till the expiry of at least one and half hours and a half after
the question paper is distributed and candidates who leaves the hall during the period are not allowed again into the
Exam hall.
7. Candidates are forbidden to ask questions of any kind during the examination. They are further forbidden to communicate
with the examiners; should they do so, their answer papers will not be valued and their conduct will be reported to the
Executive Council for disciplinary action.
8. Candidates are not allowed to use books of any kind in the Examination Hall. They are also prohibited from introducing
into the examination Hall any book or portion of book, slate, blotting pad, cardboard, manuscript, type script or paper
of any description and making use of any from these whether introduced into the hall by themselves or by any one
else, from communicating with or copying from each other and from communicating with any person outside the
Examination Hall. Any candidate detected in the violation of these rules will be summarily sent out of the Hall forthwith
and his conduct will be reported to the University. Such candidates stands the risk of having all his answer papers for
the Examination for which he has appeared rejected by the E.C. and of being debarred from sitting for the University
Examination for such period as the E.C. may decide.
9. Required statistical Tables will be supplled. Candidates should not bring into the Examination Hall of their own copies.
10. Candidates are allowed to use battery operated pocket calculators with up to six functions, twelve digits and two
memories, printing models of calculators are not allowed. Candidates are advised not to bring the Pager, Cellular
Phone, digital diary or other electronic gadgets inside the examination hall excrpt the calculator as defined above.
11. Candidates are required to provide themselves with their own pens. They must however, use only blue/black ink while
answring their question papers.
12. Particular attention invited to the instructions regarding rough working printed on the answer books. All rough work
must be done on the right - hand side of the problem itself leaving a margin for that purpose with the headding rough
work underlined. The number of each question as given in the question paper should be noted both on the margin and
int he center of the page of the answer book just above the respective answer. No separate books for rough working
will be supplied to candidates. Papers should not be detached from the answer books of candidates. If the ordinary
answer books are found insufficient, additional books will be supplied and these should be securely fastened to the
main answer books by thread which can be had from the superintendent.
(By Order)
5. 5
MBA Degree Examination - August 2011 Register Number
For Office Use only
This is to certify that ................................................................................................................................
Son/ Daughter of ........................................................................................ is a candidate for the MBA
Degree Examination to be held at .................................................................... Centre. He/She desires
to appear for the following papers :
I YEAR Exam 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Exam 201 202 203 204
205A 206A 207A 208A 205B 206B 207B 208B
205C 206C 207C 208C
Visakhapatnam Director
Date : School of Distance Education
Note: 1. The candidate should fill in the above columns except Register Number
2. The candidate should strike off the papers for which he/she is not appearing for
Signature of the Candidate....................................................................................................................
This is to certify that.....................................................................................................................
Son / daughter of..........................................................................is a candidate appearing for the two
year MBA Examination and his/her signature is taken in my presence and he/she bears the following
identification Marks:
1. .........................................................................................
Affix Latest
2. .........................................................................................
Station: Signature of the attesting officer Director
Date: not below the Rank of Gazetted Officer School of Distance Education
Note : 1. The Photos should be affixed and attested by the Attesting Officer both in the Application Form and Certificate of Identity.
2. The Attesting Officers signature should be right across the photo extending over the blank space also
6. 6
Candidates for University Examinations are required to observe, the following Instructins very carefully;
1. It willnto be permissible for candidates to sit for the Examination at a center other than that at which nemes are
registered, without the Special permission of the director, SDE. No permission for change of centre will be granted
after applicaitons are registered.
2. Candidates appearing for Exams at other centres on the Special permission of the Director must be prepared to
satisfy the Chief Superntendent of such centes as to their identity. They shall also sign again on the Identitication
certificates produced by them before the Chief Superintendent of the respecive centes, If requried.
3. Candidate should take their places in the examination hall at least ten minutes before the time fixed for distributing the
papers. Candidates presenting themselves more than half an hour after the appointed time will not be admitted to the
EXamination Hall.
4. Candidates should bring their Hall-Ticket to the Examination Hall each day of the Examinaiton for Inspection by the
Chiefl Superintendent / Invigilator/ Observer.
5. Candidates are prohibited from writing upon their Hall-Tickets or Question Papers. Candidates are also phohibited
from writing their names or any other name unconnected with the answers on any part of their Answer Books. The
Register Numbers should be written very distinctly on the title pages of the Main Answer Book. Failure to Write their
Register Number may involve the Rejection of Answer Papers. Their should fill in the subject and the year on the outer
cover of the main answer book. Register number should not be noted on the additionl answer books.
6. No Candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall till the expiry of at least one and half hours and a half after
the question paper is distributed and candidates who leaves the hall during the period are not allowed again into the
Exam hall.
7. Candidates are forbidden to ask questions of any kind during the examination. They are further forbidden to communicate
with the examiners; should they do so, their answer papers will not be valued and their conduct will be reported to the
Executive Council for disciplinary action.
8. Candidates are not allowed to use books of any kind in the Examination Hall. They are also prohibited from introducing
into the examination Hall any book or portion of book, slate, blotting pad, cardboard, manuscript, type script or paper
of any description and making use of any from these whether introduced into the hall by themselves or by any one
else, from communicating with or copying from each other and from communicating with any person outside the
Examination Hall. Any candidate detected in the violation of these rules will be summarily sent out of the Hall forthwith
and his conduct will be reported to the University. Such candidates stands the risk of having all his answer papers for
the Examination for which he has appeared rejected by the E.C. and of being debarred from sitting for the University
Examination for such period as the E.C. may decide.
9. Required statistical Tables will be supplled. Candidates should not bring into the Examination Hall of their own copies.
10. Candidates are allowed to use battery operated pocket calculators with up to six functions, twelve digits and two
memories, printing models of calculators are not allowed. Candidates are advised not to bring the Pager, Cellular
Phone, digital diary or other electronic gadgets inside the examination hall excrpt the calculator as defined above.
11. Candidates are required to provide themselves with their own pens. They must however, use only blue/black ink while
answring their question papers.
12. Particular attention invited to the instructions regarding rough working printed on the answer books. All rough work
must be done on the right - hand side of the problem itself leaving a margin for that purpose with the headding rough
work underlined. The number of each question as given in the question paper should be noted both on the margin and
int he center of the page of the answer book just above the respective answer. No separate books for rough working
will be supplied to candidates. Papers should not be detached from the answer books of candidates. If the ordinary
answer books are found insufficient, additional books will be supplied and these should be securely fastened to the
main answer books by thread which can be had from the superintendent.
(By Order)
7. 7
SDE/E-IV (MBA)/Supdt./2011 Date : 08.06.2011
Dear Learner :
Please find encolsed herewith Examination Application Form of 2-Year MBA Examination
of the School of Distance Education to be held in August, 2011. The last date for submission of
examination application, date of commencement of examinations are given below
Examination Fee Particulars :
Examination Last date for Submission of Date of Commencement of
Examination Application Examination
MBA Year I 06.07.2011 01.08.2011
MBA Year II 06.07.2011 12.08.2011
However the applications will be accepted
i) with a Penal fee of Rs. 300/- from 07.07.2011 to 13.07.2011
ii) With a penal fee of Rs. 500/- from 14.07.211 to 20.07.2011
Applications received after the due date even with a maximum penal fee i.e. 20.07.2011 will not be
accepted. Incomplete and defective applications will be summarily rejected.
Note :
1. The candidates are informed that the defaulters of tuition fee to the school will not be permitted to
take the exammination and those who have not already paid, should pay the necessary tutions fee
by Demand Draft in faour of the Registrar, Andhra University, Visakhaptnam without any further
2. Candidates submitting examination application after the due date have to pay the fee through a
Crossed Demand Draft Drawn in favour of the Registrar, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam payable
at Syndicate Bank, SDE, Visakhapatnam-3 or any nationalized bank located at Visakhapatnam or
by paying cash directly at the above said Bank counter at School of Distance Education, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam between 10.00 am to 4.00 p.m. on all working days and from 10.00 am
to 1.00 pm on Saturdays. The name of the candidate, code number and the purpose of the remittance
should be clearly mentioned on the Examination Application along with the D.D. The name of the
candidate and complete code number are also to be noted on the reverse side of the Demand Draft,
SBI Challans, Cheques, MOs and Postal Orders will not be accepted.
3. Answer booket consisting of 32 pages shall be supplied to the candidates. Candidates have to
answer all questions in the booklet only. No additional sheets will be supplied.
8. 8
Centre Station Examination Centres :
code Name
1 Srikakulam Govt. College for men
2 Kakinada A.U. MSN P.G. Centre
4 Hyderabad RG Kedia College of Commerce
5 Visakhapatnam Department of commerce and Management Studies, A.U. Campus.
6 Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam. TSR & TBK Degree & P.G. College
7 Bangalore College of Advanced Technology Studies (CATS), 30, II Floor, RBANMS
Post, Centenary Building, Dickenson Road, Bangalore -560 042.
9 Vijayawada Satavahana college Chuttugunta
The candidate has to send the duly filled in Application form to the Course Co-ordinator (MBA), School of
Distance Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam - 530 003 on or before the last date as specified above. The
candidate has to carefully go through the instructions given in the Application Form before filling. The candidate
should note that the Application Form contains the Hall Ticket in Duplicate also. The signature of the candidate is
necessary both on the Hall Ticket and the Examination Application Form. Incomplete applications are liable to be
If the candidate has already appeared/passed in any subject (s) should enclose Xerox Copies of their Mar ks
Memo and the year of passing, the Register Number and the examination centre are to be invariably noted in the
relevant columns. The application will be rejected, if these particulars are not clearly noted. However, this will not
apply to the candidates who are appearing for the first time.
Candidates must obtain their Original Copy of the Hall Tickets from the chief superintendent oftne
respective examination centre, three days before the commencement of the examination.
9. 9
Date Day Course Title Time
01-08-2011 Monday Management Process and Behaviour 2 pm to 5 pm
02-08-2011 Tuesday QT for Mangerial Decisions 2 pm to 5 pm
03-08-2011 Wednesday Business Environment 2 pm to 5 pm
04-08-2011 Thursday Accounting for Management 2 pm to 5 pm
05-08-2011 Friday Managerial Economics 2 pm to 5 pm
06-08-2011 Saturday E-Business 2 pm to 5 pm
08-08-2011 Monday Human Resource Management 2 pm to 5 pm
09-08-2011 Tuesday Marketing Management 2 pm to 5 pm
10-08-2011 Wednesday Financial Management 2 pm to 5 pm
11-08-2011 Thursday Operations Management 2 pm to 5 pm
12-08-2011 Friday Operations Research 2 pm to 5 p
16-08-2011 Tuesday International Business 2 pm to 5 pm
17-08-2011 Wednesday Business Policy and Strategic Mgt. 2 pm to 5 pm
18-08-2011 Thursday Managment Decision Support Systems 2 pm to 5 pm
19-08-2011 Friday Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research 2 pm to 5 pm
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Human Resource Planning and Development
20-08-2011 Saturday Services Marketing and CRM 2 pm to 5 pm
Financial Markets and Derivatives
Industrial Relations
22-08-2011 Monday Advertising and Brand Management 2 pm to 5 pm
Strategic Financial Management
Employee compensation and Welfare Mgt.
24-08-2011 Wednesday Sales and Retail Management 2 pm to 5 pm
Management of Financial Services
International Human Resource Management
29-08-2011 Monday Viva Voce at Srikakulam 9.00 am onwards
30-08-2011 & Tuesday &
Viva Voce at Visakhapatnam. 9.00 am onwards
31-08-2011 Wednesday
02-09-2011 & Friday & Viva Voce at Kakinada 9.00 am onwards
03-09-2011 Saturday
04-09-2011 Sunday Viva Voce at Vijayawada 9.00 am onwards
06-09-2011 & Tuesday & Viva Voce at Hyderbad 9.00 am onwards
07-09-2011 Wednesday
Note : VIVA-VOCE will be held at the respective examination centres except at Visakhapatnam. Candidates have to
report at School of Distance Education, Andhra University Campus at Visakhapatnam. Candidates have to report
with their project reports for VIVA-VOCE